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Alt 27.01.2004, 12:24   #91
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von aliaSewo
Registriert seit: 13.09.2001
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Beiträge: 2.498
muss ich gleich mal abchecken, denke aber schon thx
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Alt 02.02.2004, 14:35   #92
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 16.11.2002
Ort: Berlin/ Munich
Beiträge: 1.143
new breakbeat-studio-mix online!


mix-set contains tracks from

bushwacka!, freq nasty, zinc, ed solo, rennie pilgrem, aquasky vs. masterblaster, shimano, smithmonger,
i:cube vs rza ...

intro and outro by KRAFTWERK!!!

enjoy listening! need feedback please. full tracklist comin' soon!

greetz FRY

Geändert von fRY (05.03.2004 um 16:27 Uhr)
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Alt 10.02.2004, 11:06   #93
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423

Servus Leute,

ich habe noch ein dickes Live Set von Hybrid live @ ULTRA FEST, WMC Miami 2003. Ich war selbst mit unserer Rawhill Cru / Bad Company Show dort und das Festival sowie das Hybrid Set hat eingeschlagen, sag ich Euch.

Also, wenn jemand einen Server hat, auf den ich das uploaden kann, dann nur zu. Ich werde dann das Teil hochjagen.

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Alt 10.02.2004, 11:08   #94
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 02.07.2003
Ort: ziemlich nah' an Rawhill
Beiträge: 1.423

Ach so, bevor ich es vergesse,

@Spliff: Deine Links sind der Hammer, ich habe soviele geile Mixes gezogen.

Ich habe private Kontakte zu Jackal & Hyde (ehem. Dynamix II) in Miami. Vielleicht kann ich denen mal einen guten Live Mix abjagen. Wenn ich was habe, dann gebe ich hier bescheid.

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Alt 10.02.2004, 11:38   #95
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 18.05.2001
Ort: FFM
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Original geschrieben von supahero
Servus Leute,

ich habe noch ein dickes Live Set von Hybrid live @ ULTRA FEST, WMC Miami 2003. Ich war selbst mit unserer Rawhill Cru / Bad Company Show dort und das Festival sowie das Hybrid Set hat eingeschlagen, sag ich Euch.

Also, wenn jemand einen Server hat, auf den ich das uploaden kann, dann nur zu. Ich werde dann das Teil hochjagen.

kontaktier doch einfach andy von hybridized.org ..
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Alt 11.02.2004, 19:50   #96
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Talking Re: HYBRID live @ ULTRA FEST MIAMI 2003

Original geschrieben von supahero
Servus Leute,

ich habe noch ein dickes Live Set von Hybrid live @ ULTRA FEST, WMC Miami 2003. Ich war selbst mit unserer Rawhill Cru / Bad Company Show dort und das Festival sowie das Hybrid Set hat eingeschlagen, sag ich Euch.

Also, wenn jemand einen Server hat, auf den ich das uploaden kann, dann nur zu. Ich werde dann das Teil hochjagen.

Merci für Dein Angebot, aber das Set ist schon gepostet worden War doch bestimmt der Hammer? Welche Acts waen denn noch so am Start gewesen?

Hybrid - Live At Ultra Beach Party Miami
Date: 2003-03-22

Download Here!!

1) Hybrid - This Is What It Means
2) Hybrid - Visible Noise
3) Hybrid - Know Your Enemy
4) Hybrid - Marrakech
5) Hybrid - I'm Still Awake
6) Hybrid - Out Of The Dark
7) Hybrid - True To Form
8) Hybrid - Symphony/We Are In Control

Mehr (genau gesagt: 71!) Sets von Hybrid (auch Nu Breed + Way Out West/Nick Warren) unter http://www.hybridized.org/sets/?artist=1

hosted by: http://www.hybridized.org/


Hybrid - MOS Distinctive Break 4 2004-01-26 5
Hybrid - Kiss 100FM World's Greatest DJs 2004-01-17 22
Hybrid - MOS Distinctive Break 3 2004-01-12 2
Hybrid - Thump Radio Mix on Alice 97.3 3 2003-12-06 26
Hybrid - Proton Radio Mix 2 2003-12-05 7
Hybrid - XM Radio One Nation 2003-10-17 3
Hybrid - Kiss 100FM Guest Mix 2003-10-03 2
Hybrid - 3FM BPM Mix 2003-09-21 7
Hybrid - DJ Set At Amphitheatre Tampa 2003-08-30 22
Hybrid - Interview On TheWomb.com 2003-08-30 2
Hybrid - Maida Vale Live Session On One World 2003-07-25 21
Hybrid - MOS Distinctive Break 2 2003-06-03 0
Hybrid - MOS Distinctive Break 2003-04-28 1
Hybrid - XFM The Remix Superchunk 2003-04-25 3
Hybrid - MOS Cutting Edge Beats 2003-04-25 13
Hybrid - Party 93.1 Global DJ Broadcast 2003-03-31 5
Chris Healings - Distinct'ive Guest Mix on Ministry Of Sound 2003-03-24 4
Hybrid - Radio Mix On Annie Nightingale 2003-03-23 10
Hybrid - Live At Ultra Beach Party Miami 2003-03-22 4
Hybrid - Thump Radio Mix on Alice 97.3 2 2003-03-09
Hybrid - System Soundbar 2003-02-21 22
Hybrid - Live At The Mission 2003-02-15 12
Hybrid - Pure Future Mix 2003-01-30 8
Hybrid - DJ Set At Buzz Baltimore 2003-01-25 4
Hybrid - XFM Mix 3 2002-11-15 1
Hybrid - Proton Radio Mix 2002-10-24 0
Hybrid - Thump Radio Mix on Alice 97.3 2002-10-06 0
Chris Healings - Dirty Filthy Breaks On Tilos Radio 2002-10-01 1
Hybrid - XFM Mix 2 2002-09-13 0
Hybrid - Live At Fluid Philadelphia 2002-08-07
Hybrid - XFM Mix 1 2002-08-01 0
Hybrid - Kiss 100FM Hybrid Breakbeat Show 3 2002-07-15 3
Hybrid - DJ Set At Soma 2002-04-13 24
Hybrid - XM Radio Bass Block 2002-03-05 1
Hybrid - Live At Buzz Washington DC 2002-02-18 5
Hybrid - Live At MOS House Party 2002-02-16 0
Hybrid - JJJ In The Mix 2001-12-01 6
Chris Healings - Ministry Of Sound Radio 2 2001-10-28 0
Mike Truman - Ministry Of Sound Radio 1 2001-10-14 0
Hybrid - Kiss 100FM Hybrid Breakbeat Show 2 2001-09-03 1
Hybrid - Radio Mix 2001-08-01 4
Hybrid - Galaxy FM 2001-08-01 0
Hybrid - Kiss 100FM Hybrid Breakbeat Show 1 2001-07-08 0
Hybrid - Live At MOS Renaissance 2001-06-18 1
Hybrid - Live At Renaissance 2001-06-11 0
Hybrid - ID&T Radio Show 2001-04-09 8
Hybrid - Live At Labyrinth Helsinki 2001-03-24 1
Hybrid - Live At Cham Jam 2001-03-09 0
Hybrid - Live At Tabernacle Atlanta 2001-02-17 1
Hybrid - Live In Rochester NY 2000-10-13 2
Hybrid - Beatfreq 2000-10-01 0
Hybrid - Live In Austin 2000-10-01 1
Hybrid - Live In Dallas 2000-09-30 0
Hybrid - Live In Los Angeles 2000-09-24 0
Hybrid - Groove Radio 2000-09-18 0
Hybrid - DJ Set At KNDD Ultrasound Seattle 2000-09-13 5
Hybrid - Live At KUCI 2000-08-20 7
Hybrid - Radio JJJ Mixup 2000-02-26 1
Hybrid - Galaxy In The Mix 2000-01-01 0
Hybrid - In The Mix 2000-01-01
Hybrid - Live At Nikita's San Fransisco 1999-11-19 0
Hybrid - Studio Mix At Radio 1 1999-11-19 1
Hybrid - Live At Innercity 1999-11-12 0
Hybrid - Ministry Of Sound 1999-08-01 6
Hybrid - Renaissance World Tour 1999-01-01 1
Hybrid - Live At Renaissance World Tour Unknown 2
Hybrid - Live At Chemistry Amsterdam Unknown 0
Hybrid - Icebreaker Mixset 3 Unknown 2
Hybrid - Unknown DJ Set Unknown 9
Hybrid - Nu Skool Breaks Unknown
Hybrid - NME.com Exclusive Mix Unknown
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Alt 18.02.2004, 15:10   #97
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 18.05.2001
Ort: FFM
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ich weiß vermutlich nich so einfach.. aber ich bräuchte eine playlist zu diesem set


vielleicht kennt ja einer die tunes.. brauche jeden einzelnen davon .. danke
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Alt 23.02.2004, 02:37   #98
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 14.01.2002
Ort: bodensee, münchen
Beiträge: 1.268
ich liebe diesen thread!!!
und jetzt bin ich endlich zuhause und kann mir massenweise zeug runterladen
die hybrid sets sind sehr geil!
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Alt 23.02.2004, 19:18   #99
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 18.05.2001
Ort: FFM
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@say .. es gibt mittlerweile eine emailbenachrichtigung auf der hybridseite sobald neue sets verfügbar sind.. da auch alle anderen artists (WOW, GRAYAREA, DIGITAL WITCHCRAFT; MARSCRUISER; JASON DUNNE) sehr gut , lohnt sich das...

gerade eben wurde ein neues hybridset online gestellt und heute morgen ein Digital witchcraft set
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Alt 23.02.2004, 19:44   #100
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 14.01.2002
Ort: bodensee, münchen
Beiträge: 1.268
ah cool! dankeschön!!
hab auch schon von den anderen sets runtergeladen, hat mir gut gefallen!
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Alt 01.03.2004, 14:29   #101
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
.....langsam mal wieder Nachschub posten...

LIVE AT DISCOBOTZ: A continuous breakbeat mix by IMRI
Recorded @ DISCOBOTZ in Philadelphia on November 19, 2003

Download Here!

01. Frisky "I Like the Way (Plump DJs remix)" [promo] - 2003
02. DJ Icey "Attack Bass" [Zone] - 2002
03. Dave Dub "Dub Down (Loes Lee remix)" [DSV] - 2003
04. The Capoeira Twins "Flick The Switch" [Hope] - 2003
05. Twelve-Inch Superstars "Gangsta Disco" [Sosumi promo] - 2003
06. Soul of Man "Outback" [Finger Lickin'] - 2003
07. Elite Force "Double Black" [Thrust] - 2003
08. Rennie Pilgrem vs. Dub Species "The Sermon (Sensei remix)" [TCR] - 2002
09. Friction & Spice "Future Funk" [Cosmic Records] - 1997
10. Biochip C "Go Bang (Jackal & Hyde remix)" [Force] - 2001
11. Benny Bennassi/The Biz "Satisfaction (Polymusic remix)" [Data] - 2003
12. Johnny Dangerously "Bangum (BFX Bangbus remix)" [MFC] - 2002
13. unknown "Jump On It (remix)" [promo] - 2003
14. Technotronic "The Jam (Shakka mix)" [Ideal Music] - 2002
15. artist unknown "title unknown" [Sosumi promo] - 2002
16. Uberzone and Rennie Pilgrem "Cous Cous (Royale mix)" [TCR] - 2002
17. Soul of Man "The Drum" [Finger Lickin'] - 2002
18. Underworld "Cowgirl (breaks remix)" [promo] - 2003

CD graphic: http://www.discobotz.com/graphics/im...z_CD-label.gif
This mix is intended for promotional use only.
Help support underground dance music: buy the stuff you like

IMRI : LIVE @ IN-THE-LAB (2003) Download Here!

IMRI "SOLID BREAKS vol.1" (2002) Download Here!

IMRI "DIRTY BREAKS: LIVE" (2002)Download Here!

IMRI : LIVE @ FORWARD (2001)Download Here!

Hosted by: http://www.reflective.net/#MUSIC
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Alt 01.03.2004, 22:19   #102
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
gerade online geschaltet:
web-tv show mit mir und ~75 mins querbeet breaks und ~45 mins souly dnb

der stream ist in dauerrotation, d.h. ihr werdet irgendwo mittenreingeworfen


hosted by www.hunderttausend.de

wenn mir mein psychiater die angst vor der ifpi austherapiert hat, dann stell ich auch demnächst nochmal n mp3 rein

damn, die festplatte mit dem video ist abgeraucht und der breaks-teil verloren! es läuft also nur der dnb-part. werd das wohl nochmal neu aufnehmen müssen.

blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast

Geändert von znork (02.03.2004 um 14:40 Uhr)
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Alt 02.03.2004, 14:35   #103
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Habe gerade noch einen Videozusammenschnitt von einem Hammer-Abend gefunden:

Plump DJs & Stanton Warriors LIVE @ World HQ

Checkout video for a short taste of the night!



Plump DJs & Stanton Warriors @ World HQ was an amazing night. The night started off solidly with the supporting DJs spinning out a wide variety of tunes while maintaining the phat beat. There was the usual playing of 50 Cent's "In da club" - but it was given the break-beat treatment.

By the time the Stanton Warriors came on the place was buzzing. The dance floor was full to the brim with little room to move - let alone dance! The atmosphere was electric.

They proceeded to spinout tune after tune of funky break and beats. Their remixed version of Basement Jaxx's "Where's Your Head At" drove the crowd into a wild frenzy. This level of hi-octane music was maintained when Plump DJs took over around 1am. Once again, their choice of tunes and level of mixing was quite immense. Some of the highlights of their set included their break-beat remix of Leftfield's "Phat Planet" and their final mix of Plump DJ's "The Gate". Overall, it was a memorable night of superb music.
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Alt 02.03.2004, 15:21   #104
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
BENCHUN: fuck the top 40 12/2003 breaks

192kbps - high quality (54mb) ] 39:26

Download Here!

bionic - average teenager
t-boy - king of the land (terminalhead mix)
the disciple grin - complicate the sequence
future funk squad - press the button
rhoca - grab the joystick
punks - she not in
cursor miner - baby universe
the phat conductor - ice 9 (scissorkicks kicks mix)
tipper - pringle guts
the disciple grin - odditease (transformer man's blue berry muffin recipe)

Because I get sick of the records I play all the time, here are 10 underplayed tracks in 40 minutes. No hip-hop samples, no ragga vocals, no pop song remixes -- just hard technical breakbeats, mixed rough, tough, and precise

BENCHUN live at bruinslair 7/2003 breaks
[ download 100mb ] 73:03
Download Here!
Enter the lunar module and prepare for liftoff... Bruinslair is one of those few bastions of integrity in an increasingly commercialized and environmentally endangered world. This recording was made at their summer celebration, a magical night for everyone involved.

Hosted by: http://www.benchun.net/dj/


VANNO: Januar Mix 2004
Download Here!

Hosted by: http://www.submedia.com/vanno/


BunZer0 - Breakheadz Vol. 11

Download Here!

Playlist :

1. MALENTE : We Came To Party. (Unique).
2. DJ LOVE : Pushin Buttons. (Stellar Music).
3. XYZEE : Sure Is Funky. (White Label).
4. DRUMATTIC TWINS : Mutate The Beat. (Finger Lickin').
5. DJ MISJAH : Blow Up ! (Groove Fanatics).
6. SLYDE : Krunk. (Finger Lickin').
7. KRAFTY KUTS : Funky Ass Beats - Ed Solo Breakbeat Mix. (Against The Grain).
8. THE ARNOS GROOVE : Boing. (House Of Breaks).
9. DOUBLE BLACK : Double Black. (Thrust).
10. PLUMP DJ's : Pray For You - Dub. (Finger Lickin').
11. STANTON WARRIORS : Da Antidote. (Mob).
12. DAVE DUB : Dub Down. (Dsv).
13. LEE COOMBES : Inside All The People. (Planet Funk).
14. BOLAND BREAKS. (White Label).
15. TAYO MEETS ACID ROCKERS UPTOWN : Prophet Dub. (Skint).
16. ATOMIC HOOLIGAN : 6 Am Beigel. (Botchit & Scarper).
17. ROBB G : Who The Fuck Is ? (Promo Records).
18. SLYDE : That's It. (Finger Lickin').
19. STEREO 8 : Plipmode. (Finger Lickin').
20. BROTHERS BUD vs 72 : The Herbgrinder - Drumattic Twins Remix. (Finger Lickin').
21. 2 SINNERS : Kingpin. (2s2).
22. MACCABA HI-FI : Kind Of Magic - ViperJive Remix by Circuit Breaker & Tosh. (Viperjive).

Back Cover: http://www.futureworldfunk.be/IMG/jpg/BreakzHeadz11.jpg

BuN-Zero: Breakheads Vol. 10:

Download Here!

Playlist :

1. DAVE DUB : Lighter. (Dsv).
2. DREADZONE : Dubwiser's Disco - Soul Of Man Remix. (Fingerlickin').
3. BROTHERS BUD vs 72 : The Herbgrinder. (Fingerlickin').
4. STEREO 8 : Can't Stop. (Fingerlickin').
5. DREADZONE : Dubwiser's Disco - Dread Mix. (Fingerlickin').
6. UNKNOWN : Born Sloppy. (White Label).
7. The Ultimate Seduction 013 (Dj Promo Only).
8. UNKNOWN : Music Mash. (White Label).
9. KRAFTY KUTS : Don't Stop. (Against The Grain).
10. AQUASKY vs MASTERBLASTER : Take It To The Floor. (Shadow Cryptic).
11. INFEKTO : Don't Rush Me. (Passenger).
12. ATOMIC HOOLIGAN : B.t.p. 2 Ft Stren. (Botchit & Scarper).
13. DEEP IMPACT : I Love Music. (Super Charged).
14. DAVE DUB : Roller City Dub. (Dsv).
15. KICKFLIP : Shall We Tell Them. (Choo Limited).
16. BUSHWACKA : Monster. (Plank).
17. KICKFLIP : Shall We Tell Them - Klaus Hill Rmx. (Choo Limited).
18. ED SOLO & SKOOL OF THOUGHT : Feel The Music. (Super Charged).
19. CANDI MATTERS : You Got The Love. (White Label).

Back-Cover: http://www.futureworldfunk.be/IMG/jp...zHeadz10-2.jpg

More BuN-Zero Sets: http://www.futureworldfunk.be/dj.php...le=18&id_mot=2 :

Bun-Zer0 : BreakzHeadz 11 Published on 2004-02-09 13:41:16
Bun-Zer0 - Junglist Hall of Fame Published on 2004-01-20 15:09:39
Bun-Zero - BreakzHeadz 10 Published on 2003-11-27 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - BreakzHeadz 5 Published on 2003-03-00 00:00:00
Future World Funk Crew @ RUN Published on 2003-02-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Drum // Bass // Jungle Published on 2003-01-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - BreakzHeadz 2 Published on 2003-01-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 vs N°9 - Jungle @ Boups.com (09-12-02) Published on 2002-12-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Breakbeat mix @ Boups.com (MP3) Published on 2002-11-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Is this electro ? Published on 2002-11-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 vs N°9 - Oldschool Jungle @ Boups.com Published on 2002-09-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Disco Mix Published on 2002-07-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Untitled mix 03.02.02 Published on 2002-02-00 00:00:00
Bun-zer0 - Going to the dancefloor Published on 2001-12-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Slow down the tempo Published on 2001-07-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - May the groove be with you Published on 2000-08-00 00:00:00
Bun-Zer0 - Freestyle Mix Published on 2000-00-00 00:00:00

Hosted by: http://www.futureworldfunk.be/


Re:nald&krewl present: "SubMission.01 - Part 1" :: Breakbeatz :: NEW !! Mp3 Download Here!

Re:nald&krewl present: "SubMission.01 - Part 2" :: Breakbeatz :: NEW !! Mp3 Download Here!

Hosted by : http://www.djnormanbates.be/ (& more Mixes

Norman Bates presents " Proletarian Funk 4 - Precaution" :: Breakz ::
PsyTox presents " Pump" :: Breakz :: NEW !!
PsyTox presents " Guide The Party" :: Techno ::
PsyTox presents "Hard hitting Breakbeats" :: Breakz ::
PsyTox presents "Funky Shuffle Banana - Norman's Refunked Mix" :: Breakz ::
PsyTox presents "Bleep" :: Elektro ::
PsyTox presents "Electrophunk" :: Elektro ::
PsyTox presents "Klangforschung" :: Breakz ::


....und zum Schluß mal wieder etwas mit weniger Breaks; aber trotzdem sehr fett:

Silicone Soul - Essential Mix 02.09.2001 [SOMA Rec., Glasgow]
[ 120 min ] : [ 192 kbps ] : [ 170 mb ]
Download Here!
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Alt 02.03.2004, 16:04   #105
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von aliaSewo
Registriert seit: 13.09.2001
Ort: [B]B[/B]
Beiträge: 2.498
Original geschrieben von Spliff76
link geht nicht
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Alt 02.03.2004, 16:49   #106
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
BIG RUSS : Promo Mixes:

Big Russ - Night Life
1 - Wrecked Angle - Acid Funk
2 - Bjork - Pegan Poetry (infusion mix)
3 - Dj Killer - This is
4 - War 2003 (white label)
5 - Funk Monster - Brain Scan
6 - Van Halen rmx (white label)
7 - C83 - Taurus
8 - Dan F - Hakisack
9 - J Break - Feel the Heat
10 - Phathead - Full Moon
11 - Dj Who - Pump the Method (with vocals from Danny Teneglia's "Elements")
12 - D Pimp - Overload

Big Russ - Nooner
1 - Chemical Brothers - Base 6
2 - Vigi & Zero - Ultrafunk
3 - Dj Elite - BassShaker
4 - Cirrus - Hit the Decks
5 - Headtop - Hijack
6 - Uberzone - Bounce
7 - Plump Dj's - Big Groovy Fucker
8 - Blim - Crazy Things
9 - Lil Steven & Sikora - Kaleidoskope High
10 - Koma & Bones - High Rollin
11 - Dj Rob E & Security - Bass Power
12 - Meat katie - Next Life

Big Russ - Break Fast Download

Big Russ - December Mix Session Download
Big Russ - Deck Support Mix (Hour 1) Download
Big Russ - Deck Support Mix (Hour 2) Download

Hosted by: http://www.djbigruss.com/

sept 2003 mix - Techhouse

Download Here!
1. fc kahuna - hayling (chicken lips remix) - skint
2. chris specht & claude9 - kritikal positive - shaboom
3. motorcraft - v8 - silver
4. underworld - two month off (king unique remix) - jbo
5. xpress 2 - smoke machine (tendroid mix) - skint
6. spork - freek like me (original) - southern fried
7. alan simms - dark dubs - blackout
8. alan barratt - dancing round the fire - redant
9. tony thomas - furry funk - skyline
10. carlos fauvrelle - operator - choo choo
11. peter juergens - once you get started - mutekki
12. unknown - deeper flash - white

Hosted by: http://www.teletek.ch

the JVR Network presents Doc Jones' "Alien Disco"
Download Here!

Playlist - 15. 02. 2004 / 18:00 - 19:00 :
00. "Alien Disco" (Intro)
01. Agoria feat. Tricky - "2thousand3"
02. Carl A. Finlow - "Anomaly"
03. Loes Lee & Meneater - "Rolser" (Future Funk Squad Mix) / MTR 009
04. Ajello - "That's true" (Loes Lee Mix) / MTR 010
05. Don & Dirty - "Enemy of Communication" / MTR 011
06. Globe & Swain - "I found you" / MTR 012
07. Don & Dirty - "Normalize" / MTR 011
08. Globe & Swain - "Mooncat" / MTR 012
09. Debasser - "Dirty Names"
10. Dave Clarke feat. Rush - "Way of Life" (Technasia's Brutal Mix)
11. (Outro Noise)

the JVR Network presents Doc Jones' "Alien Disco"
Download Here!

Playlist - 01. 02. 2004 / 18:00 - 19:00 :
00. "Alien Disco" (Intro)
01. Olaf Apholz - APW 001 B2
02. Agoria - "La Onzieme Marche" (Phil Kieran Remix)
03. Senor Coconut - "Smooth Operator" (Agoria Remix)
04. Agoria - "Mad Max" (David Carretta Remix)
05. Inner City - "Big Fun" (Agoria Remix)
06. Funk D'Void - "Emotional Content"
07. Funk D'Void - "All that matters"
Kraftwerk - "Music Non Stop" (MTV Trailer)
08. Funk D'Void - "Diabla" (Heavenly Mix)

the JVR Network presents Doc Jones' "Alien Disco"
Download Here!

Playlist - 25. 01. 2004 / 18:00 - 19:00 :
00. "Alien Disco" (Intro)
01. T.Raumschmiere - "Rabaukendisko"
02. Chemical Brothers - "Electronic Battle Weapon 6"
03. Luke Slater - "Traktion Action"
04. Client - "Daredevil"
05. The Hacker - "Life / Death"
06. John Starlight - "Holy"
07. Carl A. Finlow - "Polygon Girl"
08. Dave Clarke - "The Wolf"
Kraftwerk - "Music Non Stop" (MTV Trailer)
09. Phil Kieren - "Youth"

the JVR Network presents Doc Jones' "Alien Disco"
Download Here!

Playlist - 11. 01. 2004 / 18:00 - 19:00 :
00. "Alien Disco" (Intro)
01. Phil Kieren - "I Love U" (Adam Beyer & Lenk Remix)
02. The Rapture - "House of Jealous Lovers" (Tom "Cosmos" Middleton Remix)
03. Radioactive Man - "1^U=Daven't_Nay"
04. Felix da Housecat feat. Miss Kittin -
"Silver Screen, Shower Scene" (LRD's Thin White Duke Remix)
05. Radioactive Man - "Major"
06. Carl A. Finlow - "Reconcile"
Kraftwerk - "Music Non Stop" (MTV Trailer)
07. Carl A. Finlow - "Out of Time"
08. Kraftwerk - "Elektro Kardiogramm" (Radio Promo Edit)
09. Underworld - "Born Slippy 2003" (London Elektricity Remix Edit)
10. Keen K. - "I hear Music"
11. Senor Coconut - "Smoke on the Water" (Radio Edit - Part One)

the JVR Network presents Doc Jones' "Alien Disco"
with its "Best of 2003" Special !!!
Download Here!

Playlist - 21. 12. 2003 / 18:00 - 19:00 :
00. "Alien Disco" (Intro)
01. Redagain P. - "Whirl Beat"
02. T.Raumschmiere - "Monstertruckdriver"
(Doc Jones' Spectacular Monster Show Edit - Extended Version)
03. Chemical Brothers - "Get Yourself High"
(Felix da Housecat's Chemical Meltdown Mix)
04. L.F.O. - "Snot"
05. John Foxx & Louis Gordon - "Making Movies" (Main Theme)
06. Radioactive Man - "Fed-Ex to München"
07. Carl A. Finlow - "Floating Point"
Kraftwerk - "Music Non Stop" (MTV Trailer)
08. Front 242 - "Together"
09. Kraftwerk - "Vitamin"
10. Kevin Lux - "Up"

Hosted by: http://www.jointventureradio.org/de/

Robtronik: r:evolution
Download Here!

Sean Cusick - Paraiso Obscuro
Meat Katie & Dark Globe - Future Abuse (re-rub)
Meat Katie - Next Life (Elite Force Remix)
Dylan - Revolver
GPA - Velvet Voodoo (Dean Mushin's Akademic Dub)
Circuit Breaker - Deeper Still
Unknown - It's Dark in Here
Waveform & Crash - Systems Online
Dan F & JP - Interceptor
Unkown - Horny
DJ Quest - Gravelmuncha
Chable & Bonicci - Ride (Breaks Mix)
Unknown - Bolland Breaks

160 KB MP3 - 84 Megabytes - 72 Minutes!

Hosted by: http://www.robtronik.com


:: DJ BE(A)TABLOCKER :: February Nubreaks mix - 64 min. / 74 MB (160 kbs) ↓ download mp3 ↓


BEATABLOCKER – Going Down / Unsigned
LONDON BREAKZ – Fine Line / Promo
EK – Born To Live / Sound Not Scene
AJELLO – That’s True (Elite Force Mix) / Moving Target
BOABINGA – Potroast / Plastic Raygun
DAN F – Line of Sight (Infusions Crosshair Mix) / Kilowatt Recordings
SLYDE - Krunk / Finger Lickin
HACKER – 005 / Hacker Records
BREAK LEGEND – Dirty Breaks E.P. (Lychees mix) / Mantra Breaks
CEDRIC BENOIT & MASTA – Fat Mama / Lab Rok Records
LEE COOMBS – Tribal Tension (Drummatic Twins mix) / Promo

Hosted by: http://www.bad-ass-breaks.net/index2.htm


Freestylers Album Preview Tracks:

Freestylers :
Get A Life Download Here!

Track 2 Download Here!

Track 3 Download Here!

Track 4 Download Here!

Hosted by: http://www.breakbeat.pl/planetbreaks/
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Alt 02.03.2004, 17:29   #107
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Grizzla Mixsets

Grizzla Mixsets :

Mixset from 7 th February 2004 – 33.7 Mg

Grizzla - Roll M 14 - Pre-treatment Medication
Download Here!
Radiohead – Fitter [Parlophone]
Chris Coco feat. Peter Green – Albatross (Christian J Rmx) [Distinctive]
Koma & Bones feat Matt Maudsley – Basic Emotion [TCR]
Freq Nasty – Clit Licka [Skint]
Rui da Silva – Touch Me [Kismet]
10 Sui – Go Deeper [Distinctive]
Luke Slater – Stars & Heroes (Pilgrem & BLIM Mix) [Mute]
Subway vs Decepticons – Amazonia [Dorigen]
Tilt – Seduction of Orpheus (Tilt's Mythology Mix) [Hooj]
Dreadzone feat. Mafia Tone – The Warriors (Breaks Mix) [Double Seven]
BLIM – Dust [TCR]
Spike feat. Sly – Toxic Culture [Distinctive Breaks]
Player One – Rupture & R U Ready [Airdog]
Backdraft – Headcharge [Downbeat Breaks]
DJ Quest & Breakfastas – Beerguzzla [Cyberfunk]
Baitercell & Schumacher – What's Down Low (Aquasky vs Masterblaster Rmx) [Passenger]
Equipment used – 3 x Numark TTX-1, Denon DN-S5000, Pioneer

Mixset from 14/05/03 - 34.1 Mg

Grizzla, 2003 – A Breaks Odyssey -
Download Here!
• Grizzla - Intro
• JHz – Azures - [Botchit Breaks]
• AB Oblivion – Mover Masher (Original Mix) - [Full Tilt]
• Digital Kidz – Menace - [En:Vision] w/ Matrix Accapella
• Anon – Come Clean (Original Mix) - [Timing Recordings]
• Force Mass Motion & Dylan Rhymes – Vanquish (Original Mix) - [Acetate]
• Chase & Status – Like This - [Vehicle]
• Chris Carter – ESP - [TCR]
• Late Night Sneaky – Purr Project (Original Mix) - [Distinctive Breaks]
• Mac Zimms – Bassdrive - [Macs Wax]
• Rennie Pilgrem – Black Widow (Original Mix) - [TCR]
• Sourmash – Pilgrimage to Paradise (BLIM's Bourbon Bass Mix) – [Hooj]
• Atomic Hooligan – Viper – [Distinctive Breaks]
• Rennie Pilgrem & BLIM – 2 Freaks – [White]
• PFN – To The Beat (Original Mix) – [10 Kilo]
• Just Jack – Snowflakes (Terminalhead Remix) – [RGR]
• Autobots – Rocky – [Botchit Breaks]
Equipment used - 2 x Vestax PDX-d35's and Pioneer DJM600 Mixer

Hosted by: http://www.regalcarehomes.com/grizzla.html (+ more Sets)
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Alt 03.03.2004, 14:55   #108
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
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Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
All Sets from 10 Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003

....bin gerade mal wieder über eine nette Downloadseite mit massig Sets gestoßen... (leider wenig Nu Skool; aber ich poste trotzdem mal die Sets; vielleicht gibt es ja Interessierte)

Radio Active Man Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Andrew Weatherall Live @ 10Days off Part1, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Andrew Weatherall Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
David Holmes & Pablo Psychonaut Live @ 10Days off Part1, Gent, Belgium, 2003
David Holmes & Pablo Psychonaut Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Marky & XRS feat Stamina Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Suv & MC Verse Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
DK7! Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
A Guy Called Gerald Live @ 10Days off Part1, Gent, Belgium, 2003
A Guy Called Gerald Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Prefuse 73 Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Layo & Bushwacka Live @ 10Days off Part1, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Layo & Bushwacka Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Layo & Bushwacka Live @ 10Days off Part3, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Tiga Live @ 10Days Off - Ghent, Belgium - 2003
Black Strobe Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Tiefschwarz Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Swayzak Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
H-Foundation Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Alex Gopher & Etienne De Crécy Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Felix da Housecat Live @ 10Days Off part 1 - Ghent, Belgium - 2003
Felix da Housecat Live @ 10Days Off part 2 - Ghent, Belgium - 2003
LCD soundsystem Live @ 10Days Off part 1 - Ghent, Belgium - 2003
LCD soundsystem Live @ 10Days Off part 2 - Ghent, Belgium - 2003
Zongamin Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Herbert Live @ 10Days off, Gent Part1, Belgium, 2003
Herbert Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003
Jack De Marseille Live @ 10Days off, Gent, Belgium, 2003

Lemon D & Dillinja Live @ Ministry of Sound Radio part1 - 08/2003
Lemon D & Dillinja Live @ Ministry of Sound Radio part2 - 08/2003

......und viel mehr unter: http://www.mrsolomon.be/frederiek/li...r=AND&offset=0

Format: W M V


Goldie Live @ Therapy - 18/12/2003
Grooverider Live @ Surreal - 3/2003
Cause 4 Concern - Studio Mix - 10/2003
High Contrast Live @ Medium Radio - 09/10/2002
Mampi Swift Live @ Surreal - 01/2003
Friction & MC SP Live @ 1xtra - 11/09/2003
Arqer & Realtime Live @ apt. 401 - 11/2003
Bailey vs Equinox Live @ Technicality - 01/10/2003
Rawthang - Live Mix - 04/2003
DJ Fusion - Live Mix - 15/01/2004
Groovalistic Live @ HR3 XXL - Ostermarsch - Oldcut - 18/4/2003
Groovalistic Live @ HR3 XXL - Ostermarsch - Oldcut - 18/4/2003
Groovalistic Live @ HR3 XXL - Ostermarsch - Kommander Keen - 18/4/2003
Si Begg Live @ Future Funk - 2002
Adam Freeland - Live @ Radio 1 Breezeblock Show - 2000
Cassius Live @ Maximum Rotation radio show - 15 March 2003
Future Sound of London - XFM The Rinse - 27/12/2002
DJ Shadow Live in Nottingham - 4/11/2002
Timo Maas Live @ Club Okyo - 16/05/2003
Underworld Live @ Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, USA Part 1
Underworld Live @ Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, USA Part 2
Ellen Allien Live @ Autobahn - 2004
Miss Kittin Live @ Sonar 2003
The Hacker - Live Mix
Bob Sinclair Live @ Dance Department[*.zip]
John Digweed Essential Mix
Luke Slater Live @ BBC Radio1 "Breezeblock Headline Set" - London, UK - 15/04/2002
Vitalic - Live @ I Love Techno, Ghent - 18/10/2003
The Youngsters Live @ Shine Stream - 2002


Hosted by:
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Alt 03.03.2004, 18:07   #109
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
Prefuse 73 Live @ 10Days off Part2, Gent, Belgium, 2003

der mann ist genial
(was in dem set hier geht weiß ich aber noch nicht.. downloading)

naja, das ist leider ziemlich für den arsch... sieht mir nach ner etwas uninspirierten ich-leg-auf-dem-dritten-floor-mal ein paar lustige-7"-auf-die-ich-sonst-nie-spielen-würde-session aus
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast

Geändert von znork (04.03.2004 um 17:07 Uhr)
znork ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 05.03.2004, 14:45   #110
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
!!!!Fine Cut Bodies Sets / Radio Tilos Shows!!!!

@ Znork: Das Prefuse 73 Set habe ich leider nicht runtergeladen; daher kann ich nichts dazu sagen....

Ich finde die Sets von A. Weatherall, Radioactive Man & David Holmes sehr geil....


Habe gerade noch sehr feine Radioshows gefunden (Radio Tilos):
[All Files are .OGG]

Title: Ablak-A-Dubra
By: Fine Cut Bodies + Dave Tipper
Time: 01/08/2003 , 00.00-02.00 (CET)
Radio: Radio Tilos >> http://www.tilos.hu
Region: Internet + Hungary (air - FM90,3)
Genre: Experimental, Ambient, Minimal, BreakBeat...
Label: Chi-Recordings >> http://www.chi-recordings.com
Archives: http://www.chi-recordings.com/magyar..._radio_aad.htm

Download Here (.ogg)!


Kevin @ Fine Cut Bodies at the desks

01> Joachim Spieth: Ich (B2) - [Kompakt]
02> Push Button Objects: Twisted - [Skam]
03> Amon Tobin: Verbal /Prefuse73 remix/ - [Ninja Tune]
04> Prefuse73: 90% Of My Mind Is With You - [Warp]
05> Sutekh: Is There A Place - [Soul Jazz Records]
06> S'apex Audiodesign: Henryk - [Poets Club]
07> Mira Calix: Sixnot6 - [Warp]
08> Jean Michel Jarre: C'est La Vie /Funkstorung remiks/ - [K7!]
09> Pole: Huckepack - [Matador]
10> Pole: Round Two - [Mute]

Tipper at the laptop

11> Silly Tippy Noises
12> Plaid: Cold /Funckarma remix/
13> ???: Cash /AFX remix/
14> Tipper: Tear Strips Off - [MyUtopia]
15> Cold Fusion Mafia: ???
16> Cold Fusion Mafia: ???
17> Boards Of Canada: ??? (track 7 from Geogaddi LP)
18> The Fabrics: ???
19> Edit: ???
20> To Rococo Rot & I-Sound: Music Is A Hungry Ghost - [Mute]
21> Tipper: Forty Winks - [MyUtopia]
22> ???: Jigger
23> S.I.Begg: Wierd Electro
24> Tipper: Pringle Guts
25> Radioactive Man: ??? /Bass Junkies remix/
26> Radioactive Man: It Is And It Isn't /Tipper mix/
27> S.I.Begg: Bitches
28> Andy Page feat. George Clinton: Electrofunk


Title: Ablak-A-Dubra
By: Elite Force + Fine Cut Bodies
Time: 18/07/2003 , 00.00-02.00 (CET)
Radio: Radio Tilos >> http://www.tilos.hu
Region: Internet + Hungary (air - FM90,3)
Genre: BreakBeat, House, ...
Label: Chi-Recordings >> http://www.chi-recordings.com
Archives: http://www.chi-recordings.com/magyar..._radio_aad.htm

Download Here!(.ogg)!


Elite Force mix

01> Double Black: Pipedream - [Thrust]
02> Serge Santiago: Impedance /Meat Katie & Dylan Rhymes mix/ - [Stompaphunk]
03> Rhythm Division: No Messing /Elite Force remix/ - [CDR]
04> Plastic Perverts: Alarm Bells - [MOB]
05> Unknown: 4 All The Freakz - [white]
06> Dylan Rhymes: Muzika - [W9Y]
07> Ajello: It's True /Elite Force remix/ - [CDR]
08> Plump DJs: Funk Hits The Fan /acapella/ - [Finger Lickin']
09> Sebastian Leger: Azzidobrazil - [Ovum]
10> Vigi & Zero: Ultrafunk - [TCR]
11> Elite Force: No Turning Back - [W9Y]
12> Unknown: Deeperflash - [White]
13> Apollo Kids: Counting Off /Meat Katie & Elite Force remix/ - [Fat]
14> Disco Assassins: Step Inside - [Supercharged]
15> DJ Dan: Put The Record On /Justin Drake remix/ - [???]
16> Alan Barratt: Zulu Drums 8 - [Royal Drums]
17> Pop Out And Play: Still Sleeping /Piece Division remix/ - [Purpose]
18> Los Paranoias: Lies, Lies, Lies /Elite Force remix/ - [Faith & Hope]
19> Santos: 70s Sensation /Dylan Rhymes remix/ - [MOB]
20> Killer Elite: Triggaman - [TCR]
21> Fine Cut Bodies: Trekk Far /Elite Force remix/ - [Chi]

Kevin @ Fine Cut Bodies mix

22> Kananga: Inner Feeling - [Play Breaks]
23> Future Funk Squad feat. Tamra: Kissing Air /Kraymon remix/ - [Default]
24> Apollo 440 feat. The Beanuts: Dude Descending A Staircase /Stanton Warriors vocal club mix/ - [Sony]
25> Killer Elite: Triggaman /Elite Force remix/ - [TCR]
26> Precision Cuts: Psychedelic Squeezebox - [Smartbreaks]
27> rEalm: ION /Be&See breaks mix/ - [Ritmic]
28> Vlad Ardisson: Split Screen /Vlads mix/ - [LondonBreakz]
29> Disco Assassins: Step Inside - [Supercharged]
30> Coburn: Illegal - [Frontier]
31> Roland Klinkenberg: Don't Stop - [Polylux]
32> The Scammers: Sally's Walk - [Narcotix]
33> Presslaboys: Electric Generation /Rob Mello 'no ears dub'/ - [Crosstown Rebels]
34> Tiefschwarz: Nix /LukeSolomon'sreeddimix/ - [Classic]
35> Doctor Rockit: Veselka's Dinner - [Lifelike]


Title: Ablak-A-Dubra
By: Fine Cut Bodies + General Midi
Time: 29/08/2003 , 00.00-02.00 (CET)
Radio: Radio Tilos >> http://www.tilos.hu
Region: Internet + Hungary (air - FM90,3)
Genre: Dub, House, Breakbeat
Label: Chi-Recordings >> http://www.chi-recordings.com
Archives: http://www.chi-recordings.com/magyar..._radio_aad.htm
Download here (.ogg)!

Kevin @ Fine Cut Bodies

01> Pressure Drop: The Calling /Freeman version/ - [One Eye]
02> Atlas: Compass Error /Tarantella&Redanka dubbed version/ - [Plastica Red]
03> Massive Attack: Butterfly Caught /Paul Daley dub/ - [Virgin]
04> The Rootsman feat. Horace Andy: My World Is Spinning - [Meteosound]
05> I-Wolf pres. Soul Strata: Positivity /Christian Candid remix/ - [Klein]
06> Paine: Spontaneous /Volcov 4-3-3 dub mix/ - [Temposphere]
07> Tosca: Annanas - [Guidance]
08> Senor Coconut: Smoke On The Water /Swayzak en la clusaz mix/ - [New State]
09> Decomposed Subsonic: I Never Say - [Ware]
10> Greens Keepers: Mesopotamian /Lance De Sardi's deep bleep dub/ - [Classic]
11> Kut Goldcard: R.I.C.H. /Maetrik remix/ - [Big Chief]
12> Brancaccio & Aisher: Everybody /Tom Managan's hoodisgood mix/ - [Bedrock]
13> Futureshock: Pride's Paranoia /Ewan's sticking plastered dub/ - [EMI]

General Midi

Tracklist isn't available!


Title: Ablak-A-Dubra
By: Fine Cut Bodies + Dreadzone
Time: 04/02/2004 , 20.00-22.00 (CET)
Radio: Radio Tilos >> http://www.tilos.hu
Region: Internet + Hungary (air - FM90,3)
Genre: Breakbeat
Label: Chi-Recordings >> http://www.chi-recordings.com
Archives: http://www.chi-recordings.com/magyar..._radio_aad.htm

Download Here(.ogg)!


Fine Cut Bodies in the mix

01> Object: New Object Science - [Foton]
02> Cord: Creation - [Chi]
03> Peter Gabriel: Growing Up /Stabilizer remix/ - [Virgin]
04> Paul Jackson feat. Steve Smith: The Push /Mustelines Mammoth Restraint mix/ - [Underwater]
05> Tsunami One vs BT: Hip-Hop Phenomenon /Evil Nine edit/ - [Marine Parade]
06> Descent: Addicted /Adegen's robotronic breaks mix/ - [Stellar]
07> Fine Cut Bodies: Trekk Far - [Chi]
08> Dan F: Line Of Sight - [Kilowatt]
09> Amb: Romeo /Raster rework/ - [Chi]
10> LA Hookers: Sexslave - [10kilo]
11> Big Hair: If I Was A Psycho Killer... - [U-Freqs]
12> Molomekaniske: Laks - [Chi]

13> Ricky V Valentine: Ghetto Classics - [C Side Trax]

Greg @ Dreadzone in the mix

14> Ray Winstone: Sexy Beast - [???]
15> Tayo vs Acid Rockers: Prophet Dub - [Skint]
16> Distraction Diversion: Diversion - [Inflight]
17> Uberzone vs Pilgrem: Cous Cous - [TCR]
18> Spork: Freak Like Me - [???]
19> Layo&Bushwacka: Love Story /breaks/ - [End]
20> Five Dees: Funky - [???]
21> Malente: Don't Stop - [???]
22> Plump DJs: Funk Hits The Fan - [FingerLickin']
23> FreQ Nasty: Boombaclaat - [???]
24> Chase'n'Status: Wise Up - [???]
25> Dreadzone vs Mafia Tone vs Ms Dynamite: The Warriors - [Double Seven]
26> Raw As Fuck vs Million Dan: No Replica
27> Another Homicide bootleg
28> Brothers Bud: Herb Grinder - [FingerLickin']
29> Slide: Slippedy Slide - [FingerLickin']
30> Spike feat. Sly: Toxic Culture - [???]
31> Terminalheads: Head Down - [Kilowatt]


All Sets Hosted by: http://frisco.chi-recordings.com/ang..._radio_aad.htm

weitere Shows zum downloaden:

DJ Naga 21/01/2004
FCB + Pheek 14/01/2004
DJ Naga + Iain Taylor 10/12/2003
FCB + Ben Camp 07/11/2003
FCB + Fink 24/10/2003
FCB + Databass 10/10/2003
FCB + Chris Carter 15/08/2003
..... + massig Sets von FINE CUT BODIES!!

Jede Shows mit Tracklist!!

Geändert von Spliff76 (05.03.2004 um 14:47 Uhr)
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Alt 05.03.2004, 14:57   #111
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
DjEmpath 12/03 :

Download Here!
Dub Pistols - Problem Is (Soul of Man Remix)
Vigi - Blow My Mind
Chris Carter - Botty Funk (FFS Remix)
Killer Elite - Triggaman (Elite Force Remix)
Koma & Bones - Black Satsuma
Mafia Tone vs Dreadzone - The Warriors
Andy Page & Babs - Oblivia Newton Bomb
Chris Coco feat. Peter Green - Albatross (Christian J Remix)
FEX - Frozen Fairway
Nuddles - Locked On (Meat Katie Remix)
Walkner Hintenaus - Pinrose (Christian J Remix) + (Empath live overdub)
Timo Maas feat. Kelis - Help Me (Rennie Pilgrim Remix)
LBJ feat. Siiri - Save Us
Lo Step feat. Lior Attar - The Roots

Hosted by: http://www.parabolic-records.com

Track listing is as follows.
01 - Devotion Intro - Aaron Jae
02 - Initial Research - The Visitors
03 - Move Me - Meat Katie & Christian J
04 - The Popstar - Klaus Hill
05 - Swap Mix - Care in the Community vs. Databass
06 - Itsaremix - Blim & Carter
07 - Deeper Water - PMT
08 - How Do You Feel - Hedrock Valley Beats (Koma & Bones Rmx)
09 - Born Slippy Nuxx - Underworld (Atomic Hooligan Rmx)
10 - True to Form - Hybrid

MEAT KATIE February 2004 Promo :

http://www.soundrevolt.com/download.php?lang=en&id=9 (Click Here!!)

1. Meat Katie & Elite Force Feat. Roland Clark – The Answer (force Mass Motion Remix)
2. Unknown – Booted Out
3. Burnz Brothers – Machine
4. Dogzilla – Big Chat
5. Dan F – Line Of Sight (infusion Mix)
6. Freeland – Unknown (christian J Remix)
7. Lee Coombs & Grant Plant – Black Elk
8. Meat Katie & Justin Drake – Poke
9. Force Mass Motion – Why Me
10. Meat Katie & Dylan Rhymes – Dita Beater

Prod. date: 2004-02-16
Genre: breakbeat
Time: 47 min.
Format: mp3
Size: 61MB
Cue file: N/A

Hosted by: http://www.soundrevolt.com

Geändert von Spliff76 (05.03.2004 um 15:00 Uhr)
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Alt 05.03.2004, 18:28   #112
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524

Kann mir vielleicht bitte jemand mal erklären was es mit den m3u Dateien auf sich hat? Kann man die in MP3 Dateien umkonvertieren?

Habe hier halt einige gefunden:

BLIM: LIVE ON TILOS - 2003/07/26


RAINER TRÜBY: LIVE AT S.O.U.L., 2004/01/18

NU:TONE: LIVE ON TILOS, 2004/01/10

Title : DEMO
By : Chi-Recordings >> http://www.chi-recordings.com
Date : 13/12/2003 , 19.00-20.00 (CET)
Radio : Radio Tilos >> http://www.tilos.hu
Theme : Soul Of Man (FingerLickin')
Studio: Soul Of Man, BreakHuszar, Amb, Kevin
Archive: http://www.chi-recordings.com/magyar...radio_demo.htm



01> Cord: Vanation - [unsigned]
02> Subtribe: Codevision - [unsigned]
03> Drummatic Twins: Swim With Me - [unreleased - Finger Lickin']
04> Lee Coombs: Electrofog - [unreleased - Finger Lickin']
05> Walkner Hintenaus: Pinrose /Christian J remix/ - [Simple]

Hosted by: http://tilos.hu/
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Alt 05.03.2004, 18:42   #113
Registriert seit: 09.02.2003
Ort: Mainz
Beiträge: 4
Der beste Threat überhaupt!
Merci an Spliff76!!

Wann soll ich das nur alles hören???

m3u sind Winamp-Playlisten. Ohne die zugehörigen mp3s bringen sie glaub ich nichts.
clmns ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 05.03.2004, 19:28   #114
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
.m3u-dateien auf die festplatte speichern.
mit nem texteditor öffnen:
darin steht der pfad(=link) zu dem mp3, das gestreamt wird, welches man dann wunderbar downloaden kann
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast
znork ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 05.03.2004, 21:57   #115
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Big thx Mr Znork. Das mit dem Texteditor funktioniert einwandfrei!! MERCI.
Teste gerade mal das Evil 9 Set an.
Spliff76 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 09.03.2004, 14:48   #116
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Mr. Andersön and Redcell @ Breakbeat Grooves
(Recorded on December 18th, 2003.)

Download HERE! MP3 (192 kbps, stereo)

Leftfield: Phat Planet (breaks mix)--[bootleg]
Teebone feat. MC Kie and MC Sparks: Fly Bi (acapella)--East West
Smithmonger and Grunhard: Lost (smithmonger edit)--10 Kilo
Groove Armada: Superstylin’ (breaks remix)--[bootleg]
Deep Impact: Methods (vip remix)--Supercharged
Jason Sparks: Secret Place (deckline and wizard remix)--Botchit and Scarper
Autobots: Rocky--Botchit Breaks
Shimano: Baddest DJ (vip)--Hardcore Beats
Omni Trio: Renegade Snares (aquasky vs masterblaster remix)--Moving Shadow
Paradox: Odissea--Reinforced
Freq Nasty vs Public Enemy: Amp the Noise (Y4K)--[bootleg]
Adam Freeland: Smells Like...--[bootleg]
Atomic Hooligan feat. Ziggy: The Music We Play--Botchit and Scarper
Underworld: Born Slippy (atomic hooligan remix)--JBO
Atomic Hooligan feat. Siren: BTP 2--Botchit Breaks
Aquasky vs Masterblaster: Ghost--Passenger
Blu Mar Ten: The Swarm (rennie pilgrem remix)--TCR
Shut Up and Dance and DJ Hype: Reclaim the Streets--Shut Up and Dance Music

Hosted by: http://www.ruffrhythmz.com/

MuzikJunki's acapella mix :
1- Intro
Bushwackah! - Marsupial ten-dances
Christina aquilera on speed - Cant hold us down (acapella)
2- Almighty Beatfreakz - Resident soundboys
3- Plump DJs - Contact double zero
Micheal Procter - Fall down (acapella)
JM Silk - Let the music (acapella)
4- Dub Pistols - Problem is (Soul of man rmx)
G-Pal - Oceans of blue (acapella)
5- Kiss my bass - White label
6- Evil nine - Cakehole
KM productions feat. Harmarni Rae - Contact (acapella)
Chantal - The Realm (acapella)
7- Pure Orange feat. Shane Nolan - Feel alive
Fat boy slim - Star 69 (acapella)

Hosted by: http://www.breaktru.info/pages/mixes.htm

Free MP3 Tracks + E.P.'s:

u.a.: Online EPs :

Invincible & Kid Kenobi - Alright (SOHO002)
» 1. Alright (160kbps/9.7mb mp3)
» 2. Alright remix (160kbps/6.7mb mp3)

Psilodump - Symptom EP (SOHO001)
» 1. Symptom (Full mix) (LAME vbr/8.7mb mp3)
» 2. Sinus (LAME vbr/11.6mb mp3)
» 3. Pantropical (Unyx remix) (192kbps/5.6mb mp3)
» Download cover


» Spark & MC Marathon - Neibakilla (LAME vbr/7.9mb MP3)
» Spark - Where the party's at (Uncouth Youth remix) (256kbps/14.2mb MP3)
» Joel Woltek - Step inside this groove (Stisch remix) (256kbps/14.6mb MP3)
» Joel Woltek - Dreamstate (Rhoca's frightnight remix) (256kbps/15.4mb MP3)
» Sirene - Love (Rhoca's junkfunk remix) (160kbps/8.1mb MP3)
» Sirene - Love (Tweeky remix) (160kbps/5.9mb MP3)
» Stisch - GBG (Radio edit) (160kbps/4mb MP3)

Spliff76 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.03.2004, 10:40   #117
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 16.11.2002
Ort: Berlin/ Munich
Beiträge: 1.143

ziemlich fette mix-sammlung zwischen bigbeat, breaks, progressive, downbeat, hiphop!!!
fRY ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.03.2004, 12:20   #118
Kriz Lee
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von Kriz Lee
Registriert seit: 06.09.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 401
@fry: thanks man ...gleich diverse sets abgesaugt.
die langen nächte in schnellen autos auf leeren strassen dürfen nun kommen...
Kriz Lee ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.03.2004, 14:28   #119
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Spliff76
Registriert seit: 15.01.2003
Ort: Koblenz / St Ingbert
Beiträge: 4.524
Feine Sets

Habe gerade einen Link zu einem STANTON WARRIORS Live Set gefunden und hoffe daß dieser noch funzt..... (Bitte um Rückmeldung)

Stanton Warriors LIVE Set: Download Here!

Hosted by: http://www.clubsessions.co.uk/p_mixes.asp
Spliff76 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.03.2004, 14:32   #120
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von znork
Registriert seit: 06.02.2002
Ort: Trier
Beiträge: 2.512
ist down
blog: www.mjusic.de
parties: www.tempo90.de
soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/boom-tschak
podkatz: http://www.mjusic.de/podcast
znork ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


breaks, breakz, new skool, newschool, nu breakz, nuskool

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