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Alt 06.08.2022, 13:32   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive.com w/ Jay Rome (July 2022)


1 Visla - Djinn - #DWR07
2 DBridge - True Romance
3 Billie Eilish - you should see me in a crown (Magnafide D&B Bootleg)
4 gyrofield - Ramiel
5 GENIC - Outsider
6 Amoss - Front Left
7 Arkaik - Ominous
8 Black Barrel/Leo Cap - Fokus
9 Gyrofield - Tech Flex VIP
10 Rizzle - Nascent
11 Annix, Maksim MC - Droids
12 Kontakt / madrushmc - Start Barking
13 Operate - Chambers (latesleeper Remix)
14 Top Cat - Gallist (Serum Remix)
15 T>I & Trex dnb - Spirit Level
16 The Sauce - On a Mission
17 A Sides & King Kapisi - Step 2 The Fire
18 Black Barrel - MDMA
19 Leaf UK - Shoot off
20 Kasra, Envydnb - Swinging Swords
21 Noisia - Leopard Slug (Halogenix Remix)
22 Alibi - Soundsystem
23 M:FX & Iamdoomed Music - Dutty Dogs
24 Command Strange & Alibi - Welcome to the Future
25 Dub Elements - Mash It Up
26 Ed Solo & Dekline - No No No (Crossy Remix)
27 FarFlow - Gossipin'
28 Ill Truth - Close To The Edge
29 S.P.Y - Life Is Just A Game
30 Alibi - It Could Be
31 Teej / TREX - Telepathy
32 DLR, Total Science - Back Track
33 Tomoyoshi DNB - Trip is Over
34 Waeys & Levela - Gasp
35 Watch The Ride, Nia Archives - Mash up the Dance (Kings of the Rollers Remix)
36 Grimesy Dnb - Birdie [KOBA AUDIO]
37 Beat Merchants & Miss Trouble - Knock Em Out
38 Break - Tubes
39 Sequences / Wave - Ghosts
40 Dr Meaker - The Neutron [SYMM044]
41 Black Barrel - I Feel You [DISBBSV005]
To the Funk
42 Black Barrel - Reaching Out In The Other World
43 M:FX & IAMDOOMED - 40hz Funk
44 Chase & Status - Forgive Dark
45 Da Hool - Meet Her At The Love Parade (BREDREN bootleg)
46 DLR - Staying Up Late Making Music
47 Chimpo & Inqus - Mix Up
48 The Sauce - Ill Vibe
49 Ezor - ???
50 Workforce - So Long
51 High Contrast - Remember When (Winslow Remix)
52 Dubsky & Magnafide - Like U Do
53 A K A - Skin (INVADHERTZ Remix)
54 FUTURE CUT & Submotive - Exocet
55 Ed Rush & Optical - Fixation (Bootleg)
56 Nami - Space Walk [Subwave Remix]
57 Silence Groove - Cheeky Growler
58 Tweakz - Jungle Tech
59 Total Science - Squash (Break Remix)
60 Biyi - Choppa Sound (Whiney Remix)
61 M:FX & IAMDOOMED - Flashback
62 Waeys - Patched
63 Spectrasoul - Organiser (Bootleg)
64 Anile - Lost Sections
65 Leks - Addict
66 Objectiv, Teej, Medic - Slip & Slide
67 Noisia - Voodoo (Waeys remix)
68 X Bar Theory, Trex - Style & Substance
69 Kumarachi - Bad Boy Sound
70 Mad Vibes & Dubwilder - ???
71 Jack Boston Music feat. Tenisha Edwards - This Time


xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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