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Alt 20.06.2011, 17:30   #1
Junior Head
Registriert seit: 07.02.2009
Ort: Scientific
Beiträge: 35
New 2hr MAV studiomix up! Scientific Radio 18, called "Sounds of the Deep"

Check it out:

studiomix version: Mav @ Scientific Radio 18 - Sounds of the Deep - Studiomix Version
vocal radio version: Mav @ Scientific Radio 18 - Sounds of the Deep - Vocal Version

enjoy 2 hours of deepness, featuring lots of Seba !

01. Eschaton - Quarks
02. Electrosoul System - Ghost
03. Heist - Acoustic Shield
04. Electrosoul System & Cutworks - Milkyway Odyssey
05. Lm1 - Berlin (Future Engineers remix)
06. Motion - We are One
07. Physics - Soul Catcher
08. Scenic & Advisory - Icicle
09. Seba & Method One - Mr Downstairs
10. Seba & Paradox feat Kirsty Hawkshaw - The Light
11. Seba - Never Let You Go
12. Seba - Nostalgia
13. Krone & Xonora - Tales of Java
14. Krone - Designed Dreams
15. Mav, Krone & Xonora - The Meaning
16. Naibu - The Shine
17. Morcheeba - World Looking In (dnb bootleg)
18. Blu Mar Ten - By the Time my Light Reaches you (Klute remix)
19. Seba - Vanity
20. Seba & Physics - The Music
21. Seba & Method One - Heavy Traffic
22. Seba feat Robert Manos - Gold and Diamonds
23. Seba & Paradox - As If
24. Seba - External Reality
25. Flatliners - Twisted Dreams
26. Seba & Paradox - Red Tears

[url=http://www.scientific.nl][img]http://www.scientific.nl/var/files/image/sci_logo_dark_bg.png[/img][/url]Scientific - Covert Operations - Fokuz - Citrus - Vibez - Camino Blue - Kosmos - Offshore - Warm Communications - Translation - Counter Intelligence - Red Mist - NOtv
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