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Alt 16.10.2021, 14:06   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome ft. Sequences @ Bassdrive.com (October 2021)

The Blu Saphir Show hosted by Jay Rome alongside special guest Sequences (October 2021)


Sequences is a Drum & Bass artist originally hailing from Bristol, UK. Quickly ascending the ranks as a DJ, and gaining notoriety at some of the biggest UK festivals including Glastonbury and Boomtown Fair inspired the move into production.In 2015, he relocated to France and signed his official debut with Subplate Recordings, along with a further 2 releases.

He was then noticed by Jay Rome, owner of Austrian imprint Blu Saphir Music.Sequences’ debut EP project for Blu Saphir Limited - entitled "Ethos" was received with critical acclaim, providing momentum for more studio time, creativity and new music. This was followed up with another single, also receiving excellent feedback from some of the biggest names in the scene.

2019 signalled his arrival in Colombia, and the signing of his debut with Dispatch Recordings alongside Colombian collaborator Brain. In addition, his 8 track "Raiden" EP on Blu Saphir Limited came shortly after with support from ALIBI, Zero T, Random Movement, Arkaik, Ben Soundscape, Data 3, Dave Owen, Stunna and many more influencial players within the Drum & Bass community.2020 brings new opportunities, with collaborations in development with a plethora of artists from across the globe as well as lots of exciting solo material.

Sequences is focused on the future, inspired by recent success and recognition. Expect to see a lot more from this artist going forward...


1) Syren Rivers & M:FX - Changes (Alibi Remix) - Blu Saphir Dub
2) D Bridge - True Romance - Metalheadz
3) EN:VY - Pegasus - Critical Music
4) D Minds - Step Off - Run Recs
5) Arkaik & Coma - Mind Games - Flexout Audio
6) Sequent & SKruff - Overdrive - Blu Saphir Music
7) Zero T & Ian Urbina - Modified - The Outlaw Ocean LLC
8) Kutting Edge - Half Drubk Full Moon - Dub
9) Melinki - The Cube (SL8R Remix) - Fokuz
10) Black Barrel - Still Kill But Don’t Mess With Drugs - Dispatch
11.) Donovan Bad Boy Smith & Beat Merchants - Like It Like That - Liquid V Promo
12) Neurotoxin - Bishop (Molecular Remix) - Skalator Music
13) Ezor - Monarch - Blu Saphir Limited Dub
14) Conrad Subs - Cool Off - Critical
15) Nemy & Shire - Without - Forbidden Frequencies
16) Goddard. - Player (Monroe Remix) - Shogun Audio
17) Kidsonic - Run Tune (Ways To Die)- inHabit Recs
18) Goldie [ft. Jose James] - Truth (Zero T Remix) - Metalheadz
19) Sl8R - Instand Attraction - Liquid V
20) London Electricity - Build A Better World (Hugh Hardie Remix) - Hospital
21) Avalon Rays - Running Out Of Love - Digital Blus
22) Random Movement - Patty Melt - Innerground
23) Bree & Dynamite MC - Hooked On U - Spearhead Recs
24) DLR, Break & MC Gusto - Temperature Is Rising - Sofa Sounds
25) Grey Code - Simple Things - MethLab Recs
26) Levels - Watch Your Step - ELevate Audio
27) Riya - Blame - Spearhead Recs
28) Future Tech - Just Hold On - Technique Recs
29) Joely & Madrush MC - Backhand (L Side Remix)- DnB Allstars
30) Ink, Loxy and Loomis - Stranger Thins - Architecture Recs
31.) Kusp & MC SAS & DRS & Fox & Patch Edison - Black Mirror - Overview Music

- Guest Mix Sequences

32.)Arkaik, Coma & Ray Uptown - Mind Games
33.) Black Barrel & MC Fokus - Nothing New
34.) Bladerunner - War Dub
35.) Enei - Sinking VIP
36.) Jam Thieves - Bangkok
37.) Break - Minimus
38.) Natural Forces - Birthright
39.) Black Barrel - Arina's Song
40,) Spectrasoul & Ben E - Suppression
41.) Natural Forces - Sense Memory
42.) Alix Perez, Spectrasoul & Rockwell ft. Anthony Moriah - Montpellier
43.) Atlantic Connection - Situations
44.) DLR - Busy
45.) DJ Rusty - Play The Game (Yatuza Remix)
46.) Sequences - Longshot
47.) dBridge - 5th Floor
48.) Marcus Intalex & Calibre - Mistical Dub
49.) Jubei - Cold Heart
50.) Ezor - Blaze da Hood
51.) Spectrasoul - Bygones
52.) Skylark ft. LaMeduza - The Chase (Arkaik Remix)
53.) Thematic - Lost In The Hush
54.) Syren Rivers & MFX - Change
55.) Resslek - B.C
56.) SVB, M-SOUL & S27 - The Alliance
57.) Enei - Ignit
58.) M-zine - Umbra
59.) DLR & Submotive - Blipped On The Head
60.) In Most - Do You (Kasra Remix)
61.) Klinical - Sinful
62.) Waeys - Snoar
63.) Scorpio - Trouble
64.) The Sauce - A Truck Load
65.) Alix Perez - Trinity (Skeptical Remix)
66.) Ezor - Murky Water
67.) Marcus Intalex - Step Forward
68.) Resslek - Winnie Hop
69.) DLR - Sufferation
70.) Enei - Dirty
71.) Ezor - Obscured
72.) The Sauce ft. Fox - Everything Boss
73.) Brain & Sequences - The Mountain
74.) DLR - County Lines

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...

Geändert von Jay Rome (17.10.2021 um 12:50 Uhr)
Jay Rome ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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