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Alt 28.11.2022, 18:21   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
mp3 Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive.com w/ Jay Rome (November 2022)

24/11/2022 - Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive.com

1) Solah - Brand New [Hospital]
2) GLXY - By Design [Shogun Audio]
3) Calibre - Second Sun [Signature]
4) Artsea - Dreamtapes I [OneSeventyFour]
5) Kimyan Law - Sol [PlusPlusPLus Music]
6) Luke Truth & Motiv - The Way [Carnelian Music]
7) Zero Gravity - Caravan [Jazzsticks Recs]
8) Cleveland Watkiss, Digital, Dike Okoh - Energy [Function Recs]
9) Carlito - Passenger [Liquid V]
10) Boosta & Atmos T - Low Down (SL8R Remix)[Music Hertz]
11) Framer - Midnight (Felov Remix)[Transparent Audio]
12) Zombie Cats - Blame [Liquicity Recs]
13) Brent Faiyaz - Burn One (En:vy Bootleg)
14) Aydn - Switch [Calibrate Recs]
15) ALB - Can´t Get [Ram Recs]
16) Reziiient -After Dark [Promo]
17) Break , MC Fats - Natural Way [Symmetry Recs]
18) T>I - Air Head [Souped Up]
19) Anais, Red Fox, Formula - Tek It Easy [Hospital]
20) Melinki & Macca - Murder Situation [V Recs]
21) DLR - Roll WIth It [Sofa Sound]
22) Enei - No Man [Critical Music]
23) Asura. - Headcleaner [Blu Saphir Limited Promo]
24) Resslek - Pingus [Delta9]
25) DLR - Like This [Sofa Sound]
26) M:FX & Iamdoomed - Badboy Style [Delta9 Recs]
27) Sense MC, Creatures, Philth - A Penny for My Thoughts [Flexout Audio
28) Portait - The Purplest Cat [Boey Audio]
29) Molecular ft. Sonnyjim and Buckwild - YOLA (Molecular Remix)[SkankandBass]
30) Objectiv - Cabin Fever [C.I.A]
31) Molecular - Acid Funk [Sofa Sound]
32) Mistical - Inside My Head [Soul:R]
33) Vektah & Ruth Royall - What I Want [Soulvent Music]
34) Scorpio vs MC Spyda
35) Stelphy - Purple Mist [Subconscious Audio]
36) Enei - Flat Iron [Critical Music]
37) Bladerunner - Regeneration [Hi-Resolution Recs]
38) Amoss - Pico De Gallo [Flexout Audio]
39) Beak - Moisinn [Play Me Recs]
40) Ill Truth - Lightbreak [Soul Trader Recs]
41) Exile, Collette Warren, Trafik MC - Falling Down []
42) S.P.Y. - Night Flury [Dark Matter Recs]
43) I Am Legion - Choosing For You (Forbidden Society) [Vision Recs]
44) Halogenix. The Uobeats - Earache [DnB Arena]
45) Invadhertz - Horror Vacui [Delta9 Recs]
46) Visages - Love Conspiration [1985 Music]
47) LaMeduza, Waeys - Aether [Overview Music]
48) Revaux - Jelly [Kynetic Sounds]
49) Particle & Klinical - Cult Process -{Bootleg)
50) ZeroZero & Inja - Gobi [Sofa Sounds]
51) Invadhertz x Syren Rivers - The Ride [Delta9]
52) Alibi, Phentix & L-Side - Sido [V Recs]
53) Bassface Sascha & MC Spyda - One Time (Whiney Remix) [Original Key Recs]
54) Toby Ross, Veak - Tearout [Original Key Recs]
55) Lens - Feels Like (Workforce Remix) [Spearhead Recs]
56) The Upbeats - All Over You [UKF]
57) Enei & T Man - Tide Guide [Critical Music]
58) Halogenix & Sparkz - Sekkle In [Critical Music]
59) DJ Hybrid & Rider Shafique - Better Days (Acuna Remix)[Boom93]
60)Voltage & Sweetie Irie - Load Up [Digital Soundboy]
61) Anais - End Ya [Hospital Recs]
62) Enei & Jakes - Move In SIlence
63) Malaky & Satl - Her (Zero Tolerance Remix)[Sould Trader]
64) Molecular - Surrounded [Sofa Sound]
65) Invadhertz x Gemma Rose - Under [Delta9 Recs]
66) Particle & En:vy - With U [Critical Music]

DL & Stream:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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