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Alt 27.02.2015, 20:22   #1
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 12.10.2012
Ort: berlin
Beiträge: 118
Vinyl 6.3.2015 - Yaya23 Records Label Night @ Urban Spree Berlin

FrYday, 6.3.2015, 11.00 pm

After the spinning alien tribe crossed our playgrounds on december 23rd 2014 and has been all passed on , over and around whilst we were on the roads this winter a new synergetic flow of frequencies formed around 3 musical messengers and is now ready to be cut on matrix....
so we thought consecutively that it is the right time for a
yaya23 records label night in berlin !

Playerz on 2 floors:

25th Dimension - liveset (Introspection / Yaya23 records)
Sam C (Dosis Decibel / Yaya23 records)
Jons' robot - liveset
AND/OR (M-T / Cyberrise)
RoB (Prokedia)
Ingredients (M-T / Cyberrise)
Control Delete (A.T.N.T.)
Ivocanna (Yaya23 records / Cyberrise)
Re;not - liveset (A.T.N.T.)
Babz (A.T.N.T.)

Vj Cyper (Cyberrise)
Vj guinea pigs

Damage: 7,- euro

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