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Alt 13.03.2008, 22:03   #1
Junior Head
Benutzerbild von MB-ESP
Registriert seit: 03.05.2004
Ort: London, UK
Beiträge: 32
ESP agency WEBSITE RELAUNCH -> exclusive news, brand new mixes, podcasts, video, etc

ESP agency website relaunch:


ESP agency is home of the following quality artists and brands:
Alley Cat, A Sides, Black Sun Empire, Blame, Calibre, D-Bridge, Doc Scott, Dom & Roland, Invaderz, Klute, Lynx, Marcus Intalex, Mathematics, Paradox (live), Seba, Storm, MC Fats, Stamina MC, MC DRS, MC LowQui, MC Justyce, MC Stirlin, Metalheadz, Soul:ution, 31 Records, abunchofcuts.com, Commercial Suicide, Feline, ….

We recently relaunched our website www.esp-international.co.uk .
The site is hosted on its own dedicated server to ensure a smooth and fast operation.

Visitors can check:
- regularly updated artist and label news
- artist biogs
- tour infos
- exclusive mixes (DJ Storm, Black Sun Empire, A Sides, Invaderz, Lynx & Kemo, Alley Cat & MC DRS)
- videos (Feline, more to come soon)
- podcasts (ESP agency, Dom & Roland)

Business tools for promoters include a download area for press kits and a booking form.

We will continuously update the site with new material so it's worth checking in regularly, even if you are not a promoter.

for direct inquiries email: mark@esp-international.co.uk or aim espinternational
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Alt 01.04.2008, 13:43   #2
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 17.12.2003
Beiträge: 233
Podcast = cool! Die Seite ist seht übersichtlich und informativ - gutes Ding.
moshedbrain ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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