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Alt 15.04.2008, 20:47   #1
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von BASS_TIKAL
Registriert seit: 17.10.2001
Beiträge: 1.710
Vinyl Lenzman & Submorphics - Respiration / Way Back When [PHUNK011]

Next 12" soon to come....

A: Respiration
AA: Way Back When

Full Release: May 2008

The next 12” on Phunkfiction features two of the hottest outputs on the scene at the moment. Lenzman from the Netherlands and Submorphics from the U.S. have both signed tracks to labels like Spearhead, Integral, Fokuz, Intrinsic, Phuzion, Future Retro, Vibez, Cymbalism and many more lately.

They now teamed up to produce a massive 12” release with two deep & soulful rollers which will brighten up the d&b dancefloors all over the globe. “Respiration” sets you into an Al Capone cigar mood immediately by playing around with jazzy vibes and instruments all the way through. “Way Back When” is driven by an epic strings arrangement and funky vocal bits. Both tracks get heavy DJ support by ones like LTJ Bukem, Marky, Nookie, Makoto and many others which shows impressively that these boys are on fire.

DSM015 - Triad EP - The Essence (Out Now)
PHUNK018 - Atom - Studio Electronics EP 2x12"
PHUNK019 - Synth Sense 12"
PHUNK020 - Eastcolors - The Dreamer EP
PHUNK021 - Triad Album

Geändert von BASS_TIKAL (15.04.2008 um 20:51 Uhr)
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