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Alt 12.03.2004, 14:49   #121
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

Mist!!!! Schade, auf den hätte ich mich sehr gefreut......
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Alt 12.03.2004, 15:53   #122
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

6 decks: Live from Esparrago, Spain , 26 July 03

Live from Esparrago, Spain - PART 1
Live from Esparrago, Spain - PART 2
Live from Esparrago, Spain - PART 3


"How To Unfold Centrefold", Belgium Menu Sessions live on 4 Decks, 01 Nov 03

Belgium Menu Sessions live on 4 Decks


Pressure Breaks Vol. 12 12 Sept 03
Pressure Breaks Vol. 9 04 Jan 03

Tracklists + Pressure Breaks Vol.1-13: http://www.jaycunning.co.uk/ (unter "Mixes")

Hosted by: http://www.breaksfm.com/menu/body/archive.htm
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Alt 12.03.2004, 16:10   #123
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

Vanno @ Rough Edged, 07 02 2004, (part1)
Vanno @ Rough Edged, 07 02 2004, (part 2)
Vanno @ Rough Edged, 17 01 2004

Hosted by: http://www.streetdrama.com/live/download.htm

(da gehen noch massig Break Sets!!!)
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Alt 12.03.2004, 20:30   #124
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423

Hey Leute,

ich liebe diesen Thread!
Oh Mann, ich habe in den letzten 6 Wochen bestimmt schon 4 GB gesaugt. Ich würde gerne etwas zu diesem geilen Thread beisteuern, habe aber keine Sets zu bieten, außer alte D&B, House und Techno Sets...

@Spliff: Du bist der Oberhammer.
Soviel geiler Sound. Big Up!
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Alt 12.03.2004, 20:57   #125
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 18.05.2001
Ort: FFM
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4 GB .. wie süß *g*
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Alt 12.03.2004, 21:06   #126
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
sind immerhin über 60 stunden musik!
für 6 wochen heisst das jeden tag ~90 minuten neuer sound

*ironie on*
aber is ja klar:
der ganze elektronikkram ist halt wegwerfmusik, einmal hören und dann wird´s uninteressant. ich hab mich damals noch 3 monate lang nur an dem neuen led zeppelin album erfreut... und an pink floyd erst...aber heutzutage..
*ironie off*

blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast

Geändert von znork (15.03.2004 um 12:24 Uhr)
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Alt 14.03.2004, 16:32   #127
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423

Original geschrieben von subside
4 GB .. wie süß *g*

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Alt 14.03.2004, 16:37   #128
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423

Original geschrieben von znork
sind immerhin über 60 stunden musik!
für 6 wochen heisst das jeden tag ~90 minuten neuer sound

aber is ja klar:
der ganze elektronikkram ist halt wegwerfmusik, einmal hören und dann wird´s uninteressant. ich hab mich damals noch 3 monate lang nur an dem neuen led zeppelin album erfreut... und an pink floyd erst...aber heutzutage..

Da hat er gut gerechnet...

Für jemanden, der fast nie an seinem PC hockt, weil zu busy und immer unterwegs, keine schlechte Quote... Ich lade immer gleich 10 Sets gleichzeitig runter, wenn ich mal die Gelegenheit dazu habe Und dann dröhne ich mir die alle nacheinander rein.
Mit der Wegwerfmusik hast Du schon recht, aber einige Sets sind schon ziemlich geil und dann eher "aufhebenswert".

Also, weitermachen. Big Up!
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Alt 15.03.2004, 12:09   #129
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
mit wegwerfmusik war ein scherz....!!!
deshalb auch der satz mit DAMALS led zep blbabla... und der smilie hier
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast
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Alt 15.03.2004, 13:34   #130
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
Original geschrieben von znork
mit wegwerfmusik war ein scherz....!!!
deshalb auch der satz mit DAMALS led zep blbabla... und der smilie hier

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Alt 15.03.2004, 15:09   #131
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

Original geschrieben von supahero
ich habe in den letzten 6 Wochen bestimmt schon 4 GB ....
Da geht einiges.....

Mir geht momentan das "Atomic Hooligan vs J Cunning - LIVE from Esperrago" Set sehr gut rein (besteht auch fast nur aus bekannten Hits). Das gescratche streßt ab und an mal ein wenig.

Habe gerade noch fette Seite gefunden: Unter:

gehen ua:

LBJ -- Monster Mix :

Synoptic - The Fight (LBJ's monster floor remix) [traveller rec ]
Plump Djs - Pray for you (Plump Djs Dub mix) [Fingerlickin]
Spazmodic - Werwer [Planetnoise]
Slung Groove - Kick Back [Boombox]
Michael Jackson BAD (LBJ's funkabreaky remix) [Bootleg]
The Apollo Kids - Counting Off [Fat]
LBJ - Graffiti techno [Botchit]
Atomic Hooligan - Left Hand [Botchit/Trigger]
LBJ & A-Hooligan - Swonblind [cd-r ]
Koma & Bones - Donkey Spanner [TCR ]
LBJ & Mr.A - Just Smoked [cd-r ]
General Midi - Furthur [TCR]
Deekline ft. Mc Skibadee - man a man [Rat Records]
Ils - music (Evil nine punk rock mix) [Marine parade]
LBJ live band - B.O.M.I. [cd-r ]

Nick Fury - I wish it could be Christmas every day

rEalm - Ion [Ritmic ]
PFN - Fascination (Stirfry Reheat) [10 Kilo]
Stanton Warriors - Reckless Dub [Punks]
Fretwell - Ember (Rennie Pilgrem Remix) [Electrofly]
Kao - Sushi (Dylan Rhymes Dub) [Kingsize]
Incredible Melting Man - Red Skull [2Wars & A Revolution]
Decal - Freakin’ Empires [Rotters Golf Club]
Koma & Bones - Black Satsuma [TCR ]
Dave London & Filthy Rich - Twisted (FFS Insulation Remix) [Distinctive ]
QB Project - Inspace [London Breakz ]
Stereo 8 - Can’t Stop [Finger Lickin]
Another Homicide - Another Homicide [White] (Raw As F**k ??)
Rennie Pilgrem vs. Deekline - Rippin Up Wax (Deekline & Ed Solo Remix) [Rat]
Deekline & Wizard - 4x4x4 (Aquasky vs. MB Remix) [Botchit ]
Roxxor Wu - Revolution [CDR ]

Jaywink - Who the fuck is Snow White?

LBJ & Taya - Haikea juoppo --botchit breaks
Mundo - My life (Mundo breaks the rules) --acetate
Mach One - Diablo --supercharged
Chris Carter - Echo babylon --botchit breaks
Soul Hooligan - Algebra (KamsOne vs Digital Source rmx) --white
Krafty Kuts - Rip u apart --deep cut
Dj Quest - Forward --funkatech
Sons of Slough - Check out ya pa --whole9yards
Dj Mutiny - Mic on fire --funkatech
Krafty Kuts - The ill funk --deep cut
Bad Cop - War of nerves (Kick Flip rmx) --akademia
Stabilizer - Nitzer (General Midi rmx) --plastic raygun
SFX Beats - Serious sound (Future Funk Squad ultra-metric rmx) --re:connect
R-Kidz & Noise - Mullet --botchit & scarper
Hyper-on Experience - Lords of the null lines (Aquasky vs Masterblaster rmx) --moving shadow
Aquasky vs Masterblaster - Thru the fire (Backdraft rmx) --botchit & scarper
Bass Junkie - Return to bass --breakin'
Imatran Voima - Technoslut --tellektro

Jaywink - Very Mercenary

Hexstatic - Rewind intro --ninja tune
Meat Katie - Next life --kingsize
Stisch - Poolswinger --sound of habib
Vandal - Mam tor --plastic raygun
Apex - Bass design --marine parade
Terminalhead - Head down --sanctuary
Chris Carter - Europa --tcr
Meat Katie & Christian J - Cusp --bug
Soul of Man - Acid punch (Shock proof remix) --finger lickin'
Klaus 'Heavyweight' Hill - Bubblegum --mob
Soto f. Becki - Confusin --botchit
Drumattic Twins - Drumattical --finger lickin'
Bad Cop - War of nerves (Kick Flip remix) --akademia
Hyper-On Experience - Lords of the null lines (Aquasky vs Masterblaster remix) --mowing shadow
The Herbaliser - Very mercenary intro --ninja tune

Nick Fury - Koneisto 2003

PFN - Fascination --10 Kilo
PFN - Fascination (Stirfry remix) --10 Kilo
MacMillan + Tab - Shake It Fast --Carbon
Bushwacka! - Break Ya Face --Plank
Doug Lazy - Let it Roll (Soul of Man remix) --Jalapeno
Meat Katie + Elite Force - Ju Ju (Apollo Kids remix) --TCR
QB Project - Inspace --London Breakz
Aquasky vs Masterblaster - Planet Earth --Shadow Cryptic
Kraymon - Who Wants Some? --En:Vision
Autobots - Blogger --TCR
Aquasky vs Masterblaster - Perception (Autobots remix) --Passenger
Slag Bros. - Old Spice --Killer Green
unknown - unknown --white label
Dave London & Filthy Rich - Twisted (Future Funk Squad remix) --Distinctive
Roxxor Wu - 8 p.m. Roxxor --white label

Nick Fury vs Genki - The Miserables
LBJ - Motion Mix
Nick Fury - Massive Sound
Nick Fury - State of the Nu-Skool 3

Ansonsten gehen unter: http://usuarios.lycos.es/deejayspectro/newpage0.html
einige Neue und altbekannte Sets von Aquasky, Autobots, J. Cunning, Distortionz, Lady Packa, DJ Mutiny..........
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Alt 17.03.2004, 14:12   #132
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Original geschrieben von Spliff76


Pressure Breaks Vol. 12 12 Sept 03
Pressure Breakz Vol.12:

01- Slung Groove - Kickback (Laidback Remix) [Boombox]
02- Five Dees - Funky Acapella
03- Stereo 8 - can't stop [Fingerlickin']
04- LBJ - Grafitti Techno [CDR]
05- Smithmonger - Nobody gonna stop us [TCR]
06- Christian J meets Meat Katie - Turn me Out [Kingsize]
07- High Caliber - Fully Loaded EP [White]
08- Moguai - get:on (Hyper Remix) [4:20]
09- Aquasky vs Masterblaster - Take it to the Floor [Shadow Cryptic]
10- Freq Nasty - come let me know (Acapella) [Skint]
11- Freq Nasty - come let me know (Freq & BLIM Remix) [Skint]
12- JDS - Elements [Rocsteady]
13- Move Ya Body (Acapella)
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Alt 18.03.2004, 00:45   #133
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
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Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
Elite Force - Strongarm Sessions
heden Donnerstag auf Breaks FM
Archiv mit Realstreams hier

ach ja www.breaksfm.com is eh geil und www.dynamicbreaks.com auch
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast

Geändert von znork (18.03.2004 um 00:52 Uhr)
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Alt 18.03.2004, 00:49   #134
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von caress173
Registriert seit: 09.09.2003
Ort: völkspörk
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stoppt diesen thread erbarmen....das ist doch krank..ich kann nicht mehr.

ne quatsch...ich sag einfach ma danke an die poster für die schönen stunden...
Nein, antworte nicht.
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Alt 23.03.2004, 16:06   #135
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
Original geschrieben von Spliff76
Feine Sets

Habe gerade einen Link zu einem STANTON WARRIORS Live Set gefunden und hoffe daß dieser noch funzt..... (Bitte um Rückmeldung)

Stanton Warriors LIVE Set: Download Here!

Hosted by: http://www.clubsessions.co.uk/p_mixes.asp
SHIT, die Stanton Warriors hätte ich mir auch gerne reingezogen...

Aber ansonsten gibt es hier nur Material vom Feinsten.
AAaaAarrRRrrgGGhhh....Ich könnt' ausflippen

Spliff, I love you
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Alt 23.03.2004, 17:27   #136
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Re: Soul Of Man, Krafty Kuts & Basement Jaxx....u.v.m.

Original geschrieben von Spliff76

...::: A-Skillz & Krafty Kuts-DJ MIX- October 2003 :::...


...::: Soul Of Man -DJ MIX- October 2003 :::...


...::: Plump DJs -mix (October 2003) :::...


Hosted by: http://www.fingerlickin.co.uk/framer.html

...tja das mit dem Stanton Warriors Mix war echt ärgerlich......
Habe gerade noch die Tracklist zum PLUMP DJ's Mix gefunden:

01. chicken lips - he not in (stanton warriors rmx)
(also known as punks - she not in / or is she)
02. marscruiser vs andy page feat. george clinton -
03. ID (something like 'freak control'??????)
04. dub pistols - problem is (soul of man rmx)
05. stereo 8 - can't stop
06. jinx - turbo (spincycle remix)
07. plump dj's - weighed down
08. plump dj's - pray for you (lee coombs rmx)
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Alt 26.03.2004, 14:49   #137
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

...::: Dave Tipper @ Annie Nightingale Show, BBC Radio 1, 18.01.2004 :::...


Tipper - 'Blat' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'As Thick As You Can Quink' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Fleas And Itches' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Ton Of Bricks'
Squarepusher - 'Unknown (Wagon Christ Remix)' - (Warp)
Kraddy - 'Fun Sound' - (Unknown)
Crunch - 'Crunky' - (Colony)
Crunch - 'Cassette' - (Colony)
Andy Page - 'Mr. Rush' - (Unknown)
Radioactiveman - 'Itisanditisnt (Tipper Remix)' - (Rotters Golf Club)
Hellfish And Producer - 'Untitled' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Unititled' - (Unknown)

Hosted by: http://www.filthybeats.net

(Bitte um Rückmeldung, ob Link noch funzt ;- wäre fett!)

Mj Cole In Da Deks

...und massig Downloads unter :http://www.houstonraves.com/board/sh...?t=7401&page=1
& http://www.dnb-il.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

und noch'n Stream:
Adrian Sherwood presents Dubs & Beats

Listen to DJ Adrian Sherwood + MC Ghetto Priest (± 1 hour and 20 minutes)

Listen to Little Axe + Sherwood (en Mark Stewart) (± 1 hour and 20 minutes)

Listen to Junior Delgado + Sherwood (± 1 hour and 20 minutes)

Listen to Keith LeBlanc en Doug Wimbish (± 30 minutes)

Hosted by: http://www.omroep.nl/nps/4fm/welcome...d.html~content

..::Groove Armada - Essential Mix @ BBC, Radio1, 2002-10-13::..


The Essential Mix Tracklist: 13/10/2002

Groove Armada

Rolling Stones - 'Brown Sugar' (EMI)
4.20 - 'The FunkyTrack' (Classic)
DJ Buck - 'Release The Tension' (Bluem:recordings)
Billie - 'It Comes Back Around' (Nervous)
Kuniyuki - 'Pressure Hall' (Natural Resource)
Kaitoo - 'Everlasting' (Kompakt)
DJ Rasoul - 'Eon-Flux' (Crisp)
Groove Armada - 'Final Shakedown' (Pepper)
Danmass - 'Haze' (Skint)
Indartchus - 'Beunos Beats' (Stereo)
Lick Shots - 'Missything' (Stereo)
Underworld - 'Born Slippy' (JBO)
Dave Angel - 'Sound ' (Jel)
Unknown - 'Unknown' (White Label)
Ramson - 'Let the music take control' (Dirty Trix)
Groove Armada - 'Lovebox' (Pepper)
Beatles - 'Here Comes the sun' (Apple)
J @ S Productions - 'Sunrise' (Vibernt)
Stephen Brown - 'I am Someone' (Transmap)
Stephen Brown - 'I am Someone' (Transmap)
Gregory - 'Tropical Sound Clash' (Faya Combo/Defected)
King Unique - 'Sugar High' (Junior)
House Hedz - 'The Anthem' (Underground Colective)
IZ @Diz - 'Mouth' (Classic)
Metro Area - 'Soft Hoop' (Environ)
DJ Buck - 'Make It Hot' (Siesta)
Chris Lum - 'Feeling High' (Hooj Choons)
Motif - 'Slide' (Matrix)
Maurice Fulton - 'Chicken Leg' (Transfusion)
Aim - 'Let The Funk Ride' (Grand Central)
Slum Village - 'tainted' (Priority X)
Labi Siffre - 'I Got The' (BBE)

BASEMENT JAXX - Essential Mix @ BBc, Radio1, 2002

Essential Mix 2003-03-09 - Gabriel & Dresden

* Artful Dodger - Ruff Neck Sound (Basement Mix)

Hosted by: http://www.digitalica.arg.pl/arch_old/arch_music.htm

Geändert von Spliff76 (26.03.2004 um 15:06 Uhr)
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Alt 26.03.2004, 15:18   #138
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
...::: Planet Funk - Essential Mix 2003-07-20 :::...

1. Nu - Any Other Girl (accapella)
2. Planet Funk - The Switch (Dub)
3. Double Dee - Shining (Scumfrog Remix)
4. Nu - Any Other Girl (Planet Funk dub)
5. Future Acoustic - Like It That Way
6. Bent - Stay The Same (Planet Funk acid remix)
7. Medicine 8 - Donuts Prozak (Unknown Remix)
8. familiar vocal "are you dirty" & "get on the dancefloor and show me some more"
9. vocal "bpm, automatic, bpm, automatic............"
10. familiar, awesome tune, sure it's planet funk
11. Kosheen - All In My Head (Planet Funk Remix)
12. ID
13. Peace Division - I've Seen You Do It
14. Deep Cover - Deeper Inside????
15. ID
16. ID
17. ID

T. RAUMSCHMIERE > live in amsterdam 2004 (.ogg)
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Alt 26.03.2004, 15:48   #139
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
[QUOTE]Original geschrieben von Spliff76

..::Groove Armada - Essential Mix @ BBC, Radio1, 2002-10-13::..


The Essential Mix Tracklist: 13/10/2002

Groove Armada

Rolling Stones - 'Brown Sugar' (EMI)
4.20 - 'The FunkyTrack' (Classic)
DJ Buck - 'Release The Tension' (Bluem:recordings)
Billie - 'It Comes Back Around' (Nervous)
Kuniyuki - 'Pressure Hall' (Natural Resource)
Kaitoo - 'Everlasting' (Kompakt)
DJ Rasoul - 'Eon-Flux' (Crisp)
Groove Armada - 'Final Shakedown' (Pepper)
Danmass - 'Haze' (Skint)
Indartchus - 'Beunos Beats' (Stereo)
Lick Shots - 'Missything' (Stereo)
Underworld - 'Born Slippy' (JBO)
Dave Angel - 'Sound ' (Jel)
Unknown - 'Unknown' (White Label)
Ramson - 'Let the music take control' (Dirty Trix)
Groove Armada - 'Lovebox' (Pepper)
Beatles - 'Here Comes the sun' (Apple)
J @ S Productions - 'Sunrise' (Vibernt)
Stephen Brown - 'I am Someone' (Transmap)
Stephen Brown - 'I am Someone' (Transmap)
Gregory - 'Tropical Sound Clash' (Faya Combo/Defected)
King Unique - 'Sugar High' (Junior)
House Hedz - 'The Anthem' (Underground Colective)
IZ @Diz - 'Mouth' (Classic)
Metro Area - 'Soft Hoop' (Environ)
DJ Buck - 'Make It Hot' (Siesta)
Chris Lum - 'Feeling High' (Hooj Choons)
Motif - 'Slide' (Matrix)
Maurice Fulton - 'Chicken Leg' (Transfusion)
Aim - 'Let The Funk Ride' (Grand Central)
Slum Village - 'tainted' (Priority X)
Labi Siffre - 'I Got The' (BBE)

der Link funktioniert nicht (mehr).
Shit, Groove Armada hätte ich mir gerne mal wieder reingezogen...

@Spliff, wie immer BigUps und 1000 Dank
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Alt 26.03.2004, 15:53   #140
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
[QUOTE]Original geschrieben von Spliff76
[B]...::: Dave Tipper @ Annie Nightingale Show, BBC Radio 1, 18.01.2004 :::...


Tipper - 'Blat' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'As Thick As You Can Quink' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Fleas And Itches' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Ton Of Bricks'
Squarepusher - 'Unknown (Wagon Christ Remix)' - (Warp)
Kraddy - 'Fun Sound' - (Unknown)
Crunch - 'Crunky' - (Colony)
Crunch - 'Cassette' - (Colony)
Andy Page - 'Mr. Rush' - (Unknown)
Radioactiveman - 'Itisanditisnt (Tipper Remix)' - (Rotters Golf Club)
Hellfish And Producer - 'Untitled' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Unititled' - (Unknown)

Hosted by: http://www.filthybeats.net

(Bitte um Rückmeldung, ob Link noch funzt ;- wäre fett!)

@Spliff, Yo, der Link geht noch. Sauge gerade das Set.
supahero ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.03.2004, 16:45   #141
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
zitier doch bitte bei deadlinks nicht gleich link und setlist mit in deinen beitrag rein. blickt ja eh schon kaum einer mehr durch
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast
znork ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 26.03.2004, 17:16   #142
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
Original geschrieben von znork
zitier doch bitte bei deadlinks nicht gleich link und setlist mit in deinen beitrag rein. blickt ja eh schon kaum einer mehr durch

Calm down Verraffe leider immer, wo ich die Zitate cutten soll.
Ich weiß, der Thread ist ein Link und Tracklist Overload. Blicke selbst auch nicht immer durch...Alles halb so wild...
supahero ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.03.2004, 13:06   #143
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 07.08.2002
Ort: Koblenz
Beiträge: 982
Original geschrieben von Spliff76
[B]...::: Dave Tipper @ Annie Nightingale Show, BBC Radio 1, 18.01.2004 :::...


Tipper - 'Blat' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'As Thick As You Can Quink' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Fleas And Itches' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Ton Of Bricks'
Squarepusher - 'Unknown (Wagon Christ Remix)' - (Warp)
Kraddy - 'Fun Sound' - (Unknown)
Crunch - 'Crunky' - (Colony)
Crunch - 'Cassette' - (Colony)
Andy Page - 'Mr. Rush' - (Unknown)
Radioactiveman - 'Itisanditisnt (Tipper Remix)' - (Rotters Golf Club)
Hellfish And Producer - 'Untitled' - (Unknown)
Tipper - 'Unititled' - (Unknown)

Hosted by: http://www.filthybeats.net

(Bitte um Rückmeldung, ob Link noch funzt ;- wäre fett!)
der lin funzt, a bisserl langsam, aber yau, der mix ist fett!
hey tipper @ BBC Radio 1!
Tipper ist einfach fett!
geile scratches und deepe beats !!
mehr davon!

ach, wurde echt den Kerl mal live erleben, hat den schonmal jemand von euch gesehen??
hab einige platten von ihm in seiner sammlung, aber verdammt schwer an das zeugs ranzukommen.

tipper rules!
hier übrigens seine home wo man ein paar vinyls her bekommt:

so long, echt feiner mix

Geändert von G.I.D. (28.03.2004 um 13:12 Uhr)
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Alt 29.03.2004, 17:53   #144
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Das Tipper Set ist Hoffe das ich nä. Zeit noch über andere Sets von Ihm stolpere....

Bis dahin noch ein paar andere Sachen....

Zachary Stoewasser
Evolve * NEW * March 1st, 2004 High Quality MP3 (128-320bit VBR) | (126mb MP3)
Track # Start Arist Track Label
01 00:02:00 Freeland Physical World Marine Parade
02 01:01:72 Circulation Limited #1 Circulation
03 08:40:45 Evil Nine Cake Hole Marine Parade
04 13:13:30 Proper Filthy Naughty Future Burn [Proper Beats Mix] 10kilo
05 18:40:21 System F feat. Armin Van Buuren Exhale [Sander Kleinenberg Remix] Tsunami
06 23:33:61 Nirvana Smells Like Freeland [Adam Freeland Remix] White
07 29:00:47 Deejay Punk Roc My Beat Box [Bassbin Twins Remix] Airdog
08 33:44:27 Plump DJs The Push Finger Lickin'
09 38:15:38 Cosmos Take Me With You [Instrumental Mix] Polydor
10 41:52:03 Dub Fingers Poison Love Narcotix
11 46:10:52 Sasha Xpander DC
12 55:18:28 Nathan Fake Outhouse Border Community
13 63:26:64 Yunus Guvenen Opus 34 Bedrock
14 72:17:13 Aphasia Acapulco [Sean Cusick Remix] Hooj

.mp3]Zachary Stoewasser - Live on 92.1FM * NEW *March 2nd, 2004

mehr Sets unter : http://www.stillwaterrecords.com/music.htm

DJ Philip TBC
[1. leftfield vs fatboy slim "planet on the phatbird"]
[2. sly fidelity "skin and bone" (rennie pilgrem and B.L.I.M. rmx)]
[3. prodigy "narayan"]
[4. santos "no ticket no run" (krafty kuts rmx)]
[5. koma and bones "black satsuma"]
[6. rascal and clone "delta 9"]
[7. optiv and bulletproof "camuflage"]
[8. faith and chaos "possession" (kemal and rob data rmx)]
[9. dj shone "black rain"]
[10. faith and chaos "possession" (kemal and rob data rmx)]
[11. fresh "signal"]
[12. adam freeland "physical world"]
[13. adam freeland "mind killer"]
[14. fresh "elm street"]
[15. deeds plus thoughts "the roof's still leaking"]
[16. dj shadow "walkie talkie" radio edit]

mehr Sets unter: http://www.philiptbc.com/download.php

Geändert von Spliff76 (01.04.2004 um 17:15 Uhr)
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Alt 03.04.2004, 21:23   #145
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
...mal wieder ein paar aktuelle HYBRID Sets am Start. ua:

Hybrid - DJ Set At Friction Intimate Lot 33 Canberra, Australia, 05.03.2004 [> 4 Stunden!]

Part 1: - 190.8 MB - 134:33min. 198 kb/s
Download Here pt.1
1) 00:00 BLIM - Too Clever
2) 00:14 The Orb - From A Distance (Hybrid Remix)
3) 10:26 Dan F - Line Of Sight
4) 16:08 ? (hyper style breaks, acid bassline)
5) 21:48 ? (Vocal stutter all through track)
6) 27:00 Vigi - Blow My Mind (General Midi Remix)
7) 32:19 Dylan Rhymes - Musika
8) 37:03 Meat Katie Meets Christian J - Turn Me Out (Dylan Rhymes Remix)
9) 42:49 ? ("yeah" "yeah ah" "uh yeah ah")
10) 49:16 Nu - Any Other Girl (Planet Funk's Posillipo Mix)
11) 55:24 The Frog vs. Lee Coombs - Lick The Frog
12) 62:01 ?
13) 66:17 PQM - You Are Sleeping (PQM Meets Luke Chable Dub Pass)
14) 74:48 ? (well known)
15) 80:58 ? ("Damn, you're still here")
16) 86:38 Santos - Sabot (Evil 9 Remix)
17) 93:44 Hybrid - Higher Than A Skyscraper (Hybrid Twitch & Sweat Mix)
18) 102:14 2 Bad Mice - Bombscare (Hybrid Remix)
19) 108:53 REM - The Great Beyond (Hybrid Remix)
20) 117:02 Jam & Spoon - Stella (Nalin & Kane Remix)
21) 129:23 Vector - Isis

Part 2: - 169.5 MB 120:29min. 196 kb/s
Download here pt.2
1) 00:00 Vector - Isis (continued)
2) 02:26 Pako & Frederik - Western Approaches (Evolution Remix)
3) 10:42 Quivver - Space Manouvers Part 3 (Breaks Mix)
4) 18:55 Rowan Blades & Naughty G - Control Freak (@127 Mix)
5) 24:50 Plump DJ’s feat Gary Numan – Pray For You (Lee Coombs Dub)
6) 32:09 ? ("rock this over me")
7) 38:44 Chable & Bonnici - Ride (Have A Break Remix)
8) 45:35 Hybrid - Kill City (Live Mix)
9) 51:19 Fatboy Slim - Next To Nothing
10) 57:24 Hybrid - If I Survive (Adam's cover version)
11) 65:37 Hybrid - I'm Still Awake (Grayarea's Il Postino E Lo Stronzo Disoccupato Mix)
12) 72:42 Starsailor - Four To The Floor (Thin White Duke Remix)
13) 79:30 Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (Seb Fontaine Remix)
14) 84:04 Leftfield - Open Up (Meat Katie Remix)
15) 90:49 Mike Koglin - The Silence (Matt Darey's Tekara Breaks Mix)
16) 97:45 Men At Work - Down Under (? Remix)
17) 102:00 New Order - Blue Monday
18) 108:46 Hybrid - Symphony

Tracklist hört sich interessant an; mal abchecken.....

Hosted by: http://www.hybridized.org/
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Alt 05.04.2004, 17:44   #146
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
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Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
gerade ein sehr Fettes Festival (leider in den Staaten) gefunden:
Sunday March 7th 2004 10.00pm - 5.00am
Maze, 1290 18th Street @ West Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida :

DJs and Live Acts confirmed to play on the night in alphabetical order
Atomic Hooligan (Botchit Breaks),Barry Ashworth (DubPistols),Ben & Lex (Functional Breaks),B-Side (Dragon Lounge),Chris Carter (TCR),Dee Kline (Rat),DJ Hyper (Kilowatt),DJ Icey (Zone),Elite Force (W9Y),Freq Nasty (Skint),J.D.S. (TCR),Jean Jacques Smoothie (Plastic Raygun),Krafty Kutz & A-Skills (Fingerlickin),Liquid Todd (K-Roc New York),Moguai (Hope Recordings),Phil K (Functional Breaks),Rennie Pilgrem (TCR),Simply Jeff (Phonomental),Skool Of Thought (Supercharged),Soul of Man (Fingerlickin),Stanton Warriors (XL),Steve Gerrard (Wrecked Angle),Tamsin (Breakneck / TCR),Uberzone (Live)

...voll das überzogene Line Up (glaube, das würde ich nicht überleben...)

Angus Robinson:
The Money Shot
1. Mike Monday "2 Get Down (acapella)" (Whoop!)
2. Sugarbabes "In the Middle (Hyper remix)" (Universal)
3. Sons of Slough "Real People (Atomic Hooligan remix)" (Lot49)
4. Circuit Breaker "Got the Funky" (ViperJive)
5. Price Cuts & Will Styles "Watcha Call Me" (Funktrust)
6. Steelzawheelz "D-Fonk" (West)
7. Mint Royale "Blue Song" (Faith & Hope)
8. Circuit Breaker & Deckart "Supa" (Money Shot)
9. Meat Katie & Christian J "Turn Me Out" (Kingsize)
10. Moguai "Freak (Original Freaks)" (Punx)
11. General Midi feat. Jakes "Entertainer" (TCR)
12. Myagi "Make it Loud" (Money Shot)
13. FK1000 "White Stripped" (Kinky)
14. Plump DJs "Plump Lesson" (Finger Lickin)
15. Yoshi "You Cats Will" (Lab-Rok)
16. Break Legend "This is the City" (Mantra Breaks)
17. Slyde "Krunk" (Finger Lickin)
Style: Funky Breaks
Recorded: Oct 2003
Bitrate: 160 kbps MP3
Speed: 134 BPM
Time: 68 minutes
File Size: 79 MB

The Right Stuff
1. Steelzawheelz "P-Fonk" (CDR)
2. Planet Funk "Who Said (Stuck in the UK) (Moguai remix)" (Illustrious)
3. Slung Groove "Kick Flip (Laidback remix)" (Boombox)
4. The Fort Knox Five "Dodge City Rockers (All Good Funk Alliance remix)" (Fort Knox)
5. Robbie Rivera "Funk-a-tron (Santos remix)" (Direction)
6. Infekto "Miami Treble" (CDR)
7. Atomic Hooligan "6AM Biegel" (Botchit & Scarper)
8. Unknown "Kill Bill Themesong Bootleg" (CDR)
9. Z2 vs Brothers Bud "Herbgrinder (Drumattic Twins remix)" (Finger Lickin)
10. Plump DJs "Something Going On" (Finger Lickin)
11. Freq Nasty "Sil Num Tao" (Skint)
12. Aquasky vs Masterblaster "Stayfresh" (Shadow Cryptic)
13. DJ Moon "Nasty Groove (Breakneck remix)" (Londonbreakz)
14. Dub Pistols feat. Terry Hall "Problem Is (Soul of Man remix)" (Distinctive)
Style: Funky Breaks
Recorded: Oct 2003
Bitrate: 192 kbps MP3
Speed: 132 BPM
Time: 68 minutes
File Size: 95 MB

Hosted by: http://www.angusrobinson.ca/ (da gehen noch mehr Mixes!)

Dangamouse presents:
The Sound of Tongue'n'Groove
Download Here!
1. Coded Motion - Bass Jump
2. Silencer - Rollin 'N' Controllin
3. Freestylers - Now Is The Time
4. General Midi - U Will Be Under
5. Lawgiverz - Luv
6. FC Kahuna Vs. Freeland - We Want Your Bootleg (Dangamouse & ECP edit)
7. Sean Paul - Get Busy (Breaks mix)
8. Freq Nasty - Goose
9. Hook & Sling - Crashcourse
10. Headrockvalleybeats F. Matt Fulton - How Do You Feel (Koma + Bones Rmx)
11. R-kidz & Noize - Easy
12. Digital Kidz - Menace
(also) Si Begg - Try To Work It Out

Hosted by: http://tekmonki.com/tng.php

und zum Schluß mal wieder etwas mit weniger Breaks...:

TIMO MAAS @ N-Joy (22.02.2004)

Ricardo Villalobos @ Flex, Vienna 16.03.2004

und Basement Jaxx Live @ Radio FG, France - 03/01/2004
(Recorded: We Love Sunday, Ibiza)
is' auch wieder online!

Hosted by: http://livesets.free.fr + http://stijn.qubixx.nl/frederiek/liv...site/index.php

Geändert von Spliff76 (05.04.2004 um 18:05 Uhr)
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Alt 06.04.2004, 10:44   #147
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423
Original geschrieben von Spliff76
gerade ein sehr Fettes Festival (leider in den Staaten) gefunden:
Sunday March 7th 2004 10.00pm - 5.00am
Maze, 1290 18th Street @ West Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida:

Das war während der WinterMusicConference in Miami. Da gehen immer massige Megafestivals und Dances. Wir wollten mit Rawhill dieses Jahr auch wieder hin, aber die Vollaffen von Amis waren nicht in der Lage mal eine Booking-Confirmation zu schicken. Und nur auf gut Glück rüberfliegen, 3 oder 4 Std. in der Immigration festzuhängen, das war dann doch zu riskant...

Wer aber zum Feiern hin will, dem kann ich das nur empfehlen.
1 Woche chillen und 50 Megaparties pro Tag. Und: sun, fun and chicks. Miami is wild!
supahero ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 14.04.2004, 12:09   #148
Senior Head
Registriert seit: 15.05.2001
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 106
ich will mehr! mehr mixe!
Dennis ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.04.2004, 17:57   #149
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
...::: Daft Punk - Live in Birmingham 1997 :::...

EFFBEATS - TRESORBREAKS 8 31.09.03 | mp3 - 74.5 mb
ferry corsten - rock your body rock (poxy music & kid kenobi's break your body rockin' mix)
stabilizer - low slung (breaks mix)
brothers bud - the alarm
general midi - furthur
tube & berger - straight ahead (geradeaus extended version)
chable & fernandez - before you beat my box
drum herself - ?
? - white stripped
freestylers - get a life (poxy music remix)
the carbon community - checks in the mail (bill vega & new decade mix)
friendly - s&m

Hosted by: http://www.effbeats.ch/musicbox/

deep breaks vol.1 mixed by BENGSTON (Ritmic Records)
www.bengston.ch / www.ritmic.ch
01 silken: reach out (functional breaks)
02 unknown (2 wars)
03 clone: dreambreaks (resin)
04 big head: 2604 [flashpoint remix] (sinister)
05 kc flight: voices [pmt remix] (hooj)
06 mc millan & tab: lost world (tcr)
07 hypnotic state: give me a break (full intent)
08 lp: while you were gone (functional breaks)
09 atomic hooligan: shine a light [introspective remix] (botchit)
10 bill vega & new decade: running scared (full intent)
11 ek: keep it casual (sound not scene)
12 introspective: slavery incorporated (sinister)
13 scott hardkiss: raincry [koma & bones remix] (dorigen)
14 rob dougan: clubbed to death [hybrid remix] (cheeky)

Jaywink - Damage Inc
Deekline & Wizard ft. Desy & IC3 Sun is shining botchit
Soto Hootenanny botchit
Aquasky vs Masterblaster Stayfresh shadow cryptic
Johnny Halo Bodywork cellar door
Skool of Thought Turn it up trigger/botchit
Si-Begg Jump (Deekline & Dreb re-edit) rat/fuel
Dj Rocca & Fifth Suite Wet wendy functional breaks
Deep Impact I love music supercharged
Dj Isy Thanke spanish breakz
Deep Impact Methods (VIP remix) supercharged
Freestylers vs Milllion Dan No replica (Aquasky vs Masterblaster rmx) supercharged
Entity Eatin' me breakfast fusetrax
Future Funk Squad vs Madam Breaks I want you (FFS dirty dub) re:connect
Bill Vega & New Decade Venom wireframe
Aquasky vs Masterblaster War shadow cryptic

Stabilizer Live : Recorded on the 1st of November 2003 at Spectrum, Nottingham

Stabilizer Studio Mix : Recorded at home in May 2002

plush grizzly - schneeballschlacht
...from funky bigbeat to bouncy nuskool...

A.Skillz and Krafty Kuts feat Dr. Luke - Party In Central Park
Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice
Loose Cannons - Handbrake (LC`s Dirt Mix)
Mint Royale - Shake Me
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (Fatboy Slim RMX)
Def Cut - Old School (Where`s The Party At?)
Groove Armada - I See You Baby (Fatboy Slim RMX)
Plump DJ`s - No Way
Jacob London - Casual Bingo (Sausages For All Mix)
Malente - We Came To Party (The Killergroove Formula RMX)
XLover - Trash Me (Krafty Kuts Vocal RMX)
Kananga - Oh Yeah
Zero - Emit/Collect (Rennie Pilgrem`s Agatha Stomp)
Mad Ox - Bazzface Killah
Atomic Hooligan - Viper

Hosted by: http://www.plushgrizzly.ch/

Chico Fresco - Spring Breaks mix for d/l
Blackalicious: A to G
LA Hookers: Sexslave
Move Ya & Steve Lavers: Could be the sound
Tom Real & the Rogue Element: Resistance is futile
Kickflip: Funky beats
Elite Force: Driving me crazy
Orange Bud: Blend (Care in the Community remix)
Chris Carter: Botty Funk
Koma & Bones: Take me back
Vlad & Ardisson: Split Screen
General Midi: Bass Rokkaz
Ferry Corsten: Rock your body rock (Kid Kenobi & Poxy Music mix)
Meat Katie & Christian J: Turn me out (Dylan Rhymes mix)
Taishan: Bring the bongo
Hyper: Outsider
Inner City: Good life (Way Out West breaks mix)

Breakbeat Mix by Palmer n Pooka
Simply Jeff- "My Beats" Original Version
Drumattic Twins- "Thinking About You Baby"
Lee Coombs- "Dance 2 The House"
JonH and Raskal- "Ten Daze Ago" Simply Jeff Afros mix
Slide- "Sunset Baby"
Vigi and Zero- "Ultra-Funk" Latina Remix
Dan F- "Eco"
Myagi- "Planetary Attack"
Momu- "Donner Pass"
Bill Hamel- "Phazon Phrequency" BLIM's Steady Mix
Soul Of Man- "Dirty Waltzer"
Bassbin Twins- "Got Your Wild Thing"
Funk W- "Disco Bombing" Kelly Reverb Remix
Boogie Pimps "Salt Shaker" Original Mix
Aquasky vs. Master Blaster featuring the Ragga Twins "Loko"

banga mixx march 2004
1 Tiefschwarz - Ghostrack (Blackstrobe Remix) (Four Music)
+ Five Deez - Funky (Acapella)
2 Freakin' Out
3 Plump DJs - Creepshow (Fingerlickin)
4 R. Rivera's Groove - Funk-A-Tron (Santos Pandemonio Reprise)
5 Got Some Teeth (Animal Factory)
6 DJ Touché - The Girl's A Freak (Southern Fried)
7 Webcore - Control Freak (@110 Mix) (Rocksteady)
8 Marscruiser vs. Andy Page
feat. George Clinton - Elementalelectrofunk (Barely There Records)
9 Meat Katie meets Christian J - Turn Me Out (D Ramirez Remix) (Kingsize)
10 Dj Touché - The Paddle (Southern Fried)
11 George Mike - Casual Sex (Dub Pistols Remix) (Southern Fried)
12 No Love - Disconnected (Marine Parade)

Emmtee - February 2004 Nu skool breakbeat Mix 192 kbps mp3 - 73:34 mins
01...predator intro
02...evil nine - technology
03...unknown - horny
04...tayo & acid rockers vs. jaydee - plastic dreams rmx
05...planet rockers - heaven scent
06...dj rocca & 5th suite - wet wendy
07...atomic hooligan - lefthand
08...scam - killer
09...stereo 8 - can't stop
10...krunk - slyde
11...backdraft vs. soto - monkey (backdraft rmx)
12...kelis - milkshake (zinc rmx)
13...aquasky vs. master blaster - take it to the floor
14...plump dj's - the gate
15...the prodigy - fire (sunrise mix)
16...presser / friendly vs toby neal - 2 black 2 gay
17...scam - so good
18...freq nasty - boomin' back atcha (nuskool mix)
19...rennie pilgrim - emit/collect rmx
20...vifi & nectarios - i can feel it
21...hardcore outro

mista hellfiya - mistahellfiya - flammable (79:43/73MB)
01 - lumidee - never leave you (booty dub)
02 - splitloop - both knees (musicdownstairs) (1:10.931)
03 - unknown - forgot about dre vs plumpy (first coast breaks) (5:56.922)
04 - bassplugger - sumac (future funk squad's 'septic funk' remix) (en:vision) (9:52.512)
05 - future funk squad and mojo - audio damage (ffs dub mix) (11:32.595)
06 - pimp hand army - ghetto dope (pimpstick) (15:49.866)
07 - backdraft - head charge (downbeat) (18:27.191)
08 - klaus 'heavyweight' hill - inside mind (mob) (23:55.928)
09 - chris carter - botty funk (future funk squad's 'robotic' remix) (en:vision) (27:44.682)
10 - dj mutiny - synthetic (wireframe) (31:38.666)
11 - the carbon community - checks in the mail (bless) (34:01.379)
12 - klaus 'heavyweight' hill - northern lights (mob) (38:03.448)
13 - raw as fuck - punks (krafty kuts remix) (against the grain) (42:16.727)
14 - the young punx - got your number (vigi remix) (white) (45:52.395)
15 - king of the hill - my life as a porn star (fat!) (48:44.150)
16 - stabilizer - low slung (breaks mix) (plastic raygun) (52:28.425)
17 - the autobots - chickers (aquasky remix) (2S2) (56:02.711)
18 - dj quest - gravelmuncha (cyberfunk) (60:03:379)
19 - the breakfastaz - psychopath (cyberfunk) (62:38.746)
20 - dj mutiny - times r getting deep (funkatech) (65:56.767)
21 - dj mutiny - war on the streets (wireframe) (71:57.466)
22 - inchie vs merphie - rowdy time (funkatech) (73:15.254)
23 - cypress hill - tequila sunrise (ruffhouse) (76:09:425)

David Soul - Beers, Breaks & Headaches, 10.02.2004
1. Dan F - Line of Sight / SL2 - On a Ragga Boot (Acapella Tool)
2. Stewart Keenan & Muzikjunki - Feel Now (Breaks Remix)
3. Splitloop - Klaxx (Original Mix) / Hip Therapist - Body Language (Gate-A-Pella)
4. Meat Katie & Dark Globe - Feel It
5. Soul of Man - Outback
6. Stereo 8 - Flipmode
7. Vector 13 - Isis / Free*land - We Want Your Soul (Acapella)
8. Yothu Yindi - Timeless Land (Wrecked Angle Remix)
9. Leftfield - Open Up (Zoo DJs Breaks Remix)
10. Alex Dolby - Psiko Garden (David Soul Edit)
11. Rolling Stones - Out of Control (In Hand With Fluke Full Version)

Dave Tozer A.K.A Poor Old Dave - Mix Of The Mounth (04/2004)
Daft Punk : Overture
Unknown : Red diffusion
Poor old dave & Bowser : The Anti
Taishan Feat. Scruffy dee : Bring de bongo (future funk squad mix)
Dan f : Line of sight ( Infusions Crosshair mix)
Beef Wellington : Slightly Elevated (Fila brazilia mix)
Brothers bud : The Alarm
Dj froe & G-swing : Forever lost
Scam : Killa
Chabel & Fernadez : Before you beat my box
Poor old dave : Bite her
Poor old dave & Bowser : Get loose.

Marinelli - schlaflos in f'hain

01 tomcraft & eniac & great stuff (orig. mix) / gsr
02 ge & gm // ben & jerry's / brave records
03 walkner.hintenaus // pinrose / simple records
04 smithmonger // nobody gonn stop us (friendly remix)/ tcr
05 urban deligths // 25 years / dominane records
06 deibeat // we play loud / el pie
07 miami punx // ride a pony (the strike boys remix) / hilltribe
08 the strike boys // i am a witness (capoeira twins washbelly mix) / stereodeluxe
09 jean jacques smoothie // keep it movin' (vandal remix) / tcc
10 the electrician // original style (original version) / womp
11 slyde // krunk / fingerlickin
12 adam freeland // supernatural thing (stereotyp mix) / marineparade
13 off william // kill bill vol.1 / white
14 moloko // cannot contain this (ffs funkatech mix) / echo
15 dub pistols // problem is (dub pistols breaks mix) / distinctive
16 j-punch // reach (fretwell remix) / climax records

Distortionz live on Breaks FM London, 5th March 2004
Breakfasters Psychopath
Phernetic Ban Me
Bill Vega & New Decade Running Scared
The BootyBouncers Get Dirty Baby (Friendly Rmx)
Unknown Energy Flash Bootleg
Aquasky 777
Sfx Beats Don't Stop
Aquasky Dominatrix
Distortionz Pleasure Boat
Backdraft Time to React
Unknown Sean Paul Bootleg (Special Edit)
DJ Quest Switch
Deep Impact I Love Music
Distortionz Spanish Fly
The Autobots ft Teri This World
Darqwan Said The Spider (VIP)
Unknown Booty Space
DJ Quest Gravel Muncher (Deep Impact Remix)
DJ Quest Gravel Muncher (Distortionz Remix)

Gravel Muncher Remix Competition

Transformer Man 118!!!
Distortionz Slingshot
Breakfasters Mass Distraction

Distortionz live on Breaks FM London + Sales Chart 27th Feb 2004

Distortionz Exclusive mix for Nu-Freaks
Radio Show, Belgium 22nd Dec 2003

Distortionz Can of Worms
Inchie vs Froe Energy
Napt Crashin a Party Remix
Masterblaster Direct Hit
Unknown Sean Paul Bootleg
Distortionz Spanish Fly
DJ Nitro Trip into hardcore
ED209 Infections
Darqwan Raisin' Kane (Digital)
Backdraft Labrat
Distortionz Rocky Remix
Baitercell & Schumacer Whats Down Low (Aquasky RMX)
Quest, Breakfasters & MC Ken Mac Overload
Napt Soul Surviving

Distortionz Back 2 Back with The autobots
live on Breaks FM London 29th Dec 2003

Distortionz Live at Fuse, Manchester UK 12th Sept 2003
70 Meg, 1 Hours 55 Mins, MP3, Stereo, 112k
Distortionz Rocky Remix
ED209 Infections
Skool of Thought World of Music (Ed Solo Remix)
Darqwan Said the Spider
Autobots, Factor E and Nick Bounce Dem
Unknown Bad Love (Bootleg)
DJ Quest Unknown
Altern8 Infiltrate 202 (Bootleg)
DeeKline & Wizard 4x4x4 (Aquasky Remix)
Distortionz Trouble Free
DJ Quest Gravel Muncher
Felix 'Da Kat' D Motherfucka
Factor E Swingpunk
Breakfasters Do It This Way
Distortionz Slingshot
Jean Paul Gimme Da Boot (Bootleg)
Unstable Crew Elevator to Hell
Zero Emit
Distortionz Down the Drain
Stanton Warriors Da Virus (Initial Research Remix)
Raw as Fuck The Slammer
The Autobots Chickers (Aquasky Remix)
Bill Vega & New Decade Give me a Break (Bill Vega Remix)
DJ Quest & Breakfasters Lock 'n' Load
Omni Trio Renegade Snares (Aquasky Remix)
Unstable Crew Start the Panic
Distortionz Can of Worms – VIP MIX

und noch etwas ohne Breakz....:

..::SLAM (Soma Rec., Glasgow) - LIVE @ Pressure, Pt.1+2::..


Hosted by: http://www.slamevents.com/mix.html
Spliff76 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 16.04.2004, 18:17   #150
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 18.05.2001
Ort: FFM
Beiträge: 3.637
huch.. spliff is wieder am posten ^^

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breaks, breakz, new skool, newschool, nu breakz, nuskool

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