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Alt 12.02.2016, 13:46   #1
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Arrow ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 066 mixed by Yoko + Guestmix by Dr.Woe

Ez Future-Heads - es ist mal wieder Zeit für meinen Beitrag zum ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast! 2 Stunden DnB in the mix ist für euch drin, die erste Stunde von mir, und in der zweiten Stunde dann der Gastmix, der diesen Monat von Dr.Woe kommt!

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ELECTRIC FABRIC Podcast 066 mixed by Yoko + Guestmix by Dr.Woe


Part 1 - mixed by Yoko
01. Macca & Loz Contreras - One Touch (Technimatic Remix)
02. Nexus & Tight - Spectrum
03. Urbandawn - Vona
04. LSB - About Tonight
05. Silence Groove - Scandinavian Dream
06. Muffler - Northern Lights
07. Treex - Far Gone Love
08. Karma feat. Emmy J Mac - The Searching
09. Nero - Into The Night (Dawn Wall Remix)
10. Fred V & Grafix - Emo Jungle
11. Zazu - Seasons Change
12. T & Sugah feat. Miyoki - Stardust
13. LIMITS - Fading Away (Sikey Remix)
14. Murdock - Tribes
15. Brookes Brothers feat. Danny Byrd - Climb High
16. Scales - Loves Got Me High (Koncept Remix)
17. Melano - On Fire
18. Memtrix - Black Moon
19. Champion - What I Need VIP
20. Bensley - Aftermath VIP
21. Feint feat. Veela - Vagrant
22. Botnek & I See MONSTAS - Deeper Love
23. Sammy Porter feat. Jessica Agombar - How You Feel (Crissy Criss Vocal Remix)
24. Netsky feat. Digital Farm Animals - Work It Out
25. Rene Lavice feat. David Boomah - Lights Out
26. Sigma feat. Majestic - Lighters
27. Smooth - Revenge
28. Erb n Dub - Payback
29. Mind Vortex - Future Fold
30. Misanthrop - Collapse
31. Icicle & Safire - Suction Cap
32. L 33 - Manipulate
33. Royalston - Blight Mamba
34. Calyx & TeeBee - Cloud 9
35. Optiv & BTK feat. Yves Paquet - Dark City

Part 2 - mixed by Dr.Woe
01. Hive - Repentance [Project 51]
02. Zero Method - Sonic Mine [Fallout]
03. Dr Woe - Insomnius [not on label]
04. Malsum & Synoptic - Bonecrusher [Melting Pot Records]
05. Skynet - Mind Eraser [Full Force Recordings]
06. Misanthrop - Rock'n'Roll [Blackout Music]
07. Zombie Cats - Cat Attack [Commercial Suicide]
08. Hypoxia & Hyqxyz - Suspicious Mind [Eatbrain]
09. The Sect - Feel The Fire [The Sect Music]
10. Signs - Lockout [Piranha Pool]
11. Insideinfo & Mefjus - Pulsation [Viper Recordings]
12. Xtrah - Gravitas [Invisible]
13. Verb - Total Control [DSCI4]
14. Friske - Temperamental [Metalheadz Platinum]
15. Artificial Intelligence feat. DRS - Pass The Buck [Metalheadz]
16. Dr Woe - Stonecold [not on label]
17. Dramatic - Dogs On Red Bull [Tempo Records]
19. Mr Joseph - Real Talk [Fokuz Recordings]
20. Soul Intent - Go Hustle [Lossless Music]
21. DBR Uk - Dark Alley [Dispatch]
22. Madcap - Never Be Free [Repertoire]
23. Tango & Lighterman - Fall Down [DSCI4]
24. Slang Banger - Fling Rock Stone [Prog:ram]
25. Klute - Westernized [Metalheadz]
26. BiPolar - Like This (Jaybee Remix) [Fokuz Recordingz]
27. Icicle feat. SP:MC - Dreadnaught (Phace Remix) [Shogun Audio]
28. Zero Method - Bitter Pill [Redlight Records]
29. Klone - Oblivion [Mindtech Recordings]
30. Machine Code - Pacify [Eatbrain]
31. Agressor Bunx - Burn [Eatbrain]
32. Audio - Napalm [Ram Records]
33. Chris Su feat. Kryptomedic - Underground Culture VIP [Eatbrain]

Quelle bei uns auf der Podcast-Website:
Yoko (Hamburg/DE)
yokoz0r ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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