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Alt 18.10.2016, 00:36   #1
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Benutzerbild von yokoz0r
Registriert seit: 23.01.2012
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 86
Music ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 073 mixed by Yoko

Hi DnB-Headz von hier, da und überall

Ich hab diesen Monat zusätzlich zu meiner regelmäßigen Show auf DnBRadio, mal wieder eine Ausgabe des ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcasts gemixt - mit ähnlichem Konzept "from Liquid to the harder stuff", aber im Gegensatz zur Radioshow ohne Moderation, also Musik pur! Wenn ihr Bock habt, hört doch gern mal rein!

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ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 073 mixed by Yoko


01. Pogo - No Worries (Hybrid Minds Remix)
02. Pola & Bryson - Nerf
03. DJ Ransome - Night Route
04. Actraiser - Into The Wilderness
05. RA - Pressure Point
06. LSB feat. DRS & Tyler Daley - Missing You
07. The Vanguard Project - Rhode House
08. The Midnight - Days Of Thunder (PROFF pres. Soultorque Remix)
09. Seba - Hide The Tears
10. BCee - Come And Join Us (Klute Remix)
11. Dexcell feat. Charley Pinfold - Silence (The Vanguard Project Remix)
12. Actraiser & Tremah - Love For You
13. Dawn Wall - Ember
14. Phil Tangent - Illuminate
15. Technimatic feat. Jono McCleery - Hold On A While
16. Friction & Karma - No Return
17. 1991 - Nine Clouds
18. Chromatic - Smile
19. Ownglow - Stress & Strain
20. Karma & Forren - Augmented
21. London Elektricity - Tone Poem (Royalston Remix)
22. Joe Ford - Transpose
23. Technimatic - Clockwise
24. Urbandawn - Messiah Complex
25. Bassface Sascha & Franksen - Style & Fashion
26. Keeno feat. Whiney - Seek & Expand
27. Fred V & Grafix - Ultraviolet
28. L.A.O.S - Live Without
29. Dossa & Locuzzed feat. Tasha Baxter - Only Way
30. Metrik feat. GUNSHIP - Electric Echo
31. Metrik - Penggemar
32. Rameses B feat. Anna Yvette - Neon Rainbow
33. T & Sugah x Lexurus - No More
34. Mat Zo feat. I See MONSTAS - Sinful (Teddy Killerz Remix)
35. Philip George & Dragonette - Feel This Way (Fred V & Grafix Remix)
36. Zhu - Faded (Delta Heavy Bootleg)
37. Voicians - Survival League
38. Friction - Terabyte
39. Memtrix - Gloom Body
40. Muzzy feat. UK:ID - Play
41. Metrik feat. NAMGAWD - LIFE/THRILLS
42. Magnetie - Girl (Secret Panda Society Remix)
43. Delta Heavy - White Flag VIP
44. Document One - Get Da Funk
45. Brazed - The Boat Land
46. Kove - El Camino
47. Loop Stepwalker & The Bassnifics - Original Gangster
48. TC & Metrik - The Light
49. Enter Shikari - Torn Apart (Joe Ford Remix)
50. Spor - Figaro
51. Mob Tactics - Dot Matrix
52. Fourward feat. Linguistics - The Storm
53. Bad Company UK - Equilibrium
54. Emperor - I Was
55. Noisia - Into Dust
56. Artifact - Materialist
57. Trei feat. The Upbeats - Tonto
58. The Upbeats - Mediums
59. Pythius & Black Sun Empire - Heresy
60. Pythius - BBT (Current Value Remix)
61. Black Sun Empire & State Of Mind - Until The World Ends (Mind Vortex Remix)
62. John B - Evolve
63. Scar feat. Orkyd - Yours (Drums VIP Mix)
64. Nexus & Tight - Dark Matter
65. Marcus Intalex feat. DRS - Mixed Bag
66. Pearse Hawkins - Hawkshaw
67. Javano - Deep Findings
68. Mutated Forms - We Belong
69. LM1 & Airstrike - Estus

Quelle bei uns auf der Podcast-Website:
Yoko (Hamburg/DE)
yokoz0r ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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