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Alt 26.04.2018, 16:58   #1
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Cognitive Music Breaks Episode 06 - 21paths



Cognitive Music Breaks Episode 06 - 21paths

The mix series for Cognitive Music artists and friends. Download here or visit http://cognitivemusic.com to listen, download and view artist info.

This mix is a collection of some of 21paths's favorite tracks.

All sets are recorded live, no editing. I hit record, then play, then tear shit up.

21paths has been Djing since 1996, though he was known by the name of DJ Alias until recently. When he began djing he was heavily influenced by DJs and artists such as Sasha, John Digweed, Quivver, Hybrid, Jackal & Hyde and Dynamix II leading to his unique tastes in music and style of mixing. Break Beat is his heart and soul but on occasion, you can hear him throwing down some of darkest of house and trance. One thing is guaranteed, any time he throws down it's going to make you move.

21paths is Also co-owner of FUNKY Flavor. FUNKY Flavor is dedicated to spreading the love of breakbeat music. Check out FUNKY Flavor for latest in breakbeat mixes by some well-known DJs and some up and comers. One thing is certain, you will always find the best of breakbeat at FUNKY Flavor.

TRACKLIST – Cognitive Music Breaks Episode 06 - 21paths

01. Break Through Intro
02. A Robot Comes To Her - Golden Age Legacy (Original Mix)
03. Solesystem & El Aero - Birds (Solesystem Remix)
04. A-Mase - Lonely Soul (Esok Remix)
05. Sergey Lavrinenko - Ray of Light (Original Mix)
06. A-Mase, Stash & Spider - Inspiration (Breaks MIx)
07. Deepcry - Life Without Life (Omauha Remix)
08. A-Mase - Together (Original Mix)
09. A-Mase - Sensuality (Original Mix)
10. Raggapop Inc - The World Of Sound (Rick Tedesco Remix)
11. Pluton - The Stars Wait For Us (21paths Edit)
12. ReTrigger - Tiaga (Original Mix)
13. Aluria - Dreams (Satinka Remix)


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breakbeat, breaks, breakz, cognitive music, progressive breaks

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