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Alt 30.11.2005, 11:03   #1
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
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Ort: Heidelberg
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21.01.06: ROYAL RUMBLE - The Big "RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE" Round 4 @ Halle 02 Heidelberg

Happy New Year Massive and Crew! Rumble in the Jungle is back in 2k6!

Der erste größere Club Event im Jahr wird was ganz besonders werden. Royal Rumble präsentiert Euch in Heidelbergs Kult Location ein außergewöhnliches Line Up.

The Godfather of D´n´B, GROOVERIDER wird sich die Ehre geben um Euch ein
perfektes Set á la cart´ zu zelebrieren. Dazu kommt SWAN E, der schon seit dem Vibration Club jedem Raver in guter Erinnerung geblieben ist.

Als MC´s werden MC DARRISON und MC JUICEMAN mit Ihren heißen, feuernden und unverwechselbaren Lyrics den Sets Ihre besondere Note verleihen!

Als besonderes SPECIAL und seltene Gäste in unserer Region werden:
THE RATPACK die gute alte Zeit wiederbeleben. Die beiden sind lebende Legenden und UK´s No.One Old Skool Act Forever!

Unsere deutschen Headliner des Abends sind: Jan Sirup, Tease, Redrum, RBF, Djane Simoné, Daddy Pool, MC Dragoon und MC Eddy“Freeze“. Jeder einzelne Artist ist eine Klasse für sich und ständiger Begleiter und guter Freund der Royal Rumble Crew.

Somit steht einem gediegenen Start ins Clubjahr 2006 nichts mehr im Wege! Let´s get Ready to Rumble, Royal Rumble Crew!

Samstag der 21.01.2006
Halle 02 & Halle 01
Heidelberg (nähe Hbf)

Royal Rumble
in conjunction with
Sir Benni Miles presents:


Halle 02: Drum´n´Bass & Jungle Area

(Prototyp Rec. UK)

(Maximum Boost Rec. UK)

(Movement Club UK)

(Accelerated Culture UK)

(Halle 02 Heidelberg)

(Giant Music Stuttgart)

(Giant Music Stuttgart)

(High Times Heidelberg)

Halle 01: Old Skool & Happy Breaks

Evenson Allen & Lipmaster Mark
(Lords of the Dance, Uk´s No. One Old Skool Act)

(Symetry Technic)

(No. One DJ Queen)

(Royal Rumble)

(Royal Rumble)

22.00 Uhr

15,-€ an der Abendkasse

Infos unter:
Humpty Records
68159 Mannheim
+49(0621) – 105728

Per E-Mail an:


Geändert von Christoph (30.11.2005 um 21:12 Uhr)
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Alt 30.11.2005, 11:29   #2
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von geazy
Registriert seit: 27.05.2004
Ort: munich zoo
Beiträge: 1.640
da great grooverider....fett fett

es tut NIVEA als beim ersten mal!
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Alt 30.11.2005, 11:43   #3
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 24.03.2003
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Zitat von Mr. Royal Rumble
(Movement Club UK)

bin ich ja mal gespannt ob der kommt... aber wenn, dann
nicht zu vergessen grooverider, swan e und dj tease...find ich gut

Geändert von Zabee (30.11.2005 um 11:54 Uhr)
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Alt 30.11.2005, 12:15   #4
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 27.08.2001
Ort: Ludwigshafen
Beiträge: 2.729
ui , das line up ist ja eignetlich ganz interesant, wäre mal ne überlegenung wert
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Alt 30.11.2005, 13:06   #5
Silver Head
Benutzerbild von Sabrination
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Ich flipp aus, dreh am Rad und überschlag mich.... ein persönliches Highlight würd ich ma hier so sagen... falls ich bis dahin nicht erforen sein sollte, bin ich mal mit tödlicher Sicherheit am Start!!! Meiner Meinung nach ein Abend mit fantastischen Gästen!
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Alt 30.11.2005, 15:05   #6
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 04.04.2005
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Sehr starkes Line-up!!!!Dass ich Darrison endlich live hören darf is einfach nur !!!!
Keine Frage, dass ich am 21.01. in der Halle bin!!!
Big up Royal Rumble
Ich habe noch nie ein wildes Tier gesehen, dass Selbstmitleid empfand, selbst ein Vogel wird erfroren von seinem Ast fallen, ohne jemals Selbstmitleid empfunden zu haben.( Zitat D.H. Lawrence)
Der Spuckfisch holt sich die Vögel vom Baum und ich bin wie das verrückte Labyrinth...
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Alt 30.11.2005, 15:51   #7
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
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THE RATPACK - Profile - Infos - Bio

plz check: www.ratpackmusic.net

The Ratpack Profile - Evenson Allen & Lipmaster Mark

Everson Allen and Lipmaster Mark are collectively known as The Ratpack. They met through friends and have worked together for nearly 14 years. They’ve been in the game for over a decade, which is why they are considered to be the kings of old skool.

It all began when Everson Allen, frontman for ‘The Pack’, had his own dance school – basically teaching street kids to get involved in something constructive. The attendance reached an all-time high, so Everson decided to stage his own raves – some of you early-heads will remember Trip City and The Munday Club. Such clubs were a great influence on many and, for Everson, a stepping stone to greater things.


The building of their careers was gradual, however, with appearances slowly mounting up. Many would say that the Ratpack movement was like a time-bomb just waiting to detonate. London felt the explosion first (well, they do originate from there!); it seemed that every flyer, club and stage was graced by their presence throughout England’s capital city and, by now, the Ratpack tremor was beginning to make itself felt throughout the rest of the UK. Then, almost overnight, Ratpack-mania had set in, and with the same power-vibe as had been felt in Londinium. In fact, it’s fair to say that their magic was felt in virtually every city across the country. I’ll never forget the vibes they sent out, as well as the overwhelming compulsion to really let yourself go to their sounds.

The Test

But London has always been home for the boys and when it came to performing, home came first. The North of England, however, had proved slightly more difficult to conquer; Top Buzz – fellow rivals at the time – were, to many, still the people’s champions. The Buzz at that time virtually had the north sewn up, so when promoters from the infamous Quest decided to stage a soundclash in Wolverhampton between Top Buzz and Ratpack, over 4,000 people turned up. Incredibly, a further 3,000 were locked outside with no tickets – it was the main event! The Ratpack came through with flying colours, proving their pedigree to everyone within and out with the industry and demonstrating that they were the dog’s bollocks in entertainment. The northern territory was duly conquered and added to their fast-growing empire. The Ratpack were cruising.


Like everyone else, Ratpack have had their highs and lows. The boys not only went through things together musically, but also personally. The first devastating blow for Everson and Mark came on the road, whilst travelling to a gig. Their vehicle was involved in a fatal car crash, Everson losing the woman who had supported him from day one. Both of the boys were badly injured, Everson the worst, and they consequently spent time in hospital. However thanks to the skills of the medical team and the overwhelming support from their fans and Kiss FM they pulled through.

They next performed on New Year’s Eve 1992 – even though, in yet another cruel blow, Mark’s mother had just passed away. Nevertheless, in the best traditions of the business, he went on to DJ in front of 16,000 up-for-it ravers at Fantazia’s Littlecote House. He said later: “The ravers didn’t have a clue what I was going through, I am human, after all”.

The Return

Ratpack were nothing if not resilient. Whatever knocked them down, they always seemed to bounce right back. I remember Fantazia at Castle Donnington where the boys performed in the early hours. Mark mixing away to over 27,000 people while Everson propped himself up on his walking stick with the mic in his other hand! Such was their determination to carry on and bloody hard it was at times, too, but together they kept moving forwards.


By 1994 the boys had come a long way from the early Ratpack sound system days and, after releasing the club classic, ‘Searching For My Rizla’, which went to No. 1 in the UK, Euro and US dance charts, they were bang on course to be signed by a major. And that’s exactly what happened; Euro giants Logic BMG, responsible for acts such as Haddaway, Snap and Enigma, struck a deal with ‘The Pack’s’ manager, and with no delay ‘Captain Of The Ship’ was released. Around that time, the boys were virtually living in Europe while promoting the single. Then there was the £500,000 video shoot which was very impressive (mind you, at that price…!). The track did well and more material was planned for release on Logic, leading to a world-wide album deal. However things did not go to plan and The Ratpack parted company with Logic after tough negotiations failed to satisfy both parties.

The Revival

And now, the Pack return with lots of new material written around the old skool theme. The style includes an abundance of breaks and is being dubbed ‘new skool breaks’. With the popularity of old skool back in the ascendancy and no-one making the music any more, they have chosen to innovate. The boys are also touching on a garage feel, with new mixes just finished by the much talked-about 187 Lockdown and The Rhythm Masters. These blokes reputedly won’t get out of bed to mix for less than £50k, polishing and innovating for the likes of Robbie Williams, Louise and many more. Out of respect for their roots, they’ve remixed ‘Searching For My Rizla’, which is due for release any time now. Also on the remix is the highly acclaimed Tunesquad, London’s next generation of speed garage, which consists of Lee ‘Spika’ Williams and Co.

‘The Pack’ have also just mixed a compilation album entitled ‘Old Skool Masters’, on Rumour Records, with Nicky Blackmarket on the jungle skool mix, together with appearances on Steve Jackson’s Morning Glory Kiss 100FM show

And guess what? It doesn’t stop there. They’ve just launched a new club every Sunday at Propaganda in North London, and a great new night in the Midlands – Legends Of The Old Skool.


Many artists come and go and success is a notoriously difficult thing to sustain. However, history shows that those with NRG, drive and heart always come through – and the boys have these qualities to ensure that they’ll reach their destination.

Years ago they lit a spark and it’s just about to happen all over again. The world is going to feel the phenomenon known to the old skool massives as The Ratpack. We salute them as pioneers and true greats of the British dance movement.

How did we get started…???
DJ Lipmaster Mark and MC Evenson Allen first met in 1985, whilst Evenson was a DJ for Locomotion Soul Sound. Locomotion was a sound system with it’s own DJ’s, pretty much like the Soul 2 Soul sound system, consisting of four main DJ’s and playing: Soul, Rare Grooves, Hip-Hop/Electro and Reggae.
At that time Mark was just 15 years old and was a Human Beat Box already getting recognition for his talents from DJ’s Tim Westwood and Mike Allen who would play his phrases over the radio. Human Beat Box is the art of making drum beats, percussions and effects with the mouth (just in case you didn’t know) He would also enter and win many beatboxing battles. Mark was introduced to Evenson, who wanted Mark to beatbox over his DJ set, after hearing him for the first time. It went down pretty well and wherever Evenson played Mark tagged along to do a bit of beatboxing. And that’s how they first started as a team.
Locomotion soon split up due to individual commitments and in 1986 The RatPack Soul Sound was formed. Adopting the name from the more infamous Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jnr and Dean Martin, who were labeled The Ratpack by the press, mainly for their all night parties and wild times!!! At first Ratpack we’re playing around, doing house parties and the odd wine bar/club, but soon that was all to change, big time, because of a craze with a phrase……..Acciiiiiieeeeeeeeeeed.
When the Acid House craze hit London, Mark and Evenson were hooked on the music (who wasn’t?). Warehouse Parties started up all over the place. Along with a sizable crew the now RatPack Promotions started hosting their own Acid Parties, called Trip City. “Basically, we knew some guys who would squat in unused warehouses, they were, in theory, protected by a law, more commonly known as “Squatters Rights” allowing them to reside there, and of course they would allow us to have the odd party there…How very nice of them.” says Mark. By this time Mark had started growing his own record collection and was warming up for the rest of the DJ’s such as Frankie Valentine, Steve Jackson and Evenson.
Evenson was one of the main DJ’s of the night. At the time when, if anyone went on the Mic they was frowned upon, Evenson used to sing and toast (MC) over the records, but hyping the crowd was his skill and this is what he use to do whilst playing, and the crowd loved it rocking and screaming interactions with him, making his set unique and a main set of the night.
One night whilst doing Trip City, one of the DJ’s didn’t turn up so Mark and Evenson filled in by playing back to back. Evenson continued to MC throughout the set and spent more time on the Mic whilst Mark did most of the mixing. Whilst Evenson would be on the Mic, Mark mixed him down and gave Evenson more time to interact with the crowd. The crowd rocked big time and after playing a few sets in this style together it wasn’t long before another promoter in the crowd booked them as a duo, thus making them “The first MC/DJ team on the whole of the scene” and the rest is…

Ratpack as they where now known, soon started to get bookings from other promoters such as Labyrinth, Telepathy, Pure Organisation (Dance 91/92 and the legendary Rage @ Heaven London) and Rapido, and along side reputable DJ's such as, Grooverider, Carl Cox, Kenny Ken, Fabio, DJ Rap and Micky Finn to name a few. The Ratpack had started to build up quite a following of regulars, who’d come and listen to them.
They both pushed the RatPack sound and although they were making improvements they both had another ambition…Making the records themselves. In 1989 Mark, in his spare time used to play keyboards and made some of his own productions. Evenson would then sing over the top and they made their own demos. Taking them to various record companies, hoping to get a deal, RatPack got their first deal and release with a track called…wait for it…”Jaffa Cakes”. (Tee Hee) It was a gimmick record really, but still sold a few thousand. Although it was a gimmick, it gave Evenson and Mark the confidence to excel themselves and move onto more serious productions.
In 1990 RatPack hooked up with Satin Storm, an established UK underground artist who had a couple of tracks out, which were doing quite well. After a session in the studio they released the combined project “Ooh Ooh Ahh Ahh” an early breakbeat choon that used snippets of Blondie’s “Heart of Glass” This sold about 7000 copies and reinforced RatPacks’ ambitions. Record sales pushed RatPacks’ popularity even further. Throughout 1991 the boys toyed with a few ideas for their next record and came up with their biggest hit to date: “Searching for my Rizla” The record went straight in at No.1 in the UK and sat proudly on top beating the likes of Madonna and Kriss-Kross to the coveted spot. The record is now recognized as an anthem of that era, a view that is shared by most heads on the scene. This was quite an achievement especially as Radio 1 or other mainstream broadcasters, because of lyrical content, did not support the track.
The success of Searching for my Rizla proved to be giants steps for RatPack as they was soon booked for just about every major event across the UK, such as Fantazia, Rezerection, Amnesia House, Perception, Pure Organization (Dance 91/92) and Interdance. Eventually RatPack got their first gigs abroad and have now played in Australia, Canada, Japan, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Greece, Poland, USA, Ibiza, Mallorca, Corfu, Crete and Rhodes.
1993 saw RatPack signed to Fantazia Music for their next hit single “Captain of the Ship” which is also now recognized as an anthem of its time. RatPack also managed to reach the charts in Australia and Germany with “Captain of the Ship” adding to their international status and demand. Logic BMG in Germany and Sony Dancepool in Australia signed up the record. Logic BMG also assigned a budget for a video which was played on MTV Europe The Box and VIVA. Ironically, the video was never released in the UK although it was used in a TV campaign for New Yorker (A store easily compared to Top Shop in the UK) throughout Germany.
RatPack signed with Logic BMG for three years, a deal, which was to see them spend more time abroad touring just about every city, town and village in Germany. This kept them away from the UK for some time, with most people thinking RatPack had split up. Around 1996, RatPack finished their obligations and returned home to Old Blighty, and were soon playing back on the UK scene again.
Playing Old Skool Classics (1989-1995) and Nu Skool Breakbeat, RatPack we’re once again rocking the crowds back home.
Remembering some of the frustrations that we’re experienced whilst under contract with the major companies, RatPack decided it was time to grab the reigns and release their own records. This then prompted them to start their own label RatPack Music, along with an accompanying web site. www.ratpackmusic.net
As “Retro” was the flava’ back in the UK, and as more and more promoters opened Old Skool arenas at their parties, RatPack continued to make choons with the Old Skool flava.
Releasing “The Clipper EP” “Get you rocking” and "Brothers/Sisters" all of which enjoyed floorfilling
success. In 2002 RatPack remixed an Old Skool version of “The Weakest Link” for the BBC on Bush Records.
RatPack play at most UK, Old Skool, events such as: Global Gathering, Helter Skelter, Innovation, Moondance, Rave Nation, World Dance, Movement, Raindance, Slammin Vinyl, Flashback, Ministry of Sound, Stepback, United Dance, Dreamscape and many clubs nationwide.
Summer seasons usually see RatPack visiting the holiday islands such as Ibiza (Es Paridis), Mallorca (BCM), Corfu (Tonic @ Futures & Trinity @ Futures), Crete (Spice/ Malia), Rhodes (Faliraki) playing a mixture of Old Skool 89, 92, and Old Skool D&B providing that party vibe for all the holiday makers.
RatPack Music have also started their own merchandise/fashion range. which gets it’s launch pretty soon.
Releases include Brothers/Sisters EP. A three track EP which is a huge smash in the UK nightclubs and Parties. RatPack Music is also releasing a “best of” album entitled Ratpack The History. After much demand, The History has all their classic choonz such as “Searchin’ for my Rizla”, “Captain of the Ship” “Clipper”, “Looking out my Window” and many more including previously unheard remixes.
Copyright RatPackMusic.net 2004©

Geändert von Christoph (30.11.2005 um 16:10 Uhr)
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Alt 22.12.2005, 00:30   #8
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 07.02.2004
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Talking r0YaL RuMbLe

wow grooverider und mal wieder ratpack am stizzart
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Alt 22.12.2005, 00:33   #9
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 28.06.2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main
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O-Ton eines Partygasts letzt bei der Progression Session in der Halle02 bei Erblicken des "Rumble In The Jungle" Posters: "ei gugge moi da, de grooviiiiii is wieder am start!! "

haha....der grooviiiii wie süss.

OT: euch allen viel spass auf der party!
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Alt 03.01.2006, 13:17   #10
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
Beiträge: 2.336
Happy New Year To All Of You!

Hallo zusammen!

Wir wünschen allen Usern & der Royal Rumble Crew

Hoffe Ihr habt alle gut gefeirt & seit gut ins neue Jahr gerutscht!

Zur nächsten Royal Rumble Session im Jahre 2006 ist nun auch nicht
mehr so lange! Nach genau 18 Tage!

Hope to see you there!

Eure Royal Rumble Team!
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Alt 03.01.2006, 17:49   #11
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von repomatic
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Grooverider, Swan E und dann noch THE RATPACK ...Top!!!
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Alt 13.01.2006, 11:06   #12
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von Christoph
Registriert seit: 16.08.2001
Ort: Heidelberg
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Zitat von repomatic
Grooverider, Swan E und dann noch THE RATPACK ...Top!!!
Danke Dir!

Nun sind es nur noch 8 Tage bis zur ersten RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE im Jahre 2006!

Anbei der Time-Table für nächste Woche:

Halle 02: Drum´n´Bass & Jungle Area

22.00 - 00.00
Jan Sirup
MC Dragoon

00.00 - 01.30
Tease & Redrum
MC Dragoon

01.30 - 03.00

03.00 - 05.00

Halle 01: Old Skool & Happy Breaks

23.30 - 01.00
Red Busta Flex
MC Eddy “Freeze”

01.00 - 02.00
Daddy Pool
MC Eddy “Freeze”

02.00 - 04.00
Evenson Allen & Lipmaster Mark

04.00 -05.00
Djane Simoné
MC Eddy “Freeze”

See ya next Week @ Rumble in the Jungle 2K6!

Geändert von Christoph (13.01.2006 um 11:23 Uhr)
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Alt 20.01.2006, 09:09   #13
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von creationzz
Registriert seit: 11.09.2005
Ort: in my thoughts..
Beiträge: 2.003
i love it .. | carpe nocte ..
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Alt 20.01.2006, 12:31   #14
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 04.07.2005
Ort: Blockstadt
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noch steht ja nirgendwo mehr , dass sie ausfällt. die pulp fiction party heute abend hat ja auch einen ersatz für die location gefunden.
wär schön wnen noch was draus wird.
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Alt 20.01.2006, 12:58   #15
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 07.12.2004
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hm wär mal nicht schlecht wenn da vor morgen noch ne Info kommen würde!

Ist echt ne kack Situation, aber die Partygänger sollten nichts desto trotz auf dem laufenden gehalten werden!

Hoffentlich bekommts ihr des noch hin, hab schon gefreut wie ein Schnitzel auf die Party! k.A wann diese Konstelation ma wieder so gebucht wird!
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Alt 20.01.2006, 13:15   #16
Forum Freak
Benutzerbild von Steppsen
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wartet doch ma alle bevor ihr jetzt vom einen wie vom anderen ausgeht...

@sven: das nenn ich korrekt...daumen hoch
[Printwerbung is out]
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Alt 20.01.2006, 13:33   #17
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 08.05.2001
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Die Party findet definitiv NICHT statt!

Ausweichlocation gibts nicht und von unserer Seite wurde alles abgeblasen!!

02.10.2006 "DETONATION" BACK @ HALLE 02 HD
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