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Alt 13.02.2023, 15:58   #1
Jay Rome
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von Jay Rome
Registriert seit: 20.10.2002
Ort: Ipanema
Beiträge: 3.933
Blu Saphir Show @ Bassdrive.com w/ Jay Rome (February 2023)



1) Moby - Porcelain (Pola & Bryson Remix) [Shogun Audio]
2) The Vanguard Project, L.I.T.A. -Stronger [Spearhead]
3) Revan, Objectiv - Slow Burn [Flexout]
4) Invadhertz, Sydney Bryce - Beautiful Stranger [Delta9]
5) Waeys, Patch Edison - Nothing [Critical Music]
6) QZB, Charli Brix - Take It All (Halogenix Remix)[Critical Music]
7) DJ Marky - Da Latin Thing [Innerground]
8) Syren Rivers and Command Strange - Source Energy [Fokuz Recs]
9) Mystific - Flames [Celsius]
10) Electrosoul System - Think Twice [Kos.Mos.Music]
11) Zero T & ONJ & Aaliyah Esprit - Games You Play [C.I.A]
12) Technicolour-/Technimatic - The Counting Tune
13) FD - Ice Cream [The North Quarter]
14) Mage - Time to Think of Something Better [Fokuz]
15) LP Giobbi & Bklava - Sinner (Flava D Extended Remix)[Hospital]
16) Pola & Bryson/Zitah - Tell You What I Did [Shogun Audio]
17) Zero T -Form 1 [C.I.A]
18) Visages - Love Conspiration [1985 Music]
19) Sklart Mafia - Return2Eden [4 Corners]
20) A-Audio & Syren Rivers - In My Veins [Planet V]
21) Koherent - Dancing Soul [Overview Music]
22) Revan, Fox - In the Cool [Flexout]
23) Foreign Concept - Mob Justice (DLR Remix) [Critical Music]
24) L0G1N - We Bring The Flava [Grid]
25) Magenta & MC Spyda - Back Ina Dem Place [Basslayerz]
26) Phase - Code Of Honour [Metalheadz]
27) Tao Maffa - Power (Entita Remix) [District Bass]
28) Criteria - Tomoe [white]
29) Broken - About [DNBB]
30) Sklart Mafia - Ill Flows [4Corners]
31) Visla - Morpheus [Critical Music]
32) DJ Hybrid - Lucky Number [Boom93]
33) Resound - Rhytual : Unsung (Mineral remix) [Straight Up Breakbeat]
34) SEQUENCES - ??? [Blu Saphir Dub]
35) ATMOS - I'm Feeling Okay [Riot Recs]
36) Visla - Vandal [Critical Music]
37) Nemy - Crucial [Weapons of Choice Recordings]
38) Dunk & Black Opps - Dark Cosmic [Midas Touch Recordings]
39) SEQUENCES - ??? [Blu Saphir Limited Dub]
40) Kuttin Edge - Say Again [Locked Concept ]
41) Seeka, AJEDD - Norf Landan [Off-License Records]
42) Emz, Sl8r, Blay Vision -Cammy Riddim [white]
43) Break & Fox - Code Red (Dub Mix) [symmetry]
44) Ezor - Toxic Dust [Blu Saphir Limited Promo]
45) Teej, Trex & Medic MC - Hot One (T>I_Remix) [TRUST035 Promo]
46) NEMY - D.D.D. [white]
47) Trex & Eljay - God Damn Sound (Molecular_Remix) [TRUST035T Promo]
48) Waeys, flowanastasia - Set The vibe [Critical Music]
49) Mohican Sun - Last Bastion [UKF]
30) gyrofield - Femme Fatale [VISION]
31) Koherent - Clatter [Overview Music]
32) Syren Rivers and Septa - You Fill Me (Phaction Remix)[Fokuz]
33) Minor Forms - Shadows (VIP) [Vandal]]
34) Dunk & Black Opps - Bad Robot [Midus Touch]
35) Azifm, Hound - All Crew [Must Make Music]
36( Molecular - Saga (Willers Remix) [Delta9]
37) Leks - Liaisons [white]
38) Rift - Faceless [District Bass Music]
39) Moisinn - Suburban Dream [white]
40) Revan - IMD [Flexout Music]
41) Tatora - IDWY [Tatora World]
42) Mitekiss - Love Me, Haunt Me [Goldflat]
43) Halogenix - Lost Friends [Gemini Gemini]
44) Sevin - Easy [white]
45) DJ Roots - Te Amo Brasil [white]
46) DJ Marky - Can't Hide [Innerground]
47) High Contrast - Can't Give You Up [Highly Contrasting]

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.blusaphir.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xx http://www.myspace.com/blusaphir_recordings xx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/digitalblus xxxxxx
xxxxxxx http://www.myspace.com/syncsaphir xxxxxx
xxxxx http://www.myspace.com/jayrome1978 xxxxxx

check out the Blu Saphir Show every secont thursday in month @ www.bassdrive.com and also the Xile Radioshow on www.play.fm every second month...
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