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Alt 02.08.2013, 12:00   #1
Galletas Calientes
Registriert seit: 01.08.2013
Ort: Colombia
Beiträge: 1
Vinyl [GB001] 7" SYSTEMA SOLAR - El Boton Del Pantalon / El Piko Electriko

Galletas Calientes Records, french label settled in Colombia, proudly present their new 7-inch vinyl label, Galletas Bailables. These delicious cookies to dance to will take you to a journey into Colombian, latin american and european modern folklore. Champeta, Cumbia, Balkanica, Porro, Currulao, Bullerengue, Salsa, Charanga, Descarga, Pachanga, blended with electronic music and Hip hop are among the genres we’ll try to compile for you.
First volume, by SYSTEMA SOLAR, includes the already well-known Champeta hit “El Boton Del Pantalon” and “El Piko Electriko”, an unreleased electronic Gaita tune, inspired by Eddy Grant’s “Electric Avenue”.

Listen and buy: http://www.galletascalientes.com/sys...iko-electriko/

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Geändert von Galletas Calientes (02.08.2013 um 12:06 Uhr)
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breakbeat, colombia, hiphop, ragga, tropical

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