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Alt 22.05.2023, 15:01   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
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Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
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Beiträge: 3.933
mp3 Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome @ Bassdrive (18/05/2023)

Blu Saphir Show w/ Jay Rome - Jungle special @ Bassdrive


1) Trail, Visages -Misty Blue (1985 Music)
2) Acris - Tell Me Why
3) Metal Work & Just Mack -Free Falling (The District UK)
4) Nichenka Zoryana - Gopachok (Digital Blus Dub)
5) Skuff -Deep Blue (Compound Audio)
6) Kind Fiction - Elmswood (Four Corners)
7)Genesis Elijah -Undeniable (Command Strange Vocal Mix)(Liquid V)
8)Minor Forms/Kublai - Lift Music (C.I.A)
9) Leks - Handwritten vs Original Nuttah
10) Zero T & Minor Forms -Second Guess (Sofa Sound)

Jungle Mix Special

11) Missing & Skeleton Army - Raised in The 80's (Tim Reaper Remix) (Sub System Recordings)
12) Renegade - Terrorist (P.A. Mix)
13) Conrad Subs - Jungle Mania (Sl8r Remix)
14)Tenor Fly - Jah Sunshine (Ruff Neck) [Chopstick Dubplate Remix]
15) Cheetah - Kill Dem Dead (Sub Code Records)
16)Dub-Liner & Riffz - Bad In Town (Concrete Castle Dubs)
17) DJ Die - Reminisce {{Full Cycle)
18) 4am Kru - Ooh Boy (Extended Mix) (Embrace The Real Records)
19)Infekto - More Time (DJ Sofa Remix) (BASS=WIN)
20)4am Kru - Hurt Me No More (Extended Mix) (Embrace The Real Records)
21) Judda - Let Me Tell U (Drumfunk Records)
22) X-Rave - In The Meantime (Inner City Dubs)
23) Tim Reaper - DJs in the Mix (Unknown To The Unknown)
24) Tenchu- Unitiled (Dub)
25) 4am Kru & Sir Hiss - Earshots (Embrace The Real Records)
26) Nia Archives - Baianá (Not On Label)
27) DJ Die - Play It for Me (V Recordings)
28)Janaway - 24-7 Soundclash (Sub Code Recs)
29) Conrad Subs -Do It Again (Deep In The Jungle Records)
30) Lavery - Hackney Vandal Patrol (Sub Code Recs)
31) Janaway - Sensi Lover(Sub Code Recs)
32) Nebula - The Future (Tim Reaper VIP)
33) Paige Julia - Ease Your Mind (1985 Music)
34) Shorty - Jungle Flavour
35) Law - Second to None (R-WHITES)
36) DJ Hybrid - I Can Feel It (Boom 93)
37) Fluid Haunts - Not Your Ordinary Love Song (Hardcore Energy)
38) M.S.R - Is This Love (Section 63 Recordings)
39) 4am Kru - 2 Time Loser (extended mix)
40)Madcap - V7 Saxon Street (Vibez '93 )
41) DJ Ande - Crystals (Blame Remix) (Karma Recordings)
42) Sl8r - Rusholme Funk
43) Bow Street Runner - Ting 4 Luv (Sub Code Records)
44) Hyper On Experience - Lords Of The Null Liines- (Foul Play Remix) (Knite Force)
45) 4am Kru - Just Saw Johnny (Embrace The Real Records)
46) Top Cat -Gallist (Aries & Gray Remix) (Streetlife)
47) Watch the Ride, Nia Archives - Mash up the Dance (Rinse)
48) Wots My Code - Dubplate (Total Science Remix) (C.I.A)

Audio: https://soundcloud.com/blusaphir_rec...vecom-18th-may

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...

Geändert von Jay Rome (22.05.2023 um 15:09 Uhr)
Jay Rome ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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bassdrive, blu saphir, dnb, jay rome, jungle

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