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German Drum'n'Bass Artist Booking

Ihr seid Party-Veranstalter und wollte einen der unten gelisteten Artists für Eure Party buchen? Kein Problem: Artist auswählen, das Formular ausfüllen und abschicken. Die Anfrage wird direkt an den Künstler oder dessen Agentur geschickt. Die setzen sich dann umgehend mit Euch in Verbindung.

You are a promoter and want to book the best german DJs or MCs? By using the form below you can send your inquiry directly to the artist or his agency and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please select one artist, fill out the necessary fields and hit submit. If you want to book another artists, please use the form again.

The given artists are the top 10 of last years future-music.net Awards! If you're interested in another german artist not listed here, don't hesitate to contact us. We can forward your inquiry.

 Artists - DJs  Crew, Label - City
Bassface Sascha     (Stereotype, You FM - Mannheim)
E.Decay     (U3R Music, Rawhill Cru - Mannheim)
Freeze     (Boogie Beats - Ludwigshafen)
Judge D     (Nightflightclub - Braunschweig)
Lyde.Buddah     (DnB Bundesliga - Braunschweig)
phace     (Neosignal, Subtitles - Hamburg)
Quincee     (Lifeline Promotions - Bremen)
Rusher     (Ruthless, The Repercussion - Bremen)
Syncopix     (Syncopix Rec., Hospital - Hamburg)
The Panacea     (Position Chrome, Offkey - Würzburg)
 Artists - MCs  Crew, Label - City
Benski     (Dreamland - Hannover)
Faith     (Nachtbeben - Mannheim)
Fava     (Go2Jungle - Freiburg)
Kemo     (Soul:R, Digital Soundboy - Düsseldorf)
Kwestion     (Jungle Fever - Speyer)
Marvelous     (nme click - Ulm)
Mex-E     (Cellebration - Celle)
Mystic Dan     (DnB Bundesliga! - Braunschweig)
Soultrain     (Rawhill Cru, Formrecording - Hamburg)
Stunnah     (One Nation, KotJ - Celle)

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18.09.2024, 13:07 h | 3 Junglists online