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Alt 19.06.2003, 20:29   #1
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
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Post Ohm Resistance,Black Sun Empire,Typecell Interview @ www.dnbnation.com

Ohm Resistance,Black Sun Empire,Typecell Interview @ www.dnbnation.com

>> Ohm Resistance Interview
>> Black Sun Empire Interview
>> Typecell Interview

and more...


To make the fastest changing place for dnb related material: producers, djs, writers, photographers and other contributors upload their material to our server through the message board. That material automatically goes into the portal as soon as it has been uploaded. That means that DNBNATION.COM IS THE FASTEST UPDATING PLACE FOR DNB RELATED MATERIAL ON THE WEB.

- Dubplates area
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People who wish to contribute, i.e. producers to host their tunes, djs to post their mixes or register their radio shows on the calendar, photographers to put up their party coverages, writers who write articles or tune reviews - please register on the site and send us a private message to be added to the relevant group and given permissions for uploading your material.

With most of the backbone built in PHP, v.3 of the website will feature Flash animation user interface on top of the current services. That would mean that dnbnation will not only be functionally top of the line, but it will also have the sickest look around!

ADDRESS: http://www.dnbnation.com

Geändert von Typecell (20.06.2003 um 01:55 Uhr)
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Alt 19.06.2003, 20:38   #2
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 21.11.2001
Ort: Berlin
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"Please enter your username and password to log in."

www.keepitrollin.de - Das unabhängige DnB Forum für Berlin und Potsdam
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Alt 19.06.2003, 20:42   #3
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
Ort: Source
Beiträge: 5.088
Original geschrieben von ___injure
"Please enter your username and password to log in."

ach yooo...ist schon krasse arbeit du armer
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Alt 19.06.2003, 20:44   #4
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 05.05.2001
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interviews??? strange ...
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Alt 19.06.2003, 21:54   #5
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Original geschrieben von Typecell
ach yooo...ist schon krasse arbeit du armer
doch, ist es.
naja, wird schon nicht überlebensnotwenig sein, wenn's hier bei offtopic steht.
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Alt 19.06.2003, 22:34   #6
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
Ort: Source
Beiträge: 5.088
Original geschrieben von Carsten
naja, wird schon nicht überlebensnotwenig sein, wenn's hier bei offtopic steht.
da magst du recht haben,deswegen habe ichs ja hier gepostet
da gibts aber neben dem schönen design auch noch ein schönes klute video
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Alt 19.06.2003, 23:39   #7
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von polarity
Registriert seit: 03.09.2001
Ort: Berlin, Fhain
Beiträge: 6.755
mhh das is abern bericht und kein interview:


Some of Germany’s earliest break beat events can be traced back to as early as 1991/92. Events organized by people like Groover Klien or Bassface Sasha and crew in Mannheim. Since then it’s grown to span the entire country, a country that has produced many top notch drum and bass artists. One such artist goes by the name of Typecell.

Now in his mid twenties Typecell has about 14 years of DJ’ing experience behind him. He started out playing break beats and acid techno where he held a weekly residency at a club called New York Factory. He was also throwing dnb events with crews like Knite Force and Slamming Vinyl but at the time the response was weak. It was too soon and the German massive wasn’t ready for it yet.

Typecell then began experimenting with Techno and production. In 1997 he started a techno label called Genetic Rhythm Records and also had some releases on other techno labels such as Bonzai Recordings, Q-Dance, Red Alert Records, BMG and ZYX. His experience then influenced his style of drum and bass production today; that minimal yet aggressive, techno-break-beat style.
He remained focused on techno until he began to contemplate the future of dnb and came to the conclusion that it had the potential to be the most forward thinking music. Then in 2001 he started his own drum and bass label, Protogen Records.

By this time you could find a drum and bass event almost every night of the week in cities all over Germany. It’s fair to say that Typecell played a part in that progression. From production to running a label, to projects like www.futurednb.com and www.drumnbassmix.com the place to go if you’re looking for free drum and bass sets to download. He also has a show on the internet which has been running for the past year on www.fusion-radio.com.

Even without all of the above accomplishments I would still have the greatest respect for him simply because of the quality tunes that come out of his label. Protogen’s list of artists spans the globe including
Su3-ject (Germany)
Polarity & Shroombab (Mannheim and Vienna)
N.Phect & Diz.Play (Germany)
Phace (Germany)
Cyb Orc (Ukraine)
Sunchase (Ukraine)
Logical Confusion (Hungary)
Format Zero (USA)
Defiant (USA)
Seneca (USA)
Apparatus (USA)
Phetsta (western Australia)
Clandestine (Canada) and Ambush & Organic (Africa)

For those interested in hearing some of the tunes coming out of Protogen Records go to www.protogenrecords.com. You can find samples of all their tunes on the site in either the dubs or the forthcoming section. I would suggest checking out the remix of Egomatric, it’s one of my personal favorites.

His is a sound many people can appreciate weather they’re into techno, breaks or if they just like to support progression in drum and bass. When asked for comments about the German dnb scene Typecell simply says “prepare” which leads me to believe he has big projects in the works. I suggest you keep an eye on this crew or you just might miss out
on all the great things to come.
i move away from the mic to breathe in - robert-agthe.de
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Alt 19.06.2003, 23:53   #8
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 27.04.2001
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Original geschrieben von polarity
and also had some releases on other techno labels such as Bonzai Recordings, Q-Dance, Red Alert Records, BMG and ZYX.
bmg und zyx?
wie warum womit?
freshflexa.de (|*_*|) doubled-town.de
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Alt 20.06.2003, 01:19   #9
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
Ort: Source
Beiträge: 5.088
Original geschrieben von duerschi
bmg und zyx?
wie warum womit?
wie/womit= mit dj p.m.c. remix von "the music turns me on" auf zyx/house nation [2002] oder halt die jahre davor mit "subplate" auf den etlichen cd compilations [clubsystem,ultratechno,best of bonzai rec./lightning rec/best of thunderdom 98...läuft halt z.t. auch über bmg] etc. >> click << warum= zufall & harte arbeit

Original geschrieben von polarity
mhh das is abern bericht und kein interview:
you right
für mich war es aber eins...denn daraus hat der autor teile des berichtes entnommen
(wenn auch sehr lückenhaft...siehe artists)

Geändert von Typecell (20.06.2003 um 01:42 Uhr)
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Alt 20.06.2003, 11:55   #10
Beiträge: n/a
ist interessant. und du hast so mit 10-12 jahren angefangen aufzulegen?
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Alt 20.06.2003, 12:23   #11
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
Ort: Source
Beiträge: 5.088
Original geschrieben von Carsten
ist interessant. und du hast so mit 10-12 jahren angefangen aufzulegen?
ne...so angefangen für mich im zimmer habe ich als ich 14/15 war. die ersten richtigen gigs so mit 16.
den ersten resident job in einer disco hatte ich dann mit 17. (techno&breakbeats)
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Alt 02.07.2003, 00:04   #12
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Typecell
Registriert seit: 16.06.2001
Ort: Source
Beiträge: 5.088

...einer der gründe warum viele forume eine registrierung erzwingen ist das schamlose LEECHING von anderen dnb message boards.
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Alt 02.07.2003, 00:28   #13
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 23.05.2002
Beiträge: 1.372
yes !

ohm resistance kicks ass !

schoener bericht !
"Ich habe viel von meinem Geld für Alkohol, Weiber und schnelle Autos ausgegeben... Den Rest habe ich einfach verpraßt."
George Best
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