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Alt 29.06.2012, 13:28   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 23.06.2009
Ort: NBG
Beiträge: 16
Vinyl J-Unique @ SUBMISSION presents DJs UNITED...deep/liquid dnb DJ-Set 27/06/12

ez all....nu deep/liquid dnb-mix for Submission Podcast


Download @.... http://www.liquiddnb.com/mix/j-uniqu...nited-j-unique
or http://soundcloud.com/deepconnected/...ssion-presents


01. Qumulus - Bassment Jazz
02. Dave Owen - Heaven Scent
03. Submotion Orchestra - It's Not Me It's You (Alix Perez Remix)
04. Msdos, Clart - Obstacles
05. Random Movement, Jaybee - Lost In Laguardia
06. Kelle & Juha - Ursus
07. Blade - Kinda' Right, Kinda' Wrong
08. Spectrasoul - Away With Me feat. Tamara Blessa (Calibre Remix)
09. Dynamic, Intelligent Manners - Autumn Leaves
10. Submorphics - 1980,
11. Little Dragon - Little Man (Marcus Intalex Remix)
12. Muwookie - Moving On feat. Skyeyes,
13. Jrumhand - A Beautiful Time
14. Pulsaar, Flowrian - Blue
15. Simplification - Love Forever

for more Live Sets, Mixes...check out:


Geändert von D.C. (30.06.2012 um 20:13 Uhr)
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