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Alt 12.09.2012, 09:29   #1
Senior Head
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Ort: Heilbronn
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Talking Me2You Crew b2b Ashley Aames Fear & Loathing @ Römersee Open Air 2012

Another Video Clip including LIVE footage from the ME2YOU CREW ( ROLLIN G / JANO P / JULEZ / MC MASO ) hitting it hard again back to back with SLEEPWALKER DnBs ASHLEY AAMES @ the RÖMERSEE OPEN AIR FESTIVAL / BAD RAPPENAU / GERMANY on Saturday 18th of August 2012. The RÖMERSEE FESTIVAL started as a little independent happening a few years ago, Nowadays it reached another dimension. There where regular 3 stages installed, thousands of people come visiting the 2 day event, camping place is full and over 20 Bands, DJs & other artists are still performing for free to support this extreme lovely festival. RÖMERSEE OPEN AIR FESTIVAL is one of THE major events for alternative & independent people all over the south of germany. Fortunately it was up to the ME2YOU CREW & ASHLEY AAMES to finish the festival with a massive Drum`n Bass Set supported by PETER ROCK ( DUBWARS / Scratch Effects ) / MC SPILLA ( WOODBAS SESSIONS ) & MC REMEDY. It was a night to remember.

Check out the weekly DnB Live Radio Show E-SCALATION hosted by JULEZ, the rest of the ME2YOU CREW & ASHLEY AAMES every saturday from 14.00 to 17.00 cet @ www.dnbradio.com and 17.00 to 19.00 cet @ www.bassjunkees.com.

keep in touch:




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