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Alt 05.03.2012, 17:27   #1
Gold Head
Registriert seit: 19.12.2002
Ort: Kronach (Oberfranken) / Jena
Beiträge: 1.158
AZS presents: 4 by Kit Curse

AUSNAHMEZUSTAND (AZS) - a hardcore drum and bass milita presents:

4 by Kit Curse.

Born and grown in Jena, Kit Curse lives in Munich since 2005. He is a young talented producer, dj and newly netlabel owner. His style is undefinable because it depends on his mood.He is part of "Shadowforces Recordings" and Label owner from" Brutal Attack Records".

Reinhören: http://soundcloud.com/basler/azs-pre...4-by-kit-curse

Download: http://soundcloud.com/basler/azs-pre...curse/download

Get in touch:


01//Species - Distance Operation (Visor & Kit Curse RMX) [Shadowforces]
02//Ogonek & Cooh - Scared of Dark (Rework) [METAFIZIQ]
03//Katharsys - Reptiles [Order In Kaos]
04//Gein feat. Counterstrike - Killer [Bad Chemistry]
05//Visor & Kit Curse - Murder [Shadowforces]
06//Switch Technique - D.I.D.[Genosha]
XX//Proket - Locomotive [Sinuous]
08//The Outside Agency & Sei2ure - Pacifists [Genosha]
09//Limewax vs Bong-Ra vs Thrasher - Suck Satan's Cock [PRSPCT]
10//Switch Technique - The Edge of Chaos [UNION]
11//Limewax - Fünf [Position Chrome]
12//Fake Silence - Breath (Visor & Kit Curse RMX) [Brutal Attack]
13//Forbidden Society & Future Signal - Hellbringers (Katharsys RMX) [Forbidden Society]
14//Dj Hidden - Times like these (Vip) [Killing Sheep]
15//Visor & Kit Curse - Asylum [Shadowforces]
16//Current Value - Hitman [Subviolenz]
17//Evol Intent, Vicious Circle & Ewu - Odd Number [Evol Intent]
18//Dean Rodell - Ecdysis [Subsistenz]
19//Katharsys - Q Bot [Sinuous]
20//Hedj - Sadre City [Assimilate]
21//Forbidden Society - Facing Extinction (Current Value RMX) [Algorythm]
22//Silent Killer - Supremacy Bleeds (Counterstrike Duomix)[Ohm Resistance]
23//Raiden - Peloton [Position Chrome]
24//Isotop feat. Shots & Kaiza - Kartago [Tilt]

AZS-Podcast Archiv:
03.03.12 Ausnahmezustand Pt. 4 mit FORBIDDEN SOCIETY & KATHARSYS @ Sächsischer Bhf, Gera

Geändert von holzklotz (05.03.2012 um 20:18 Uhr)
holzklotz ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
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