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Alt 11.02.2004, 12:11   #1
Gold Head
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INTERVIEW: impulse @ www.mtldnb.com



Name: Josh Clark
Hometown: Washington DC

[MTLDNB.COM] Tell us about your musical background, do you play any instruments? Did your interest in Drum n Bass spawn from production or DJing experience?

[Impulse] I was always into old rock, 70's funk, and hip hop. I like all music really. I played the saxophone for a few years before hearing drum n bass when I was 16 and then got into DJing at the age of 18. A year later, I started producing.

[MTLDNB.COM] was there anyone in particular who influenced or inspired you early on?

[Impulse] I would say it was Fierce, always used to love the energy in the tunes he would bring to shows back in 98/99. He was also the one who discovered Sinthetix, and made our No U Turn release happen. He was the one who gave me confidence in pushing the sound forward.


Hopefully some of the people reading this are familiar with name Sinthetix,the production outfit comprising of Rob F, and Impulse. Together theyreleased a load of devastating tunes on quite a few prestigious labels including Renegade Hardware, TOV, No U-Turn, Dsci4, and Subtitles, as well as churning out remixes of Cause 4 Concern's 'Skewer' and Black Sun Empire's 'Smoke'.


[MTLDNB.COM] Tell us Josh, are there any plans of you and Rob hooking up for a weekend of good old healthy studio hibernation any time in the near future?

[Impulse] Haha, yeah unfortunately i do not think there will be a Sinthetix "reunion" in the near future. Rob has pretty much decided to take all his focus off of drum n bass for the time being and apply that energy to other parts of his life.

[MTLDNB.COM] Which other artists have you collaborated with?

[Impulse] Sinthetix worked with kemal on 'Creature', There were the Impulse and Submerged Collabs, and now I'm working with Marcio of Telemetrik as Corrupt Souls. We have a 4 track EP on Moving Shadow, as well as a 12" on a new US label called Armada coming out very soon.

[MTLDNB.COM] What was it like working with Kemal?

[Impulse] Working with kemal was a great experience, it's always crazy to see how people work in different ways and use different techniques. The best times were the conversations that came from working in the studio with him. Discussions related to higher powers and the expressions in Electronic music to them and music in general.

[MTLDNB.COM] Can you shed any light on the gear you're currently using? Is your set-up software based? Any hardware?

[Impulse] I have always used a hardware studio set-up. Audio from the computer is used WITH the anolog hardware, but only to compliment it. I use an Emu e-6400 Ultra Sampler with 16 outs, and the RFX-2000 effects upgrade card. We used a Mackie 32/8 mixing console on sinthetix tracks, but i have been on a 24 channel 8 bus Tascam M2600 anolog mixing desk for the past year. All the distortion in my tracks has been from the desk. It's great, total anolog quality grit and it's a clean desk too. i use outboard tube compression on bass, and outboard digital compression on drums and other sounds.

Software wise, i have a PC, running Logic, and Soundforge. Logic is the best and i use it alot for audio processing, resampling and effects and of course for sequencing. I really encourage all producers to purchase an Anolog mixer and use it right along with your software, its the best of both worlds, and adds thickness and distortion quality. All of the biggest drum n bass producers are still using theirs.

[MTLDNB.COM] What is it about drum n bass that captivates you? What ultimately made you decide to persue a career in this industry?

[Impulse] I just enjoy the organic sounding, dark energy drum n bass eminates. its a good output for me to release that part of my energy.
When I'm in a different mood, i can make a track with any other influence i may have. Drum n bass can be anything. Any type of music or feeling can be expressed through drum n bass.

[MTLDNB.COM] With guys like Gridlok recently signing to Virus, and Hive being highly sought after, what are your thoughts on the quality of the material from U.S. Producers compared to what comes out the U.K.?

[Impulse] Well to be honest, i think that drum n bass really has gone down the tubes. I mean listen to 97-99, drum n bass was awesome. Now its quite bad. It seems as though the UK is just bored with the sound they used to go for, now its all cheese. I seriously believe Hive and Gridlok are better than those U.K. guys. The quality of U.S. production is definitely up there with UK producers, BUT, there are very few of us doing it. Out of the US it would be Hive, Gridlok, Kaos/Karl K/Jae Kennedy, and KIKO. Other than that, i dont play any US stuff.

[MTLDNB.COM] Which producers/labels do you feel are REALLY pushing the boundaries?

[Impulse] I think Kiko is hitting form right now. His sound is very tasteful and classy but he's going to need to be more consistent like do more than 1 tune every 2 months. No worries, I'll push him. Gridlok is definitely working it crucial, Black Sun Empire are great, really doing it boys.. There is a producer who goes by Dub Faction that Dom is bringing up. I am currently playing some of that stuff, REALLY hitting. Teebee is back on it too with clean, sick production. Evol intent are really pushing it and Kaos, Karl, n Jae are sounding good too.

[MTLDNB.COM] With the internet used more prominently in our daily lives, and the introduction of new technologies such as Final Scratch, where do you think the art of djing is heading? Furthermore do you think the combination of such technologies could have a noticeable effect on record sales or even be detrimental to dubplate culture?

[Impulse] Yeah i think the internet in general has hurt the drum n bass dubplate culture, its just everyone has access to all these tunes, when I first started out, we were all getting tunes by people sending us cds thats what it has to go back to, that is what i am starting this month, no more mp3s and no one will have my tunes. I think final scratch is a good idea for HOME MIXES to be recorded, but id much rather just play CDs off of 2 CDJ's when i play out. I believe that these technologies definitely have an effect on record sales, but at this point, I don't know to what extent. I think labels really need to start releasing MIX CD's from their artists, like Moving Shadow has done for years.

There's been some talk about producers watermarking their tracks, but i don't send them to many people anyway. If they get out, it's like who really cares, drum n bass is so small, and people who are actually into them will still buy the records. From now on though, im just gonna mail cd's to the big heads, and thats it until release. Things need to go back to how they were. Things were bigger and much better back then; more exclusive, more exciting.... maybe im just jaded.

[MTLDNB.COM] So people need to start analysing the old model and refining it to fit with todays technology?

[Impulse] exactly there's alot i dont agree with. For example, everyone having their own label, its like, these distributers just want money so they take on anyone with no prior releases under their belt and let them do a label, and let them release crap. Consequently, the market gets flooded with non quality music. I mean, dont get me wrong, there has always been good stuff and bad stuff, but these days it seems there is hardly ever any of the good and always plenty more $*!t everyday.

[MTLDNB.COM] I take it you're notthe biggest twist em out fan.

[Impulse] Haha, yeah that's the worst ever, all that uk crapstep. Ed n Optical suck now, Ram blows... All the old guys are no good anymore and the old guys were the ones with good production, so its sad. Maybe Bad Company are coming back. On the whole though, there's too much cheese and not enough innovation, vibe or origanility.

[MTLDNB.COM] How would you describe your style as a DJ? Deep n Rollin or Anthem Bashing?

[Impulse] Now as a DJ, I am always playing real hard, big tunes, but not too many Anthem style, but always real big, heavy, and rolling. Maybe I'll play a few deep things, but it's always tasteful and funky hard heavy numbers. Never techno drum n bass, I hate it.

[MTLDNB.COM] From the time you've spent touring, what's your most memorable DJing experience/venue/crowd?

[Impulse] I would say there were two parties Overseas. One was in at The End in London for a Renegade Hardware Night, and the other, BSE's 1st Blackout Party. That one was packed with about 2000 people going nuts, slamming venue too.

[MTLDNB.COM] What are the top 10 tracks you're currently thrashing in your sets?

Corrupt Souls - 'The Singularity'
Dom - 'Eye 4 an Eye'
Dub Faction - 'Untitled'
Corrupt Souls -'Machines'
C4C - 'Trakker'
Teebee - 'Sick'
Pacific - 'No Dominion'
Optiv + BSE - 'Release Me'
Impulse - 'Skullfuck'
Kiko - 'Milkshake bootleg'

[MTLDNB.COM] What can we look forward to seeing/hearing from you in the future?

[Impulse] Myself and Marcio are starting the Corrupt Souls record label through Load distribution. We will have www.CorruptSouls.com up soon (it's under Construction). Look out for alot more Corrupt Souls tracks, and solo Impulse tracks. Teebee wants an Album from me to release on Subtitles and I'm always wanting more gigs , so book me!

[MTLDNB.COM] Would you like to give shout outs to anyone?

[Impulse] Shout outs to the good keeks, to the effen hot good Nurse Jenerator, to crazy Teebee, to the Rinse boys - Tryan and Jon, we luv u, 2 Skynet for still keeping it real, shouts to my COWboys BSE, and all the people who are supporting the REAL music in drum n bass.

[MTLDNB.COM] Absolutely Wikkkid mate. Thanks alot for your time this afternoon :-) Good luck for your gig at FOUFONNES ELECTRIQUE on Sunday FEB 29

[Impulse] Thanks man, I'm really lookin forward to it. I hope this place is packed. I wanna play to a CROWD. Beware..... Very hard tunes coming!!

{Interview conducted by David Russell on behalf of http://www.mtldnb.com}
"Ich habe viel von meinem Geld für Alkohol, Weiber und schnelle Autos ausgegeben... Den Rest habe ich einfach verpraßt."
George Best
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Alt 11.02.2004, 14:03   #2
Platinum Head
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josh is the man! hört gut zu... :]
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Alt 11.02.2004, 14:30   #3
Metal Head
Registriert seit: 04.10.2002
Ort: Kölle
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Cooles Interview!
Corrupt Souls sind auf jeden superheftig...
Shaping the phuture, baby!
[ www.neurocode.de | basswerk | u3R | full force | m.Atome | shadybrain ]
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Alt 11.02.2004, 14:47   #4
hustlin l.
Hardcore Head
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die Zukunf scheint gerettet zu sein...
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Alt 11.02.2004, 15:11   #5
Forum Freak
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Nice Interview...aber Sound technisch...naja halt jedem das seine...
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