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Geburtstage am 11.09.2024
Eddie23, RogueSoul, crank (45), Faby (38), JayPeeM (23)
SUNANDBASS 2024 @ San Teodora, Italien
Kalender: Parties, Events
07.09.2024 bis 14.09.2024 00:00 bis 00:00
Region in der die Party stattfindet: Worldwide - (UK, NL, France, Belgium, USA, CZ, Poland, Italy, Spain, ...)

We’re wrapping up one year and racing ahead towards our next big gathering. And this one is a special one…

Join us as we commemorate 20 Years of SUNANDBASS from 7 - 14 September 2024! Who was there in the beginning with us? We’ve come a long way since then! Do you remember the DJs trekking around San Teodoro with heavy bags of vinyl, or did you ever stay in a single bed in the SUNANDBASS apartments? Maybe you remember us sweating to shuttle everyone around in the tiny Fiat Puntos or the wind blowing the needle off the vinyls during a set!? Or do you remember when we ran out of beer and bottled water…can you guess which one we ran out of first!? We would be nowhere without all of you and these amazing experiences (now memories) that brought us to where we are today. We wouldn’t change it for the world!
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