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Alt 15.03.2007, 08:48   #1
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von dirty
Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
Ort: Mannheim259
Beiträge: 396
Exclamation 01.06.07: 3 Years Passion vs Sickheads 30th - BIG Bday Bash @ MS Connexion, Mannheim

"3 Years Passion VS Sickhead´s 30th"

Am 01.06.2007 präsentieren euch Passion & DJ Sickhead in Kooperation mit den Künstlern des Abends den "BIG B-DAY BASH" im Ms Connexion.

Mit dieser Veranstaltung werden das 3jährige Bestehen von Passion Music und der 30jährige Geburtstag von Dj. Sickhead zelebriert. Mit der Idee einen "Non-Profit" Event auf die Beine zu stellen, gilt unser besonderer Dank den Künstlern!!!

Unkostenbeitrag am Abend: 1 €
23:00 - 06:00 Uhr

BIG UP!!;-)


Bassface Sascha (Dance Rock/Passion V.I.P.)
DJ Connecta (Formation Rec. UK/Germany)
DJ Gunfire 'b2b' DJ Dirty C. (Passion/WoDB/MA68)
DJ Sickhead 'b2b' Destroy2K(NSF,Dubplatelet,13 Music)
DJ Funksta (Magic Rec./R.R.)
DJ Kadis (Nucomer/Passion)

MC Kwestion (Gunshot Kru)
MC Shadow (R.R./Passion)


Kemp & Bendit (Mannheim 68/Passion)
Ghostrider (NSF, Culturama)
Soulpride (Gunshot Kru, Foundation music, XS rec. )
Undead Monkey 'b2b' Dfect (NSF,Morbid Entertainment,Blackhoe,Twisted Noiz Rec.)

MC Tropic (Gamblin Beatz)
MC StageRocka (Stagmountain)
MC Kryptomedic (Twisted Noiz)

more infos soon:.................

“01.06.2007 BIG B-DAY BASH”
3 Years Passion VS Sickhead´s 30th

@ Mainfloor:

23:00 - 24:00 DJ Kadis
24:00 – 01:30 DJ Funksta, Gunfire, Dirty C.
01:30 – 02:30 Connnecta
02:30 – 03:30 Bassface Sascha
03:30 – 05:00 Sickhead & Destroy2K
05:00 – 06:00 Dirty C., Dj Gunfire, Funksta

MC Kwestion & MC Shadow

@ Stahlwerk:

24:00 – 01:30 Undead Monkey 'b2b' Dfect
01:30 – 03:00 Ghostrider
03:00 – 04:30 Kemp & Bendit
04:30 – 06:00 Soulpride

MC StageRocka, MC Tropic & Kryptomatic
DJ Dirty C. @
http://www.myspace.com/gearsofwar68 (MMA)
What do you really know about Fighting if you never been in a Cage!!!
"What's MMA?" - "Mixed Martial Arts. Basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position"

Geändert von dirty (30.05.2007 um 10:30 Uhr)
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Alt 15.03.2007, 08:54   #2
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 27.08.2001
Ort: Ludwigshafen
Beiträge: 2.729
ei da simma dabei
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Alt 15.03.2007, 08:55   #3
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
hier könnt da euch enitragen


o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
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Alt 15.03.2007, 09:38   #4
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Tropic
Registriert seit: 06.08.2004
Beiträge: 5.860
sicki wird alt und wir feiern bis es knallt
disabled card successfully pulled!
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Alt 15.03.2007, 09:55   #5
Forum Freak
Benutzerbild von Steppsen
Registriert seit: 02.09.2002
Ort: Saar-G-Beat / NK-Town
Beiträge: 17.572
gott bald fällt er tot um...

is ja früh gepostet...denk ich komm dich schütteln
[Printwerbung is out]
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Alt 15.03.2007, 10:08   #6
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
Zitat von Step pb
gott bald fällt er tot um...

is ja früh gepostet...denk ich komm dich schütteln
genau du kannst mir dann einen von der palme schütteln

p.s. muss aber dazu sagen das ma mich erst am 3.6. schütteln sollte

leider kein anderes date bekommen daher das feiern vorverlegt
o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
DJSICKHEAD ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.03.2007, 11:11   #7
Platinum Head
Benutzerbild von K-OSZI
Registriert seit: 23.03.2006
Ort: Mannheim
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"BIG B-BAY BASH"...wundert mich, das sich noch niemand drauf gestürzt hat auf den fehler...FIRST!
26.10.12: 4 Years Feelings mit DJ BAILEY und RUMBA


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Alt 15.03.2007, 13:11   #8
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von dirty
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Ort: Mannheim259
Beiträge: 396
Zitat von K-OSZI
"BIG B-BAY BASH"...wundert mich, das sich noch niemand drauf gestürzt hat auf den fehler...FIRST!

Ahhhhhhhhhh wie bläääääääääääd!!!!

ne danke !! is mir nicht aufgefallen......

DJ Dirty C. @
http://www.myspace.com/gearsofwar68 (MMA)
What do you really know about Fighting if you never been in a Cage!!!
"What's MMA?" - "Mixed Martial Arts. Basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position"

Geändert von dirty (15.03.2007 um 13:14 Uhr)
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Alt 16.03.2007, 14:30   #9
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von repomatic
Registriert seit: 15.07.2004
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noch son alter sack dieses jahr sind wir alle reif...
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Alt 17.03.2007, 12:10   #10
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von DJ ShiZZo
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Zitat von dirty

Undead Monkey
Waaa de Lorc comes Back again

Natürlich auch wegen dir Sicklinde
~~~~~Nimms wies kommt just let it flow~~~~~

****************KiK Veteran*******************

Ich ich bin auf der dunklen Seite also komm mit mir in die Hölle und tanze zur Musik der Toten wenn du mutig genug bist kannst du mit mir den Klängen des Teufels Lauschen

Music is my life for every Feeling I need the Right Beat

Geändert von DJ ShiZZo (21.03.2007 um 14:48 Uhr)
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Alt 17.03.2007, 14:02   #11
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 25.04.2003
Ort: Discothek Alcazar
Beiträge: 4.434
omg ein altes schwein! wann wird geschlachtet?
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Alt 23.03.2007, 20:24   #12
DJ Gunfire
Silver Head
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Ort: Owere Ried Stroß zwähunat fäzeh
Beiträge: 535
Zitat von Herb
omg ein altes schwein! wann wird geschlachtet?
wenn du anschneidest, direkt auf dem dancefloor
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Alt 25.03.2007, 12:44   #13
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von daZe67
Registriert seit: 09.09.2006
Ort: waldsee
Beiträge: 1.540
schon fett

für 1 euro feiern gehen schon eine koole sache!!
denk werd vorbei schaun
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Alt 25.03.2007, 18:15   #14
Silent Darkness
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Zitat von Simon
Waaa de Lorc comes Back again

Natürlich auch wegen dir Sicklinde
Undead Monkey ist NICHT Lorcsyric..

Lorc ist lorc ist lorc ist lorc ist lorc ist lorc..... u know..

sickenstein, ich bin dabei!
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Alt 29.03.2007, 13:21   #15
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von dirty
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Ort: Mannheim259
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Zitat von daZe67
für 1 euro feiern, eine koole sache!!
ja, wir wollten es auch jedem ermöglich bei dieser Feier dabei zu sein!! wie oft hört man, "Ahhhh ich hab ke kohle, alles so deier" !!

Ich/Wir hoffe euch alle zahlreich Begrüßen zu dürfen denn,

Passion wird 3Jahre alt!!!

DJ Dirty C. @
http://www.myspace.com/gearsofwar68 (MMA)
What do you really know about Fighting if you never been in a Cage!!!
"What's MMA?" - "Mixed Martial Arts. Basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position"
dirty ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 30.03.2007, 19:30   #16
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 30.06.2006
Ort: Ludwigshafen
Beiträge: 596
Talking viel zu teuer

Unkostenbeitrag am Abend: 1 €

was so viel da bleib ich daheim
cem ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31.03.2007, 00:51   #17
Platinum Head
Registriert seit: 25.04.2003
Ort: Discothek Alcazar
Beiträge: 4.434
bekomm ich gästeliste?


need für pfand!!!

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Alt 01.04.2007, 21:04   #18
DJ Gunfire
Silver Head
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Ort: Owere Ried Stroß zwähunat fäzeh
Beiträge: 535
Zitat von Herb
bekomm ich gästeliste?


hmmm, glaub die ist schon voll kann dich nur noch auf die "50 cent liste" schreiben aber das ist doch inordnung für dich...oda ????
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Alt 02.04.2007, 16:11   #19
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 30.06.2006
Ort: Ludwigshafen
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Zitat von DJ Gunfire
hmmm, glaub die ist schon voll kann dich nur noch auf die "50 cent liste" schreiben aber das ist doch inordnung für dich...oda ????
mich bitte auch sonst kann ich mir nichts mehr zu trinken kaufen!!!!!!!
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Alt 02.04.2007, 16:14   #20
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von daZe67
Registriert seit: 09.09.2006
Ort: waldsee
Beiträge: 1.540
Talking hehehe

hoffen ma mal das des soundsystem ned versagt wie an silvester^^
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Alt 02.04.2007, 18:59   #21
Silver Head
Registriert seit: 17.05.2003
Ort: beim Freeze um die Eck
Beiträge: 767
bin ich leider in Vancouver /Canada , aber haut mal rein
Kickin some tune´s on dubplates.co.uk
skool rules radio is back!
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Alt 04.04.2007, 17:17   #22
Senior Head
Benutzerbild von kadis
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Ort: monnem
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Ultra geilo . Da wird gerockt aber vom feinschte!
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Alt 23.04.2007, 23:33   #23
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von Tropic
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my man krypto noch mit am start!DICK!
disabled card successfully pulled!
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Alt 23.04.2007, 23:52   #24
Gold Head
Benutzerbild von funksta
Registriert seit: 04.04.2003
Ort: highdelberg
Beiträge: 1.833
ah isch frei mi!
bassface rockt im moment die scheisse fett., jedes set porno.,

und des für 1 euro.,wahhhhhhhhhh
bleibt mehr zum saufen!
05.03.10 METROPOLIS "reloaded" feat. ANDY C & MC GQ @ MS Connexion Mannheim
13.03.10 Fast Forward-old school special @Colosseum Landau
30.04.10 INNOVATION in the SUN European Club Tour @ MS Connexion Mannheim
02.06.10: ROYAL RUMBLE 12th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION @ Loft Club, Ludwigshafen
26.06.10 innovation in the sun @ Colossus Club@ lloret de mar

*ZITAT KWESTION:ja läuft dubstep oder musik?*
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Alt 08.05.2007, 11:07   #25
Lady p
Junior Head
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Ort: FRA <-->MA
Beiträge: 21
Thumbs up

1 € !! das ist doch mal ein B-Day !!!

schön schön !!!

bin am Start!
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Alt 08.05.2007, 11:48   #26
Registrierter Benutzer
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ich hab auch vor zu kommen
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Alt 09.05.2007, 09:42   #27
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von dirty
Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
Ort: Mannheim259
Beiträge: 396
Flyer / Myspace

ganz vergessen !!!


DJ Dirty C. @
http://www.myspace.com/gearsofwar68 (MMA)
What do you really know about Fighting if you never been in a Cage!!!
"What's MMA?" - "Mixed Martial Arts. Basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position"

Geändert von dirty (29.05.2007 um 16:03 Uhr)
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Alt 14.05.2007, 16:38   #28
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
wer will noch wer hat noch nicht???

DJ Gunfire
Hausmeister K.
Kwestion !
Lady p
Silent Darkness

sieht aber uff jeden mol gepfelgt aus

also leutz eintragen zack zack

o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
DJSICKHEAD ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.05.2007, 15:34   #29
Metal Head
Benutzerbild von dirty
Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
Ort: Mannheim259
Beiträge: 396
Exclamation Bio. & Info !

Bassface Sascha

Bassface Sascha (eigentlich Sascha D.) ist Breakbeat-DJ der ersten Stunde und gilt seit den 90er Jahren als Wegbereiter der Jungle-Szene in Deutschland.

Nachdem er fast 4 Jahre lang mit der Sendung "Outbreak" auf XXL den Anhängern der gebrochenen Beats ein Forum geboten hat, kommt Bassface Sascha auf YOU FM nun regelmäßig in die Clubnight und bringt uns auf den neuesten Stand in Sachen Drum & Bass.

Mannheim, Industriestadt an der Mündung des Neckar in den Rhein, gilt als Geburtsstätte deutschen D&B in den frühen 90er Jahren - woran Bassface Sascha keinen ganz kleinen Anteil hatte. Ausgehend vom dortigen Milk!-Club erzeugte er zusammen mit Holger "Groover" Klein 1991 eine wahre Breakbeat Hysterie im Rhein-Neckar-Raum, die eigentlich bis heute anhält, und bald auch Frankfurt erreichte. 1993 erkoren Holger und Sascha das XS am Theaterplatz (später Willy-Brandt-Platz) zur neuen Heimat. Im selben Jahr spielten die beiden auf der Mayday auch das erste Drum & Bass-Set überhaupt bei einem deutschen Mega-Rave. Nach wie vor gehört Sascha zu den namhaftesten Vertretern unter den D&B-DJs und auch das Clubnight-Studio ist vertrautes Terrain für ihn.

1994 gründete Sascha das Label Smokin' Drum Recordings,und veröffentlichte vor allem Werke deutscher Newcomer wie Skeleton Rock von der Bassline Generation. Bereits nach 20 Releases wurde das Label 1997 bei den "Future Music Awards" zum besten deutschen Drum'n'Bass Label ausgezeichnet.

1999 erschien sein hoch gelobtes Album "Different Faces" auf Mole Listening Pearls. Zu Saschas zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen und diversen Remixen für namhafte Künstler wie Eminem ("Scarie Movies"), Armand van Helden, Jazzkantine u.a. gehören auch einige Film- und Werbespot-VertonungenAuch auf dem Meditation-Festival in Mannheim legte er auf.

Auf Evosonic Radio moderierte er seine eigene Show "Reload", ab 1999 moderierte er auch die Sendung "Outbreak" bei dem mittlerweile eingestellten Sender HR XXL und inzwischen die Sendung Clubnight beim Nachfolgesender YOU FM. Auch bei MTV, VIVA und GIGA trat er als Gast-VJ auf.




was born 1981 in Mannheim
Since his early years, he´s ben strongly influenced by all types of music
and constantly followed his goal of becomming a succsessfull musican by
working hard and keeping a healthyamount of self-criticism.
He startet DJ-ing around 1998 with his first plate, the famous "Warhead" by
Krust, and some plastic Turntables.
He´s allso supportet by his best friends: MC DRAGOON(winner of the future
music awards 2005 Germany),
Mc Paragreen and Dj TG(c2d Rec.uk/ger). In 2005, they builded up "Wild BoyZ"!
DJ CONNECTA established him self in many clubs of Mannheim and closer
environment such as:

Fight Club / Heidelberg / Mannheim (Resident)
High Times / Heidelberg / Mannheim (Resident)
Network / Mannheim /Germany (Resident)
Phaze Club / Mannheim / Germany
Rude Club / Stuttgart / Germany
Kings of the Jungle / Germany
Innovation / Germany
Vibration / Germany
Summer Session / Germany
Herbs´n´Spices / Heidelberg / Germany
Raw Deal / Nrnberg / Germany
Mahatma / Ulm / Germany
Royal Rumble / Germany
Empire / Germany
Radio Unity / Frankfurt / Germany
Hrxxl-Radio / Frankfurt / Germany
Bermuda-Funk-Radio / Mannheim / Germany

Title: Releases 2007:

Title: Releases 2006:

So stay tuned an anxious for his new stuff!!



DJ Soulpride

Soulpride is a Drum & Bass Producer who was born and raised in the southwest of Germany where the broken beats have been kicking about since the early days. He produces grimy basslines and smashing drums strictly for the dancefloor with the aim to make people brock out and go absolutely crazy. The first contact with Drum & Bass was made in 1997 and, as a drummer, he immediately was fascinated by these fast and wild beats. Having enjoyed the music for a while, Soulpride and Rusty decided to get going themselves by promoting Jungle Parties under the name of “Gunshot Kru” – a now well established crew operating in the south of Germany with up and coming artists like Lace, Solid, Elistha, Defnoyz, Weedee, Mc Kwestion, just to mention a few. Going to raves every weekend Soulpride was so excited about DJ-ing that he bought one Technics 1210, while his friend and party companion Lace bought the second one. Together they practised nearly every day and pushed themselves forward by trying to top each others’ skills. Meanwhile Soulpide has begun producing seriously with his computer and in a friend’s studio because he wants to make his own tunes smash the dancefloors. Now that Soulpride has discovered the secret of the Big Bad Basses, no one can stop him and one tune follows the other, soon to be heard on the forthcoming Foundation-Music releases.
At the moment Soulprides tunes get DJ support from people like Hype, Brockie, Nicky Blackmarket, Kenny Ken, Ruffstuff and more.



MC Shadow

In 1994 MC Shadow was introduced to the breakbeat scene. In 1995 drum and bass was added to his range of musical favorites. In 1998 he became active and met people in Mannheim that shared his musical interests. That same year, a group of several artists was formed known as the 68ers (Mannheim68) of which he became a part of. Until the year 2K, where he became a Royal Rumble resident mc, he was booked by smaller clubs all over Germany. Since then MC Shadow has performed at many greater events such as : Passion Desire, Formation Nights, E-Motion, Jungle Fever and Obsession



MC Kwestion

Mc Kwestion started his Mc-Career back in 1998, when the Drum´n Bass scene in Germany began to get big.

After one year doing his own thing he met Dj Rust and Dj Soulpride, the founders of the Gunshot-Kru. Getting much respect, Kwestion joined the Gunshot-Kru and found in it his new "home". Celebrating many parties together, mainly in South Germany (Speyer, Mannheim and Karlsruhe, the capitols of Drum and Bass in South Germany), but also in other cities in Germany, the Gunshot Kru got bigger and bigger and found more members, one like Dj Elistha , Dj Weedy, Dj Solid and Dj Defnoyz. In this combination the Gunshot-Kru became one of the best D´n B-Kruz in whole Germany and is still rocking many clubs and events.

Mc Kwestion is Resident-Mc on the legendary Gunshot-nights, which are hold once a month, since 5 years now.
He also played on many events, like:
Royal Rumble
Phaze Club
Random Concept
Double Drop Session
just to mention a few.



DJ Gunfire
"DJ & Promoter" *Passion*(D&B) Mannheim/Ger.

i´m DJ & Promoter in the Drum´n Bass Scene! I started DJ´ing in 1999.I´ve played my first sets in little Bars & Clubs here in Mannheim. Finally 2000 I met my DJ-Partner Kemp1 in a Jungle Club. We had the same visions and attitudes for the whole "DJ-thing" around Drum´n Bass. Then we started our Back2Back-Team "Double MK". More and more we were booked at namless events here in our town. 2001 I started to promote my own parties and did my first projekt called "Hardware Session" with DJ Loxy & DJ Dylan. Now it turned to "Passion"

Played @
One Nation (Bremen/Ger), Kings of Jungle (Mannheim/Ger), Royale Rumble (Mannheim/Ger), Jungle Fever (Mannheim/Ger), Innovation (Mannheim/Ger), Detonation (Mannheim/Ger), Hr3 XXl Radioshow (Frankfurt/Ger), Made in Germany (Mannheim/Ger), Fightclub (Heidelberg/Ger), Break Down (Braunschweig/Ger) and many many more.....



DJ Dirty C.
"DJ & Promoter" *Passion*(D&B) Mannheim/Ger.

DJ Dirty C. started djing in the year 2000. Influenced by UK/local artists like Shy FX, DJ SS, Skibadee, Fatman D, Bassface Sascha, 2Mk & Killa B, his "PASSION" for Drum N Bass music started growing.
In 2002, after numerous hours of hard work and improving his mixing skills, he became a member of "Mannheim68" .

A few blades later, in 2003, he finally had his first newcomer gig at the "Mindset" in CC Rosengarten. Only two months after, he played in Frankfurt, in Bassface radioshow called "OUTBREAK" (HR XXL/YOU FM).

In 2004 Dirty C. started promoting his own events in corporation with Dj Gunfire, named "Passion". They performed with artists like DJ SS, Grooverider, Shy Fx and also promoted events in corporation with World of Drum N Bass & Jungle Fever.......

Played @
*Passion Resident*, World of Drum N Bass, Jungle Fever, One Nation, Made in Germany, Mindset, Royal Rumble, E-motion/Obsession, Phunkz, Figth Club, Mannhighm Dj Session, DnB Festival, Various D&B (BS), Breakdown (BS), Higher Level Sound, Local Allstars, Rude Family (NBG) and many many more.....

Outbreak (Hr XXL) & Bermudafunk



DJ Sickhead & Ghostrider

Styles: Drumfunk, Liquidfunk, Raggae Ragga Dub Drum & Bass, Happy Hardcore, Breakbeats, TechStep, Hardstep, Darkside

1993/94 Türmchen@ Walzmühle Ludwigshafen ,1995 Subway Mannheim, 1996 Dj Contest @ Alte Feuerwache Mannheim 10/26
1997 Network @ Miljöö Mannheim, 1998 3112 Miami / Florida (USA), 1999 Vibration New Years Eve @ Ms Connexion Mannheim

2001 Phazeclub @ Ms Connexion Mannheim, 2002 Sounds of Sinistery @ Subway Mühlhausen, 2002 Jungle Raiders Network D'n'B @ Boa Luzern, 2002 Insurrexion @ Route 66 (Malsch), 2002 Phazeclub @ Ms Connexion Mannheim, 2002 MS Stubniz (Rostock), 2003 Residents Night @ Phazeclub, 2003 Mindset @ Rosengarten, 2003 Full Flavour @ Phazeclub, 2003 Sound of Sinisters 3 @ Loch Ness , 2003 Bass in the Wood #1 @ Grillhütte Rheinau, 2003 Eazy Ruff Sessions @ Loch Ness, 2003 Mannhighm DJ Session #1 @ 7er, 2003 Insurrexion Ruff Style @ Loch Ness, 2003 B-Massacre @ Loch Ness, 2003 History of DnB 13 @ Phazeclub (MA) ,2003 SoundForce 2 @ Lagerhaus ,2003 Neurotic Breaks @ Bermudafunk ,2004 Phaze:club @ Ms Connexion Mannheim ,2004 SoundForce 3 @ JUZ Mannheim ,2004 Angelic Party @ KPGT Belgrad ,2004 Intelligent D&B @ BumTschakBar, Mannheim ,2004 Hardcore Junglism! 5 @ JUZ Weinheim ,2004 Vibez Club @ Lagerhaus ,2004 Crime Reloaded @ Crime Club Lampertheim ,2004 Sound Fource 4 @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 Eichhörnchen Bbash @ Jimmy T, Speyer ,2004 Mindstorm @ Brasserie Village, MA ,2004 Insurrexion 2 Years Bbash @ Loch Ness, Wiesloch ,2004 HighTech Drum & Bass @ Sedel the Club, Luzern, Schweiz ,2004 Mannhighm DJ Session #2 @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 E-motion „Jungle Legends“ @ Siebener, MA ,2004 Rollin Jungle&Drum&Bass @ Juz, Idar Oberstein ,2004 High Temperature @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 Dynamite Club @ Genesis, MA ,2004 Heat „Mash“ines @ Loch Ness, Wiesloch ,2004 Sound Force 5 @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 Sound Force 6 @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 Low Darkness Hardcore @ Loch Ness, Wiesloch ,2004 The Insurrexion Ten (Lorcscyric B-Day Bash) @ Loch Ness, Wiesloch ,2004 Audio Injection Club (High Definition) @ MS Connexion, MA ,2004 “KRIEG IM KLUB” SF7 @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2004 Nightmare before Christmas @ Lagerhaus, MA ,2005 Insurrexion 2005 @ Loch Ness, Wiesloch ,2005 Nine Hellz/first gate to hell @ Ex-Steffi, KA ,2005 Made in Germany pt2 @ MS Connexion, Mannheim
2005 Audio Injection Club & SRRS presents: "TSUNAMI!!!" @ MS Connexion, Mannheim
2005 FRIDAY THE 13th @ Juz, Mannheim ,2005 Human Traffic @ Äther Club, Chemnitz
2005 Secret Frequencies @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2005 DYNAMITE - Drum'n'Bass - OPEN AIR [12.oo - 00.oo Uhr] @ Bürgerweide, Worms ,2005 Under Feier @ Madison, Emden ,2005 Slamdown pres.: Sickhead & Sykes @ Distel, Ottweiler/Saar
2005 Kings Of The Jungle "The Next Level" @ Maimarkt Club, Mannheim ,2005 Back in time "SummerBreeze" @ 7er, Mannheim
2005 Kings of the Jungle After Show @ Ludwiq, Ludwigshafen ,2005 Break `in´Beatz @ Hoersaal, Bamberg ,2005 30. B-Day Bash @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim , 2006 Morbid Entertainment Presents: Deep Beatz & Hard Stepz@Wildstyle, Karlsruhe ,2006 Nine Hellz @ Wildstyle, Karlsruhe ,2006 JUNGLE FEVER "the 13th Birthday Bash" @ MS Connexion, Mannheim ,2006 7 Jahre Baesse @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2006 Dynamite Club @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2006 NSF Special @ Fight Club, Heidelberg ,2006 :e:MOTION`s SUPER SUNDAY @ MS Connexion, Mannheim ,2006 Boogie Nights Lounge @ Halle 007 (Ex-Siebener), Mannheim ,2006 Irie Bizness pres. Commercial Execution part 2 @ O-zone, Ludwigshafen ,2006 Krieg im Klub - The End @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2006 EIN_RÄUMEN @ Villa Nachttanz, Heidelberg ,2006 Drum'n'Bass-Burnout @ Unifest, Karlsruhe ,2006 Kings of the Jungle-Payback @ MS Connexion, Mannheim, 2006 Funkstas Wedding Bash @ Schwimmbad-Musik-Club, Heidelberg ,2006 NSF presents: 3 Jahre Soundforce @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2006 The Festival of Drum & Bass-Reload @ MS Connexion, Mannheim ,2006 Local Allstars - Jam Session @ IM EX 7er CLUB, Mannheim ,2006 Kill Notes @ Lindenau, St Wendel ,2006 Support the Local Allstars @ Lagerhaus, Mannheim ,2006 Jungle Fever @ MS Connexion, Mannheim ,2006 NICE'N'EASY SESSIONS presents FREESTEPPA's BDAY BASH @ Lagerhaus ,2006 Royal Rumble @ Connexion, Mannheim ,2006 Local Allstars - X MAS SESSION @ 7er, Mannheim ,2006 Twilight Zone @ Zimmer, Mannheim ,2006 In the Jungle-NYE @ MS Connexion, Mannheim ,2007 4Club @ Zollamt, Stuttgart ,2007 Breakbeat Journeys @ Distillery, Leipzig ,2007 The Butterfly Expierence @ Liquid Lounge, Speyer


MC Kryptomedic

Mc Kryptomedic grew up in the US outside of Boston Massachusetts. First getting involved with music at the age of 14 Kryptomedic hooked up with the Four Elements Crew. As time passed Kryptomedic expanded his musical horizons and split from the crew taking on projects mostly involving trip hop. After briefly serving the US Army Kryptomedic found himself in Mannheim Germany. Here he met DJ TJ who would become Co-founder of the Section 8 Crew. In 2003-2004 Kryptomedic recorded his first cd Entitled Trip To This produced by Morbous. The album focuses on the idea of a failing society needing to be saved. Plans have already been laid out to follow this Cd up with a series of Releases following the story laid out in this debut. Since the completion for Trip to This Kryptomedic has worked on a number of projects. In the year of 2005 the Section 8 crew began organizing events in Mannheim. Though the events generated a good deal of buzz in the underground they would also unfortunately lead to the demise of S8 as a crew. However It was during this time that many important relationships would be formed. Thanks to the success and exposure that 2005 provided Kryptomedic hooked up with his first German crew Gamblin Beatz and helped host their Sunrise Sounds Afterhours events... At the end of 2005 Krypto began recording his second LP MIND VENTURES, a trip hop centered album with minimal lyrics showcasing what he had learned in 2 years of producing. Most of the album was made using only a Korg ElecTribe SX sampler with the exception of 2 tracks entitled Shogun and Voyager which were made using Reason 2.5 . Music Videos for these songs were also made and directed by Kaylee Richards (peep youtube). During the Mastering of MIND VENTURES Krypto gained a better knowledge of music in general thanks to a new partnership with Mike "Fatman" One. After the final Master the two continued to work together and toured in both Northern Germany and Southern Germany. Eventually Krypto would come to join with Mike One in the formation of Academy Music Inc. After the completion of MV Krypto began a totally new venture and helped kick off a new Internet Radio Station TWISTED FREQUENCY. After Being contacted by Micky C early summer about the project Krypto and former S8 squad member TJ aka Cross created a plan for world domination through music named WRECKAGE RADIO. Originally appearing biweekly, the show gained momentum and listeners world wide and now plays weekly on Thursdays. Finally in 2007 Kryptomedic released his first track on the UNITED NOIZE EP from TWISTED NOIZE RECORDS the labels first release. The EP also feature tracks from Drowsyd(Venezuela), Noise Condition(Latvia), and the Phat Riderz(France). Be On The Lookout from more from TWISTED NOIZE, Wreckage Radio and Kryptomedic!!!! Drop Me A Line On My Wall....


Rest folgt!!!
DJ Dirty C. @
http://www.myspace.com/gearsofwar68 (MMA)
What do you really know about Fighting if you never been in a Cage!!!
"What's MMA?" - "Mixed Martial Arts. Basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position"

Geändert von dirty (15.05.2007 um 16:09 Uhr)
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Alt 17.05.2007, 19:07   #30
Diamond Head
Benutzerbild von DJSICKHEAD
Registriert seit: 23.12.2002
Ort: MaNnHiGhM
Beiträge: 6.803
bio update

Dfect also known as D.T.A, dj, promoter, producer and founder of Morbid Entertainment.

He first got into drum and bass in '96.In the early days he listened to as many styles of drum and bass as he could, till he found what he was looking for. Dark, hard and fast dnb. Already having a love for Punk Rock and Hardcore Music from Bands like Rawside, Rage against the Machine, Bad Religion and Toxoplasma. In _98 Dfect got his first set of turntables, that is where he spent the most of his time. After 3 years of spinning he decided to take a break from drum n bass music_he getting back into the scene in the summer of _04, after discovering the sound of Breakcore, Dfect founded the Morbid Entertainment crew and promoted and played at numerous events since then. One year later Dfect started to produce his own tunes and creats the alter ego D.T.A.


Dfect played at many gigs and radio shows since 1999 like:

_ Pleasure Bass (KA)
_ Massive Drums(Querfunk)
_ They Live! (Torespond.hu)
_ "Das Fest" Drum n Bass WarmUp (KA)
_ Nine Hellz, (KA)
_ _Deep Beatz; Hard Steps_ (KA)
_ Krieg im Klub presents : The Aftermath (MA)


Final Anihilation _ forthcoming Mindsaw Recordings
Cries of War _ forthcoming Combat Recordings (Cries of War EP)
Friday _ forthcoming Combat Recordings (Cries of War EP)
The Descent _ forthcoming Combat Recordings (Cries of War EP)
Room in Hell _ forthcoming Combat Recordings (Cries of War EP)
Suffering _ forthcoming Black Hoe Recordings
BlutigesFleisch _ forthcoming Black Hoe Recordings
Braineater _ Twisted Noize Recordings
Resurrected _ forthcoming Twisted Noize Recordings

www.morbid-entertainment.de , www.myspace.com/dfectdnb , www.myspace.com/dtadnb , www.myspace.com/morbidentertainmentdnb
o=^0 Need-Some-Fuck | Dubwars | Soothsayer | Lightless | DigiBeatMusic | Ringe Raja Rec. 0^=o
_\|/_ www.nsf-music.de | www.soothsayerrecordings.com | www.dubstepmusic.biz | www.subvertcentral.com _\|/_

Radioshow- "Massive Drums"- Querfunk 104,8 http://www.querfunk.de/live.html

Ringe Raja Rec. Release #26 out now 4 free !!! --> http://ringerajarec.nsf-music.com/releases.html
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